This morning I wanted to see whether the news of two days agoabout Somali refugees being arrested in Arizona as they tried to board a plane for Egypt in order to join ISIS had reached the mainstream media.
Apparently other than a mention on Fox News that got the President’s attention and mentions on some Washington DC publications, the story is not getting much national coverage.
Did the Washington Post mention the news? Nope. How about The New York Times? Nope again.
But I do see it mentioned on Yahoo Entertainment with this headline. LMHO! The story is about Trump and his tweets!
Trump tweets arrests of Somali ISIS sympathizers in Arizona: ‘Get smart people!’
President Trump on Tuesday used the megaphone that is his Twitter feed to draw attention to the arrest of two Somali refugees in Arizona who authorities say were planning to travel from Tucson to Egypt to join the Islamic State. This is why the mainstream media hates Trump, he gets the news out that they don’t want to report.
Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 21, and Abdi Yemani Hussein, 20, were charged with providing support to a terror group. They were arrested Friday at Tucson International Airport. According to federal authorities, Mohamed had told an undercover FBI agent during social media exchanges that he was “thirsty” for the blood of disbelievers and that “the best wake up call is [for the] Islamic State to get victory or another 911.”
The president also tagged “Fox & Friends,” typically an indication that the tweet was responding to a segment on his favorite cable news morning show. [Maybe the Prez watches Fox because it reports on news like this!—ed] The indictment did not indicate that the two men had committed any acts of violence in the United States.
That last line is the Left’s go-to position on any refugee terrorist charge. Well they didn’t kill any Americans yet! Duh! Because law enforcement nabbed them before they could!
By the way, this pair of Islamic refugee terrorists most likely got into the US during the Obama era.
It’s a very good thing that Trump has his Twitter “megaphone.” Shame the mainstream media! Keep ’em coming!
This is an update for a story the national media is avoiding for reasons I explained here yesterday.
Billy Chemirmir, an illegal alien from Kenya, will face the death penalty in the “heinous” murders of over a dozen vulnerable senior citizens whose families thought they were safe and well-cared-for in their assisted living homes. [There are 19 cases believed to be tied to Chemirmir but not all have been charged.—ed] Think about it! If Chemirmir had been deported to his village in Kenya after his first run-ins with the law, these beloved mothers and grandmothers would not have suffered.
The Dallas Morning News is following the case closely as well as a few local news outlets, but major media is shockingly silent considering Billy could end up being the most prolific serial killer in Texas history!
Where are you New York Times? Where are you Washington Post? Where are you CNN? And, where are the defenders of women’s rights (only one of the victims is a man)?
Dallas DA seeks death penalty against serial killer suspect Billy Chemirmir
Dallas County prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Billy Chemirmir, a capital murder suspect accused of smothering more than a dozen elderly women in North Texas senior living complexes.
District Attorney John Creuzot’s office filed paperwork Tuesday seeking capital punishment in the suspected serial killer’s case, according to Dallas County court records.
Capital murder in Texas carries either an automatic sentence of life in prison without parole or the death penalty. Prosecutors reserve the death penalty for crimes deemed especially heinous.
Chemirmir, 46, is accused of posing as a maintenance worker to gain access to the apartments of women in Dallas and Collin counties. Police say he then smothered the women with a pillow before stealing their jewelry to sell online or pawn.
Many of those deaths were initially listed as natural causes. It is difficult to tell if someone was smothered unless there is other suspicion of foul play. After Chemirmir was arrested in March 2018, however, police began looking at older deaths to identify potential victims.
Chemirmir was charged with capital murder in Harris’ death and the attempted murder of the two other women. At that time, police announced they were investigating hundreds of other deaths to see if there were links to Chemirmir.
“We’re going to make every attempt to identify all the victims in the communities across the metroplex and fully investigate this case,” Plano police Chief Gregory Rushin said at a 2018 news conference. “This is terribly disturbing.”
Law enforcement is calling people all over the country to alert them to the possibility that mom didn’t die peacefully!
In the months since, families around the country have gotten calls from law enforcement, saying their loved ones might not have died peacefully in their sleep as they previously believed. Instead, police told them, they may have been victims of a serial killer.
More here.
And, do not miss the time line of the murders that police have investigated so far. In one month—March 2018 (the month of his arrest)—Chemirmir allegedly killed four times (at least!).
He was caught because he got sloppy and failed to finish the job—one tough old lady lived to inform the police.
Justice for Seniors!
Help spread this news since the PC media won’t! Endnote: I have a tag specifically for Billy Chemirmir because someone needs to write a book—the case is a classic one! The African illegal alien should not have been here. Police missed clues in a sanctuary city. Apparently greedy assisted living homes feared they would lose ‘customers.’ The women were all old and white (except for Harris who was Vietnamese).
And, last but not least, because immigration is fast becoming the most critical issue facing America with the 2020 Presidential race around the corner this case represents all that is wrong with our immigration system and with the MEDIA!
I’ve been writing lately about how the mainstream media is doing a great disservice to us.
Most Americans aren’t spending their whole days combing the internet for news and thus depend on the major media outlets to tell them what is happening in America.
Sadly, they are getting biased and incomplete information about issues that impact them and could ultimately affect the safety and well-being of their loved ones. Here Leo Hohmann tells us about a near complete black-out by the media power brokers about the shoot-out at an ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington on Saturday. And, Hohmann makes a frightening prediction…. Continue reading “Media Virtually Silent on Antifa Attack on Saturday”→
As if it wasn’t bad enough—the media bias, that is—a group I had never heard of is recruiting young ethnically diverse “journalists” to fan out across America into newsrooms at local media outlets in what might be described as a seeding program for furthering their control over the already seriously Left-leaning media. Report for America is an initiative of the Ground Truth Project. A sample of their work!
I’ve stolen the first part of a headline at Big League Politics for my headline because it can’t be said often enough!
Yesterday after Iwrote the postabout the gruesome murder of Mackenzie Lueck in Utah and said again that the media is (I believe purposefully) leaving out important facts when covering crime news so that they don’t step on their message that migrants*** are just good folks, just like us, looking for a better life. The Georgian “choir-boys”, oops Guatemalans! The great danger is that in so doing they have created a whole generation of Mackenzie Lueck’s, living in la-la land, who have no discernment and frankly cannot see that some migrants are monsters.
Thanks to reader Cathy for sending this news about a couple of those monsters being protected by the media in Georgia because it gives me an opportunity to once again repeat the message and give you more news items sent to me over the last week.
When I began writing ‘Frauds and Crooks’in January, I told you that the Leftists (Progressives, or whatever you call them) will be telling heartwarming stories about migrants (LOL! their “new Americans”) in the run-up to the 2020 Presidential race, so it is very important that you tell the stories about the monsters in order to give some balance to their news! Continue reading “Fake News Covers for Migrant Crimes”→