The traditional address to the nation happens in February, so as we flip the calendar to March, inquiring minds are asking when do we see the Joe Show?
The speech often runs two hours long and we wonder if Biden can stand and speak that long.
My guess is that it will not happen and they will blame fears of a domestic terror attack as previewed by the acting head of the Capitol police last week.
In the meantime….
President Trump gave a rousing state of the union address yesterday at CPAC which I am sure most of you witnessed. The big news of course is that he plans to continue his control of the Republican Party and hinted that he is considering a run in 2024.
Heads surely exploded when he uttered this line: “I may even decide to beat them a third time.”
Trump’s ability to speak without pause for hours stands in contrast to the man in the White House that 80 million Americans supposedly elected to lead the free world who can’t seem to go a few minutes without a gaff.
There were some observers who declared that former President Donald Trump‘s speech before CPAC on Sunday was actually a State of the Union address. There is some truth to that. His comments covered the state of the union, the state of unity within the Republican Party and conservatism, and the prospects for the future.
Mr. Trump’s appearance, however, occurred just as the public, media and lawmakers themselves are wondering whether President Biden will make the traditional presidential speech before a joint session of the Congress.
In historical perspective, Mr. Trump gave his first address to Congress on Feb. 28, 2017; former President Barack Obama on Feb. 24, 2009; and former President George W. Bush on Feb. 27, 2001.
So where is the 46th president in all this?
My guess is that Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman is setting up the excuse and blaming it on us, on Trumpsters: No state of the union this year because of the threat of domestic violence.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi advised on Feb. 11 that Mr. Biden would not be making any big speeches until “we pass our COVID relief bill.” The House did that on Saturday.
Other factors, such as the threat of the virus in close quarters, and the security challenge on Capitol Hill, have been cited as a reason for the delay.
“We know that members of the militia groups that were present on Jan. 6 have stated their desires that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to the State of the Union,”Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman told the House Appropriations Committee during an appearance Friday.
That is unheard of for a little blog like mine. However, mystery solved when a friend notified me that Sidney Powell posted the link at her Telegram account. Thanks to whoever brought it to Powell’s attention!
The word has gone out! Come one and all to the US Southern Border because Biden/Harris promise they will not hold you on the Mexican side of the border like that mean old Donald Trump did for so long.
Surely you are seeing the news everywhere—oh woe the unaccompanied alien children are suffering.
Biden’s proposed refugee admissions number (125,000 for FY22) surpasses any year of Obama’s 8 years.
But, no one, even on our side of the immigration divide, tells you that the “children” are not tiny tots crying for mommy, but are mostly teenaged males.
Before I get to that, see my Round-up post yesterday at Refugee Resettlement Watchon the Biden administrations plan to bring in up to 62,500 third world refugees by October first of this year, in addition to the tens of thousands flooding in illegally.
And see that all across the country the contractors are gearing up for the new arrivals (aka new Democrat voters).
Before you even read the news about how Chairman Joe is now getting blowback from his own people because he isn’t moving fast enough on his promises to the open borders agitators, and he is incarcerating kids, see this data from the Office of Refugee Resettlementwhich is responsible for the care and feeding of the unaccompanied alien ‘children.’
In fiscal year 2020, 72% were over 15 years-old and 68% were males. Those numbers have remained steady over the years.
At another time in history these young men would have been called invaders.
Mostly teenagers:
Mostly males (and how many of those 17 year-olds are actually much older?)
Although President Joe Biden promised to end the seemingly draconian immigration policies of the previous administration and reclaim the country’s supposed reputation as a safe haven for immigrants everywhere, some supporters are enraged as he continues to expel tens of thousands of migrants, restores an unlicensed shelter for migrant children and struggles to implement policy changes without a full staff in place, reports the Washington Post.
And as former president Donald Trump dispatched his deputies to the Hill on Wednesday to lobby against Biden’s immigration overhauls, and Trump plans to blast those changes in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday, An Immigration and Customs Enforcement email obtained by The Washington Post shows that the administration has already entered crisis mode on the southern border.
Trump is reading the tea leaves, as noted by PJ Media.
Unbelievable! The Democrat socialists are more concerned about us and about white nationalism than a border invasion! Don’t expect any reaching across the aisles anytime soon, maybe not in our lifetimes!
An email from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement reports that shelters have been authorized to purchase airline tickets and cover other transportation costs for unaccompanied minors who have crossed the border and whose relatives are already living in the United States.
Since Biden’s promise not to expel any more minors, the number of minors in federal custody has more than tripled to 7,000, prompting officials to reopen an overflow shelter in Texas to house them — even though the shelter is not state-licensed, as required — until officials can place them with a parent or guardian in the United States.
Endnote: If you are on Facebook, see that I have been posting on my Refugee Resettlement Watch page there. Click here. There is lots of enthusiastic commenting going on and so I’ll stay on Facebook in order to reach thousands, at least until I get the boot.
Yesterday I postedthis newsfrom the UK Daily Mail.
AOC wants to abolish the Dept. of Homeland Security and ICE and wants us to admit thousands of ‘climate refugees’—a new category of refugee— something I have been talking about for a decade at RRW.
No, he doesn’t call himself a RINO (Republican in name only), I call him and the creeps at places like the Lincoln Projectthat, but that is who he is talking about.
Surely you remember Anthony Scaramucci, a supposed Trump loyalist, who lasted only a few days, a week, or whatever it was as a Trump White House Communications Director.
I still don’t understand why/how Trump had little ability to identify sleaze balls in his administration before they did damage to him.
(By the way, it is my view that President Trump’s greatest shortcoming was that somehow he, or those hiring the people, seemed only able to find people who did not have Trump’s, or our America First’s interests at heart.)
He was on Anderson Cooper last night saying that the never-Trumpers might have a convention in the fall to see if they will break away from the Republican Party.
Not a bad idea, leave the Republican Party to the America Firsters!
Anthony Scaramucci claims new faction of Republican Party could have a convention this fall
President Trump’s former Director of Communications, Anthony Scaramucci, appeared on Anderson Cooper 360, Monday, to discuss the state of the Republican Party. Scaramucci, a lifelong Republican, claims there is a sizable faction of members of the GOP who are looking to create a new party.
This next line is amusing. Does he really think that the 63% of surveyed Republicans want a new party that would follow Scaramucci and his ilk.
The 63% are Trumpers who want a new party!
“Listen, 63% of the surveyed Republicans say that they want a new party,” said Scarmucci. “I think there’s a large group of people in the party that are organizing now and are debating whether or not to have a faction inside the party or to literally spin out and have a fall convention for a new party as a precursor to the congressional midterms and then start slating candidates.”
Scaramucci believes that 10-15% of current GOP members would be willing to leave in disagreement with what the party has become under the previous administration.
He says that the majority of Republicans who love Trump “want to destroy democracy.”
“You can go with radical fringe Trumpism, where these people literally are signaling to you that they want to destroy your democracy,” said Scarmucci. “Or you can try to set up, people that really love the country, that have center-right values can try to set up something new.”
Hey, Scaramucci, if you start a new party will you promise to take Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney with you!
It was for stories like this one that I created a special category here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ entitled Political rats.
Editor’s note!
Please see that in response to questions from readers I’ve begun what is going to be a weekly tutorial of sorts on Community Organizing. This postwill be updated regularly and you can find it in my sidebar under the photo of yes, Barack Hussein Obama, community organizer extraordinaire!
No sooner had I posted my previous post and mentioned that the nut cases on the Left were attacking a winning legal team attorney by vandalizing his home and threatening his life, Philadelphia lawyer Michael Van der Veen, I saw this incredible CBS interview with him.
Surely you have seen the news before now, but I would be remiss if I didn’t give you the ending to the latest assault on President Trump and you, the America Firsters who these people despise.
Attorney Van der veen has hired private security and police have officers guarding his home.
It was riveting TV, well at least the defense lawyers were inspiring, Raskinnot so much.
The defense’s testimony featured videos of the hateful threatening language used by Democrats and their supporters as they encouraged rioters who burned and destroyed American cities in 2020.
Keep these videos handy and use them extensively in the days and weeks ahead.
By the way, it was reportedon Fox last night that yesterday’s primary defense lawyer, Michael Van der veen, had experienced attacks to his family home and law firm from the crazed Biden/Harris/Pelosi lovers. At least a hundred death threats were reported.
Following his acquittal, President Trump issued the following statement. This line stands out:
“Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!
Disgraced, in addition to Senator Mitch McConnell who apparently hates the President so much that he took to the Senate floor following the vote to blast him, are seven Senators who voted to convict the President in what Trump’s lawyers meticulously showed was a shameful and unconstitutional witch-hunt.
Even if you didn’t like Trump, the vote to convict was clearly wrong for the future well-being of our Constitutional government.
If one of these is your Senator, speak upwhere you live. But whatever you do, don’t stoop to the level of the creeps who vandalized the home of Trump’s defense attorney.
Patriots in Utah, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Alaska, Maine, Nebraska, North Carolina, and yes, Kentucky, you have work to do! It might take years in some cases, but never forget!
In some ways, I wish we had heard from witnesses, because one of the most pressing questions remaining, at least for me, is this one:
What did Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell know from law enforcement about the coming attack on the Capitol, and yet obviously did nothing to beef up security in advance?
Either our supposedly great FBI was caught flat-footed by an assortment of troublemakers or they knew what was coming and nothing was done to stop it. Very scary either way!
I suspect it is that question that the Dems feared when they backed down on their last minute demand for witnesses.