Last Wednesday I reported the latest news in the dreadful serial killer case in Texas where Kenyan Billy Chemirmir is now charged in 14 murders of vulnerable senior women and where another 8 indictments could soon follow (possibly more as the investigation (we hope) is continuing).
I have noticed that whenever the US mainstream media is chicken to report news that they know is explosive involving a ‘new American’ who wasn’t here for a better life, but is here to commit heinous crimes, the UK Daily Mail steps into the breach.
You can read theDaily Mail storyyourself. I’m not sure where they get the 1000 number.
And, I don’t know why they reference Nigeria in the summary, but do mention his Kenyan roots in the story itself.
Accused serial killer healthcare worker tied to a THOUSAND unexplained deaths of elderly patients is indicted on additional murder charges
The story prompted me to have a look this morning to see which major news outlets in the US have even mentioned the story that first broke in May 2019.
Here is my sample (the story has been widely covered in Texas):
Washington Post: Most recent mention—July 2019
Associated Press: Most recent mention—July 2019
Fox News (although covered by Fox in TX): Most recent mention June 2019
New York Times: zero
Time magazine: zero
CNN: zero
MSNBC: zero
If you find that I’m wrong, please send me links.
So that readers could readily access all of my posts on the vile man I call the Kenyan Killer, seemy tag for Billy Chemirmir.
Note to PayPal donors! I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.
So far 22 senior citizensare believed to have been murdered by serial killer Billy Chemirmir, but he has only been indicted in 14 cases so far.
Here is the latest news yesterday on the horrific murder spree that the national mainstream media is ignoring I believe because it involves an African man who should not have been in the US allegedly murdering white senior citizens. (One woman, his last victim before being apprehended, was of Asian ancestry.)
Suspected Serial Killer Billy Chemirmir Faces Two More Charges, Capital Murder Cases Climb to 14
Billy Chemirmir, a man accused of smothering more than a dozen women living in North Texas retirement homes and robbing them of their jewelry, has been indicted on two additional charges of capital murder.
Leah Corken (2nd on top row) and Juanita Purdy (4th on top row) were murdered within two weeks of each other in 2016 at The Tradition-Prestonwood, a senior living facility in Far North Dallas demonstrating the brazenness of the alleged killer.
Chemirmir, 47, is now facing capital murder charges for the deaths of 83-year-old Leah Corken and 82-year-old Juanita Purdy, two women who lived at The Tradition-Prestonwood in Dallas and died suddenly in the summer of 2016.
Like in previous cases, both women were believed to have been suffocated with a pillow or choked to death prior to being robbed, though the exact nature of their death is unknown. Investigators said Chemirmir posed as a maintenance worker to gain access to the women’s apartments and later sold or pawned their jewelry.
In the case of Purdy, her daughter told NBC 5 in a July 2019 interview that about $28,000 worth of jewelry was missing after her death. Corken’s family told NBC 5 she was found without her wedding ring on, something her daughter said was highly unusual.
The Dallas Morning Newswhich has been leading the coverage of the case quotes an attorney for the distraught families.
Trey Crawford, who represents the Corken and Purdy families, among others, said: The indictments are a sharp reminder of the horrific truth our clients live with every day — that their loved ones endured unimaginable suffering and terror at the hands of a killer. It’s every family’s worst nightmare.”
Yes, imagine that Chemirmir’s evil face was the last one you saw before leaving this life.
It is outrageous that the mainstream media outside of Texas ignores this story! So, please bypass them and get this news out to your social media networks.
All of my posts on the dreadful case are filed in a tag for ‘Billy Chemirmir.‘
Editor:This is my second post of the day that could have been posted at Refugee Resettlement Watch or here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’ See earlier post on Iraqi refugee liar.
Surely you know that this news, about Ilhan Omar, has been percolating for years and that Minnesota media has helped bury the sordid tale.
Now comes a blockbuster story from the UK Daily Mail reporting on pretty overwhelming evidence, plus a first hand account from a former friend of the controversial Congresswoman and member of the so-called “Squad,” that there must be an investigation launched to get to the truth.
Although the Daily Mailis leading the international news on the story, it was a Minnesota blog, Power Line, which deserves the credit for doggedly digging through the evidence readily available in Minnesota.
Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and said she would ‘do what she had to do to get him “papers” to keep him in U.S.’, reveals Somali community leader
I love how the DM does a summary of the key points in their long investigative piece. Here are the bullet points. But, please read it all! And, don’t miss the marital time line they created for the controversial Congresswoman and the great pics!
~Ilhan Omar told friends years ago that the man who went on to become her second husband was in fact her brother, can confirm
~Abdihakim Osman is the first person to go on record to speak of how Omar said she wanted to get her brother papers so he could stay in the United States
~It has long been rumored that Omar and Ahmed Elmi are siblings, but because of a lack of paperwork in war-torn Somalia, proof has never been uncovered
~Osman said: ‘She said she needed to get papers for her brother to go to school. We all thought she was just getting papers to allow him to stay in this country’
~Omar was married to her second husband Elmi in 2009 by a Christian minister – although she is Muslim
~She was first married to Ahmed Hirsi in 2002 in a Muslim ceremony, before they split in 2008 – but she later had another child with Hirsi while legally wed to Elmi
~Osman said: ‘When [Hirsi] and Ilhan got married, a lot of people were invited. It was a big Islamic wedding uniting two large clans in the community’
~He added: ‘When she married Elmi, no one even knew about it… No one knew there had been a wedding until the media turned up the certificate years later’
Do not miss Power Lineblog yesterday! They did the original work! From Scott Johnson:
Scott Johnson
As of this morning [Feb 21], I can’t find a story in the Minnesota media that follows up on the Daily Mail’s report that Rep. Ilhan Omar married her brother in 2009 for fraudulent purposes. It’s not breaking news. We — Preya Samsundar, David Steinberg, and I — have been telling the story over the past three and a half years. The underlying story is Omar’s reign of terror seeking to suppress the story. The reign of terror extended beyond the Somali community to scoop up David Steinberg in Omar enforcer Guhaad Hashi’s terroristic threats last month. I reported on those threats here.
My original Somali source was Abdi Nur. He now speaks in the Daily Mailstory by Martin Gould.
By the way, it is my belief that there is possibly additional immigration fraud that was perpetrated on America when she and her family were first admitted as refugees.
“We made an assumption that it was safe. These ladies, these widows are the most vulnerable part of society. I feel like they were sitting ducks.”
(Cliff Harris, former Dallas Cowboy and son-in-law of one of the latest victims to be identified)
This is an update of my posts that extend back to May of last year when Kenyan Billy Chemirmir was arrested and charged with the murders of 12 vulnerable senior women mostly living in upscale retirement facilities in and around Dallas.
The number of victims is now at 22, and could still rise higher.
***Update***Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Reviewdoes a deeper look into the fact that Chemirmir should never have been in the country and our sanctuary mentality is responsible for the deaths of these women just as much as Chemirmir is!
Most of the women were allegedly smothered with a pillow apparently for their jewelry and other valuables. The killing spree went on for years before the police unraveled the case and then only because one woman survived and was able to give a description of the African man who tried to kill her.
Charles Scudder, a reporter at the Dallas Morning Newshas been doing work that deserves a Pulitzer Prize for his dogged investigative work on a case that you know the mainstream media is failing to notice.
This story should be on national news! Where is CNN, MSNBC and Fox News?
New suits in Billy Chemirmir case identify two more alleged victims, offer new details
Two days before she died in March 2018, Miriam Nelson told staff at her Plano senior living complex that an intruder had been in her apartment.
Now, after police and prosecutors say she was smothered by serial murder suspect Billy Chemirmir, her family says that the complex where Nelson lived — Preston Place Retirement Community — should have done more to protect her.
Lawsuits filed in the 4th County Court at Law in Dallas on Tuesday by three families, including Nelson’s, detail what one of their attorneys, Trey Crawford, says is a pattern of “woefully deficient security measures” at Preston Place. The suits also provide greater insight into Chemirmir’s alleged actions as he visited North Texas senior living homes.
The suits list two new alleged victims who were not publicly linked to Chemirmir previously. One, who was not named in the suits, died Dec. 10, 2017, the documents state. The other is 93-year-old Mamie Dell Miya, who died Dec. 8, 2017.
Chemirmir has not been indicted in either death, but the suits include Plano police reports that state Miya’s death is a suspected capital murder case.
Miriam Nelson was the mother-in-law of former Dallas Cowboys Hall of Famer Cliff Harris.
Chemirmir is accused of murdering nearly two dozen elderly people, mostly women, throughout North Texas. Seven of the alleged slayings occurred at Preston Place.
In all, that makes 22 deaths that have been publicly linked to Chemirmir. It could make him one of Texas’ most prolific serial killers.
Among the family members wanting improved security at Preston Place and other senior living facilities is former Dallas Cowboys safety and 2020 Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee Cliff Harris, whose mother-in-law was Miriam Nelson.
According to the suits filed Tuesday, the daughter of another resident posted fliers warning residents about the intruder a few days after Nelson’s body was found. The flier noted that Preston Place had no black male maintenance employees and said that residents should call police if such a stranger came to their doors.
The suit claims that Preston Place management removed the fliers the next day.
“We made an assumption that it was safe,” Harris told The Dallas Morning News on Tuesday. “These ladies, these widows are the most vulnerable part of society. I feel like they were sitting ducks.
There is much more, read it alland forward to your social media lists.
I repeat! This story should be on national news! Where is CNN, MSNBC and Fox News?
Please visit my December post where I told you about how some of the daughters of the Kenyan Killer’s victims have joined together to take action in hopes of avoiding the same dreadful fate that befell their mothers.
Oh brother, no wonder people get so steamed about our ‘new Americans!’
This is an update of a story we followed here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’but could also have been posted at RRW because some of those involved in the beating death of Donald Giusti are Somali refugees.
Lewiston man sentenced to 7 days in jail for role in Donald Giusti’s death
AUBURN — A Lewiston man involved with the 2018 melee near Kennedy Park that left a man dead was sentenced Monday in Androscoggin County Superior Court to seven days in jail and a $300 fine.
No mention of where he is from or how he came to be living in Lewiston.
Pierre Musafiri, 23, was facing a misdemeanor assault charge for kicking Donald Giusti while he lay badly injured on Knox Street after a confrontation between two groups near Kennedy Park on June 12, 2018.
Several members of Giusti’s family sat near the back of the courtroom and watched as Musafiri was sentenced.
Patrick Nickerson, Musafiri’s attorney, told the Giusti family that Musafiri expressed that “he is sorry for what he did, that what he did was a mistake and that he can’t take it back.”
“He told me to express his sorrow for what happened and that he takes responsibility for his conduct,” Nickerson said.
After the sentencing, Musafiri immediately was taken into custody.
Now here is the most important line at the end of the story:
Comments are not available on this story.
Gee, I wonder why? They don’t want to hear Mainers unload?