Editor: As you might guess, I am completely swamped with e-mails to both of my blog addresses and sometimes as much as I want to, I can’t always get to them. Last night I noticed a whole slew of notices from readers about stories that are worth posting, but I missed them. So sorry about that.
I would like to ask those of you who send me 5, 10, or more e-mails a day on every conservative issue under the sun to be more discriminating and select for me stories related to what I generally write about here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ or at RRW. That would make my life easier and I could more readily notice e-mails from individuals with news tips.
Thanks to reader Aileen for directing my attention to this bit of news from Judicial Watch.
Two days ago I told readers at RRW about the billions we (American taxpayers) had been sending to non-profit Christian social justice organizations operating in Central America. The Trump Admin is now cutting those back.
However, it seems we are giving millions away to Islamic ‘charities’ too.
U.S. Funding of Islamist “Charity” Groups Triples Under Trump

The amount of American taxpayer dollars that go to Islamist organizations has drastically increased under the Trump administration, which has doled out millions to radical nonprofits, including a recent allocation to a terrorist front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism financing trial. Between 2017 and 2018 the U.S. government more than tripled its funding to organizations either influenced or controlled by Islamist activists from $4 million to $13.5 million, according to an analysis conducted by a think tank dedicated to protecting Western values from Middle Eastern threats.
The Philadelphia-based nonprofit, Middle East Forum (MEF), reviewed millions of dollars in government grant data and found that the Trump administration is dedicating a lot more to radical Muslim groups than the Obama administration….
By the way, whatever happened to taxpayer organizations that were formed to protect us?
Why are taxpayers forced to pay for non-profit groups of any sort, let alone those that are involved in questionable activities or those promoting open borders? Let those who support these groups put their own personal money where their mouth is!
What you can do!
If you are interested in investigating whether some questionable NGO is getting federal grant money, I told readers in ‘Knowledge is Power V’ at RRW just how to use USASpending.gov which is where I suspect the ME Forum got its data.
This was a shocker, Ann, to say the least if all of this written by JW is true. I have sent it directly to the White House for their answer to all of this.
And yes, I am anti-Islamic simply because their beliefs are so contradictory to ours. I do not believe that my God would approve of my condoning such things that they do all to honor their Allah.
Dianne – You’re right this is totally shocking and I’m glad you sent it to the WH. They do need to explain this insanity to the American people. Keep us posted if you ever get an answer.
Just left the following message on the White House feedback site:
“Mr. President, according to an institution called the Middle East Forum (“Promoting America’s Interests”), “Between 2017 and 2018 the U.S. government more than tripled its funding to organizations either influenced or controlled by Islamist activists from $4 million to $13.5 million. The amount of American taxpayer dollars that go to Islamist organizations has drastically increased under the Trump administration, which has doled out millions to radical nonprofits, including a recent allocation to a terrorist front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism financing trial. Between 2017 and 2018 the U.S. government more than tripled its funding to organizations either influenced or controlled by Islamist activists from $4 million to $13.5 million, according to an analysis conducted by a think tank dedicated to protecting Western values from Middle Eastern threats.”
The Philadelphia-based nonprofit, Middle East Forum (MEF), reviewed millions of dollars in government grant data and found that the Trump administration is dedicating a lot more to radical Muslim groups than the Obama administration….
By the way, whatever happened to taxpayer organizations that were formed to protect us?
Why are taxpayers forced to pay for non-profit groups of any sort, let alone those that are involved in questionable activities or those promoting open borders? Let those who support these groups put their own personal money where their mouth is!
Mr. President this SO WRONG! I’m sure if you knew about this outrageous, treasonous betrayal of our country you would have put a stop to it, but now you know! Please end this outrage as soon as possible. And I know you will, because all Americans’ lives are depending on it, and counting on you! And thank you for your great service to our beloved country.
Here is the website link to the article:
P.S. to previous post: As you can see I fudged the attributions a little for the sake of fluidity. The important thing, as I see it, is to get someone at the WH to check out the original article.