This will brighten your day! And, maybe best to re-read and re-watch the videos at the Conservative Tree House(aka The Last Refuge) every day for the next week!
I don’t know about you, but I have been using Twitter to smile and laugh almost daily for the last few weeks as grassroots activists post their videos of massive pro-Trump rallies, car, truck, motorcycle and boat parades, and I especially liked the Trump brigades surrounding Biden’s pathetic pumpkin stage in Pennsylvania on Sunday.
Editors note on the picture of Biden arriving on that pumpkin stage: I found a picture on Twitter, apparently taken from a distance by a Biden fan, and I cropped it and blew it up to reveal Biden being supported by Jill. Is she is using both hands to steady him as he walks to the podium? Astounding!
Have you heard anything about Biden planning to make no more public appearances now to election day? Wasn’t sure if that is a rumor.
A diverse and patriotic MAGA movement is overwhelming the mechanisms of narrative control; and they are doing it by flooding the zones with a combination of “old school” and “modern tech” workarounds. It’s quite honestly the most remarkable political dynamic since the organic Tea Party erupted in 2009.
“A right-wing offensive” is the 2020 narrative equivalent to Clinton’s vast Russian conspiracy theory. The truth is Big Tech is getting their ass kicked by the American electorate and they are freaking out about how visible, in-your-face, unapologetic and dramatic the MAGA activism has become.
Here’s what is happening… really just an affirmation of what everyone is noticing and talking about…. and it is wonderful.
A combination of what I would call “old school” activism is taking place everywhere. Car parades, boat parades, marches, rallies and massive swarms of American MAGA supporters are literally flooding the political space in a scale that makes it impossible to ignore.
Trump happy warriors even in Beverly Hills, California!
See many more videos of spontaneous rallies.
Then Sundance wraps with this,
The American people are all-in, right now when it matters most; the Monster Vote is also clearly evident. Spontaneous acts of patriotism are now considered representative of the counter-culture; people of all colors, races, creeds and orientations are united under the Red, White and Blue MAGA banner; and all of this was initiated organically by an American President who just transparently loves this country.
MAGA bitches, this is just awesome.
Go to the Conservative Treehouse, see the videos and come back to it often to get your daily laugh! See the comments too!
Don’t miss the videos of the Trump fans who attended the pathetic pumpkin stage rally (uninvited).
“When Trump a few weeks ago began saying he wouldn’t commit to a peaceful transfer of power, that’s when I decided I needed to do it.”
(Lisa Graustein)
Yes, this group of community organizers is planning to go to the streets at election time because they believe Trump will not leave office if he loses. They think that Donald Trump is planning a coup. Nevermind that Obama and his entire inner circle has been trying to illegally overthrow Trump for over four years.
They make it sound like they are going to bodily remove the President on November 4th, but no matter what happens, he is President until inauguration day in January (LOL! do they know that!).
This is a prime example of how the media (granted BuzzFeed “leans left”) carries the water for the Progressive Left and obviously is enjoying hyping the size of the Trump opposition.
The ‘star’ of this story is a humble former “public school teacher” who has been moved by the words of that meany in the White House to get politically active this year and has selected a group called Choose Democracy where she is putting in time as a volunteer (two hours a day!).
This Is How Thousands Of Americans Are Preparing To Take On Trump If He Refuses To Leave Office
One day late last month, longtime activist George Lakey was yet again training people on how to peacefully resist a coup. But this time, he was not in Moscow or Bangkok or one of the many other far-off places where he has traveled over his 70-year career as a sociologist and writer promoting democracy and nonviolent forms of protest. He was in the United States, at his home in suburban Philadelphia.
On the other end of Lakey’s Zoom webinar were around 1,000 American voters — 500 more, he noted, than had shown up the week before — from around the country who were glued to their screens, taking careful notes.
As President Donald Trump has spent the last few months planting seeds of doubt about the integrity of the US’s electoral process and urging his supporters to “go into the polls and watch very carefully,” dozens of advocacy groups, mostly progressive, have been hard at work trying to organize and train everyday Americans for what to do if their democracy appears to fall apart before their eyes.
“When Trump a few weeks ago began saying he wouldn’t commit to a peaceful transfer of power, that’s when I decided I needed to do it,” said Lisa Graustein, a 45-year-old former public school teacher in Boston, of her decision to give up two hours of her day to partake in a training on the finer points of mass demonstrations, peaceful sit-ins, and putting public pressure on elected officials.
Lisa Graustein
Graustein, who now runs a food distribution center [see packing Goya beans photo–must have been before Goya CEO came out for Trump!—ed], said she had been “semi active” in local political and activist causes in the past.
Still, that was a far cry from pondering the questions Lakey asked in the training, such as: Are you a person who will stand up to authority and be a voice for others? Or hearing Lakey assure the group that dictatorships fall when the masses rise up and that nonviolent resistance — like in Argentina in 1987 and the Soviet Union in 1991 — could be used to defeat a possible power grab by Trump.
But Graustein said she and all her friends and work colleagues are anxious about the election. “People not active in previous elections are active now,” she said. And so when someone in her Quaker community told her about the training, she signed up.
The idea behind the effort was to “actually help prevent” the possibility of a coup, explained Eileen Flanagan, who moderated the training with Lakey.
The training was organized by Choose Democracy, a Washington, DC–based group that describes itself as a “crew of organizers, activists, trainers, academics, and concerned citizens preparing for the scenario of a coup in 2020.”
So BuzzFeedreporter, Ukrainian-based Christopher Miller, wants you to believe that Lisa the food bank worker, just a typical American middle-aged woman, is motivated for the first time to go to the streets to throw ‘orange man’ from the White House.
But, hold on a second!
“Someone in her Quaker community” told her about Choose Democracy? She didn’t know Daddy was its primary funder?
I checked Open Secretson Choose Democracy and it seems that in mid September, someone with the same last name, Graustein, was the primary donorto the PAC Choose Democracy.
Related to Lisa Graustein? Sure looks like it.
Check out the Graustein Memorial Fund(these family trusts are where wealthy people can legally park money and then direct it at their pet causes.)
It seems that the fund has taken a “new direction” over the years helped along by William’s daughter Lisa.See here.
Here is Lisa’s bio. Oh, and her teaching job was at a public charter school, not at a “public school” in the traditional sense.
Lisa is a public school teacher, gay rights activist, artist, and member of our Board of Trustees. She is a facilitator with Beyond Diversity 101, which offers workshops that expose, stimulate and transform the dynamics of diversity at the root level. Learn more about BD101 here.
Check out Lisa’s presentation, From Genocide to Generational Continuity: Frames for Understanding and Transforming Education,on how the process of genocide – actual and symbolic – is woven into the fabric of our nation’s key institutions, including our education system. [Link appears to be dead!—ed]
Lakey is an oft-arrested Quaker
It seems pretty clear that Ms. Graustein is not a newbie to political agitation.
After all, she is a Quaker.
Most Americans don’t know that the ‘Friends’ (aka Quakers) are an extreme leftwing political group.
I wrote about them at RRWand elsewhere over the years because they have worked closely with pro-Palestinian and Islamic supremacist groups.
You will see at the Wall Street Journal that they are aggressively anti-Israel.
Be sure to read more of theBuzzFeed story that never mention’s Lisa Graustein’s connection to the source of money that is going to organizing spearheaded by an infamous community organizer, George Lakey.
One last thing….
I see at Open Secrets that Choose Democracy had not spent any of the Graustein’s money, or anyone else’s, through the end of September, so this PAC isn’t contributing to the Biden campaign, or any other campaign it seems.
Note again that 6 donors gave the vast majority of the funds Choose Democracy has available.
Makes me wonder if they are saving their bucks for street action—hiring agitators, covering their expenses, and buying ‘supplies’ as they plan to storm Washington, DC. and the Trump White House.
Don’t miss my post yesterdayon Leo Hohmann’s post in which he directs our attention to Shutdown DC.
Reported Biden Poll Lead Continues to Drive Gun Sales Across US
Though it’s getting little news coverage outside the 2A community, the issue of guns continues to shape the landscape of this presidential election. The specter of an ominous gun control platform hangs over the Biden-Harris ticket. And the Biden promise to clamp down on firearms is driving gun sales in a year where new gun ownership was already exploding like never before.
This past year has already seen gun sales grow in record numbers.First a global pandemic put the country on edge when runs on supplies sent many first-time buyers out to gun stores. Then social unrest exploded into the streets, so more people raced to gun stores in droves. Now the most anti-gun ticket in this country’s history attempts to gain control of the White House. And the American people are talking with gun purchases.
A lot of people have been talking about the potential of a second civil war lately, with both sides of the political aisle saying that the other side will be the ones to start it.
Actually, it will be started by extremists, regardless of which side they’re on. Quite possibly, it will be extremists on both sides, dragging the rest of us into a conflict that nobody will win.
Should such a thing happen, the danger factor in all our lives will go up by at least a few notches. Just taking the dog for a walk could become dangerous, as it is in any war-torn nation. That danger will obviously be the highest in the areas where the fighting is fiercest; but due to the nature of war, and especially of this potential war, violence could break out anywhere, anytime.
We will all need to be on our guard, constantly, as none of us will know when a dangerous situation might foment around us. In order to avoid that danger, we’re going to have to be looking ahead, seeing what may be coming. For that to happen, we’re going to have to have a very good idea of what’s going on around us. In other words, we’re going to need to have excellent situational awareness.
And this is a good warning from Robert Wheeler at Organic Prepper. It is not just about China!
Food Shortages Hit China: There Is “not…enough fresh food to go around”
Over the past few weeks, I have been writing articles regarding a coming food shortage. I’ve been pointing out that the food shortage is going to hit the United States hard but that it is also going to hit the rest of the world.
Follow that link at Organic Prepperabout a coming food shortage for previous recent posts on the food supply chain.
Some past posts of mine on the general topic. There is no downside to being prepared, just don’t let it put you in panic mode!
I don’t normally have the ability to sit still for 40 minutes, but for this I did. Over a million of you have watched already.
Watch Glenn Beck’s documentary investigation into the Biden family’s deals in China and Ukraine. And, then spread it around because it looks like the mainstream media is going to bury the story about damning evidence found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.