I first told you about the clash instigated by a gang of ethnically mixed ‘youths’ here at RRW in June of 2018.
Many months later the local police have finished their investigation and arrests were made this week in the killing of Donald Giusti who died when he was hit by a rock and beaten at a Lewiston park last June.
Continue reading “Arrests Made in Lewiston, ME Death of White Man at the Hands of a Gang of African Refugees”
Tag: Murder
Minnesota: Trial Opens in Case of Somali Police Officer who Killed Unarmed Woman
And, get this, Mohamed Noor’s defense attorney brought up the Somali police officer’s early life in a refugee camp in Kenya, and Minnesota Public Radio makes a point of mentioning the makeup of the jury—half are white and half are “people of color” with several immigrants among the jury members. Sickening the way this is being set-up!
If you are new to this story, see my post at Refugee Resettlement Watch from last year. There are links to follow for a review of the news that Noor killed Australian Justine Ruszczyk (sometimes referred to as Damond, her fiance’s name) when he says he feared for his and his partner’s safety.
Continue reading “Minnesota: Trial Opens in Case of Somali Police Officer who Killed Unarmed Woman”
Maryland: Muslim Man Charged in Fatal Hit and Run, Attacks at Mosques
I just told you about one Mohamed in West Virginia, and now comes another Muhammad in trouble with the law in Maryland and Virginia this time.
Thanks to reader Gail for sending the story which I see has gotten very little attention in the media.
Continue reading “Maryland: Muslim Man Charged in Fatal Hit and Run, Attacks at Mosques”
Virginia: Salvadoran 'Dreamer' Sentenced to Life in Prison for Rape/Murder of Muslim Teen
You might remember the story from June 2017, when a Muslim teen was beaten to death and the local Muslim community and its media mouthpieces were absolutely sure her death was the result of rampant Islamophobia, but as I said here at the time:
…there is no Islamophobic Rightwing redneck American to blame here.
Just a run of the mill case of an illegal alien animal free to roam America thanks to our failed immigration system—our failure to close the border, then and now!
Continue reading “Virginia: Salvadoran 'Dreamer' Sentenced to Life in Prison for Rape/Murder of Muslim Teen”
New York: Malaysian Born, Harvard-Educated Cardiologist Charged in Horrific Torture Case
This story about an immigrant doctor, Vignendra Ariyarajah, is going to make you sick.
I don’t know why it isn’t all over cable news this morning! (Is it reluctance to show another ‘new American’ in a bad light?)
Indeed, there is very little coverage of the case of the doctor now wearing an ankle monitor in the media generally.
It seems that the New York Post got the scoop and in its usual swift and sensational fashion, the UK Daily Mail published the story yesterday replete with many photos of the alleged mastermind of a gruesome kidnapping case that resulted in the death of a new born baby.
And, with a photo of the good doctor with then Veep Joe Biden!
Continue reading “New York: Malaysian Born, Harvard-Educated Cardiologist Charged in Horrific Torture Case”