“Keith Ellison sided with flag-burning extremists over law-abiding Americans. He treats you like second-class citizens. He believes that the pro-American voters have fewer rights than anti-American demonstrators.”
(President Trump in Minnesota yesterday)
The President organized a “Make America Great Again Peaceful Protest” in Rochester, MN yesterday and the Leftwingers, Governor Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison, who allowed thousands of rioters to destroy Minneapolisa few months ago so that they could exercise their free speech, tried to silence the President by limiting his audience to 250 people.
So what did he do? He didn’t cancel the event as they obviously wanted him to do and in classic Trump fashion he gave them the middle finger and went to the crowd of thousands waiting outside the tiny venue.
These dumb Dems are no match for Trump; Walz and Ellison managed to give more red meat to the President’s base across the country. One more rally that might have been lost in the President’s cross country blitz, is now a glaring demonstration of the hypocrisy of the Left for the whole country to see.
Patriotic Minnesotans are fighting for their very existence as the Progressives and the large Somali Muslim population there are working together to make Minnesota the first Muslim state in America. A President Biden will surely let that happen.
The stakes in Minnesota on Tuesday are infinitely greater than its ten electoral votes!
Trump greets throngs of fans outside Minnesota rally after state allows just 250 seats
A crowd many times larger than the number of people allowed a seat near Trump gathered outside the gates in Rochester, southeastern Minnesota, images tweeted by journalists indicate.
Trump took a motorcade to the overflow crowd rather than the state-sanctioned stage after disembarking Air Force One.
“There are thousands of people all because the governor wants to play games,” Trump said as he approached within feet of the large group of supporters gathered behind a barricade.
“There are thousands of people injured by this,” Trump said. ” I’m going to go back and speak to 250 people… This should be a lesson [for Democratic Gov. Tim Walz].”
When he walked on stage, supporters were spaced out in folding chairs permitted by Minnesota authorities before Trump’s lectern.
The president tore into Walz and Minnesota’s Democratic Attorney General Keith Ellison, a former congressman.
“We’re given a very very hard time by your so called leaders but they’re not very good leaders as you found out during the riots,” Trump said.
The New York Post continues here. We should all make the NY Post our paper of choice!
Endnote: In 2016 I took a road trip across America to see for myself what impact the huge refugee flow was having on far flung states like Minnesota. I wanted to see southern Minnesota, particularly Owatonna a town about forty miles from Rochester where the President was yesterday.
I learned that Owatonna, MN was one of the first Somali resettlement sites in the entire country chosen by the US State Department in the early 1990s. We hear mostly about Minneapolis/St. Paul and St. Cloud, but Rochester was an important site over the years as well.
After crossing into the state in July 2016, and as I arrived at a rest area near Rochester, I was shocked to see a group of Somali Muslim women praying on the lawn of the highway rest stop, butts in the air (an in your face display that one might only see in MN).
The other day I directed you to Leo Hohmann’s ‘Dark Winter’ post in which he mentions Shutdown DC, a radical group prepared to hit the streets in Washington, DC (and beyond) on Election Day.
Michelle Malkin featured the progressive extremists in a column on Tuesday.
The part I found most interesting was that Shutdown DC has infiltrated many federal government agencies and is organizing hidden activists who work for you and me (the taxpayer!) to do whatever they can to undermine the Trump administration from within.
Ready or not, here they come. The ground troops of the anti-Donald Trump resistance aren’t just biding their time until Election Day for Hidin’ Joe Biden. Hell no. They’re making their direct action checklists and checking them twice. They’re training for instigating.
No matter the outcome at the ballot box, the left-wing mob is prepared to disrupt and destroy nationwide in the name of preserving “democracy.”
Another key social justice player, ShutDown D.C., is teaming with Sunrise Movement guerilla warriors to mobilize students, community organizers and even federal employees to take to the streets on Nov. 3.
ShutDown D.C. anticipates that 10,000 protesters from a motley assortment of affinity groups will converge at Black Lives Matter Plaza to engage in “civil resistance” if President Trump tries to “steal the election.” A “Flying Bike Squad” is “coming together as a rapid response team,” according to organizers. If it’s anything like the skateboard squads and soup can squads who’ve used everyday items as weapons to beat Trump supporters, look for more blood to spill in the name of “peaceful protest.” Mass disruptions are planned at train stations and airports, on highways and in residential neighborhoods for at least the first full week after Election Day.
“We’ll keep it going until Trump concedes,” ShutDown D.C. threatens in its outline of a “No More Business As Usual” blockade across the country. “We could be in the streets throughout the fall and into the winter — maybe as lots of rolling waves of action or possibly as a few major tsunamis! In other parts of the country, as vote counts conclude, our focus will turn from protecting the vote counts to themselves being ungovernable.”
Here’s what has me especially concerned: The “deep state” Trump-haters are openly gearing up to do everything they can from inside the federal government to assist the resistance.
And then from Shutdown itself, here is their call to action for federal workers.
If you are wondering why the agencies represented here deal mostly with the environment, it is because Shutdown DC is filled with climate activists who have promoted civil unrest in the past.
By the way, I know a lot of you patriots love the National Parks, but as a longtime defender of property rights for landowners around National Parks you need to know that, due to its voracious appetite for more land, the Park Service is not a good neighbor when the Dems are in control of the government.
Sheesh! Didn’t we hear that four years ago and it is deja vu all over again!
I see that even The Hill (don’t they have more serious news to write about) told us earlier this month that rocker Tommy Lee might decamp to the more politically sane UK or even go back to his “motherland” in Greece if Trump wins four more years in the White House.
JusttheNews reports that Bruce Springsteen is entertaining a move to Australia, but that is hypothetical because he says there is no way Biden will loose.
Meanwhile a Sheriff in Ohio says he will help any who despise America that much to leave the country.
‘Don’t let the door hit ya’: Comedian shreds celebrities vowing to leave U.S. if Trump wins
Every four years, celebrities come out of the woodwork to say they’ll abandon America if the Republican candidate for president wins the White House.
They never do, of course, but they get some press in the meantime.
Comedian Michael Loftus has a message to all multimillionaires who think Americans actually care what they think: Good riddance.
“When celebrities declare they’re going to leave, we should have some new kind of candyman law,” he said Saturday on Fox News. “Meaning, if you declare it three times, you have to leave. Don’t let the door hit ya’ where the good Lord split ya.'”
Loftus said celebrities declaring they’ll bail is driven by over-inflated egos.
“They really think they’re that important,” he said. “They really think we’re walking around going, ‘Wait, what? [Bruce] Springsteen’s going to leave? And Tommy Lee? Oh, I’m changing my vote!'”
“We knew these celebrities were self-centered,” Loftus said. “We knew they were stupid. We just didn’t know how cowardly they were.”
Bruce Springsteen, 71, said last week he might just move to Australia if Trump wins reelection on Nov. 3.
“If Trump is reelected — which he will not be; I’m predicting right now he’s gonna lose — if by some happenstance he should be, I’ll see you on the next plane,” Springsteen said.
Springsteen’s vow came shortly after rock star Tommy Lee said if Trump wins reelection, “I’m out of here.”
The Motley Crue drummer says he finds America “embarrassing” and thinks Europeans are mocking us.
Seriously, as millionaire celebrities claim they will leave the US, the world still wants to get here.
At Zerohedge recently, in a story about how international migration has ground to a virtual standstill due to the Chinese virus, we learned that the United States of America, even under the presidency of Donald Trump is still the number one destination for people looking for a better life.
Charts speak for themselves….
By the way, do you know if any of the cool people who promised to leave the US four years ago, when Trump won, actually left?
Don’t miss my post yesterday. Your fellow ‘deplorables’ and ‘chumps’ will make you proud.
This will brighten your day! And, maybe best to re-read and re-watch the videos at the Conservative Tree House(aka The Last Refuge) every day for the next week!
I don’t know about you, but I have been using Twitter to smile and laugh almost daily for the last few weeks as grassroots activists post their videos of massive pro-Trump rallies, car, truck, motorcycle and boat parades, and I especially liked the Trump brigades surrounding Biden’s pathetic pumpkin stage in Pennsylvania on Sunday.
Editors note on the picture of Biden arriving on that pumpkin stage: I found a picture on Twitter, apparently taken from a distance by a Biden fan, and I cropped it and blew it up to reveal Biden being supported by Jill. Is she is using both hands to steady him as he walks to the podium? Astounding!
Have you heard anything about Biden planning to make no more public appearances now to election day? Wasn’t sure if that is a rumor.
A diverse and patriotic MAGA movement is overwhelming the mechanisms of narrative control; and they are doing it by flooding the zones with a combination of “old school” and “modern tech” workarounds. It’s quite honestly the most remarkable political dynamic since the organic Tea Party erupted in 2009.
“A right-wing offensive” is the 2020 narrative equivalent to Clinton’s vast Russian conspiracy theory. The truth is Big Tech is getting their ass kicked by the American electorate and they are freaking out about how visible, in-your-face, unapologetic and dramatic the MAGA activism has become.
Here’s what is happening… really just an affirmation of what everyone is noticing and talking about…. and it is wonderful.
A combination of what I would call “old school” activism is taking place everywhere. Car parades, boat parades, marches, rallies and massive swarms of American MAGA supporters are literally flooding the political space in a scale that makes it impossible to ignore.
Trump happy warriors even in Beverly Hills, California!
See many more videos of spontaneous rallies.
Then Sundance wraps with this,
The American people are all-in, right now when it matters most; the Monster Vote is also clearly evident. Spontaneous acts of patriotism are now considered representative of the counter-culture; people of all colors, races, creeds and orientations are united under the Red, White and Blue MAGA banner; and all of this was initiated organically by an American President who just transparently loves this country.
MAGA bitches, this is just awesome.
Go to the Conservative Treehouse, see the videos and come back to it often to get your daily laugh! See the comments too!
Don’t miss the videos of the Trump fans who attended the pathetic pumpkin stage rally (uninvited).