I’ve stolen the first part of a headline at Big League Politics for my headline because it can’t be said often enough!
Yesterday after I wrote the post about the gruesome murder of Mackenzie Lueck in Utah and said again that the media is (I believe purposefully) leaving out important facts when covering crime news so that they don’t step on their message that migrants*** are just good folks, just like us, looking for a better life.
The great danger is that in so doing they have created a whole generation of Mackenzie Lueck’s, living in la-la land, who have no discernment and frankly cannot see that some migrants are monsters.
Thanks to reader Cathy for sending this news about a couple of those monsters being protected by the media in Georgia because it gives me an opportunity to once again repeat the message and give you more news items sent to me over the last week.
When I began writing ‘Frauds and Crooks’ in January, I told you that the Leftists (Progressives, or whatever you call them) will be telling heartwarming stories about migrants (LOL! their “new Americans”) in the run-up to the 2020 Presidential race, so it is very important that you tell the stories about the monsters in order to give some balance to their news!
Continue reading “Fake News Covers for Migrant Crimes”