Crowds Gather in Rockville for Protest, Counterprotest Over Immigration Enforcement
Larry O’Connor, a conservative radio host on WMAL, was drowned by chants of “USA” as he addressed a crowd of supporters in front of the Montgomery County Council Building on Friday morning.
Michelle Malkin (Photo credit: Cathy)
O’Connor was appealing to a crowd of protesters who arrived at the building to protest an executive order by County Executive Marc Elrich that directed local agencies not to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Across the street, another crowd was gathered to support the order and express their solidarity with the immigrant community.
Big guns Sebastian Gorka and Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch listen to Malkin speak to the crowd (Photo credit: Cathy)
The dueling protests were the latest conflict over the executive order, issued in July, that attracted nationwide attention after the Trump administration directly criticized the policy.
The conservative protest Friday also attracted national attention. Former Trump administration official Sebastian Gorka stood beside O’Connor in opposition to the executive order. USCIS Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli tweeted his support for the protest.
One of many protest signs (Photo credit: Cathy)
Across the street, County Council members and advocacy groups such as CASA of Maryland voice support for the policy.
The executive order did nothing to change the county’s existing policies, which have long instructed the Montgomery County Police Department and Department of Corrections not cooperate with federal immigration detainers.
When I get more news from the frontlines, I’ll post it here.
Wouldn’t you love to see more rallies like this one in sanctuary jurisdictions across America! Maybe Malkin and Judicial Watch would lead the effort!
Hurrah! A new feature has been added to the newly reconstructedRefugee Resettlement Watch—e-mail subscriptions are now possible!
(By the way, I had gotten bored and discouraged writing every day about the Refugee Program, but after being dumped by because clearly they were being pressured to shut me down, I’m even more determined to continue writing here at RRW.)
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I’ll leave this post here on the front page for a week or so. Please send it around via social media (see icons below). I had over 5,000 subscribers when the Speech Police censored me, so it would be great to get some of those followers back!
Thanks as always for visiting RRW!
Ann Corcoran
Editor’s note:
In the near future, we will be moving ‘Frauds and Crooks’ to a new, secure hosting company. There will be times when the blog may be unavailable, but rest assured that we are not going away. Once we begin the move, it may take a few days to complete the move. Please be patient and check back.
Sorry for the late notice! But, if you live in or around Maryland, Virginia or Washington, DC this should be fun!
Incredible! Michelle Malkin, Tom Fitton, Joe deGenova and more!
The Left is planning to disrupt the peaceful free speech event!
Rockville Rally Supporting ICE Set for Friday. A group calling itself the Concerned Citizens Coalition of Montgomery County is holding a rally Friday to support federal immigration agents in downtown Rockville. WMAL’s Larry O’Connor and Michelle Malkin will host the event. Malkin once lived in Germantown. The rally starts at 11 a.m. in front of the County Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Ave. The rally follows a series of sex crimes in which the defendants are in the country illegally.
[Aneighth illegal alien has been arrested for rape in the county in recent weeks, a Nigerian this time.—ed]
SPEAKERS: WMAL’s Larry O’Connor, Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, Heritage’s Hans Von Spakovsky, Joe diGenova, Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton and Michelle Malkin will be speaking at the protest. The protest is organized by various concerned groups of citizens in Montgomery County.
Editor: Coming soon to RRW is the opportunity to subscribe, however in the meantime, I want my ‘Frauds and Crooks’ readers to know what new information is available at the blog the Speech Police thought they abolishedback in late June.
Don’t miss this morning’s post with a list of local elected officials who signed a letter to the President asking for 95,000 refugees to be admitted to the US beginning in less than three weeks! Click on the headline below to see if someone you know signed the propaganda stunt letter:
Malkin’s timing is excellent because as I write this the Trump Administration is wrestling with an important legal requirement. In the coming weeks they must decide how many refugees (if any!) will be admitted to the US in FY2020 which begins in 21 days!
Every year since the Refugee Act of 1980 was signed into law by Jimmy Carter, the President determines how many UN-selected refugees will be welcomed to a town near you. Needless to say the refugee industry is in high gear putting pressure on the White House to get the numbers as high as they can (they are demanding 90,000) because the refugee contractors financial survival depends on high numbers!
Therefore, the timing of the release of Michelle Malkin’s new book couldn’t be better.
Here, at Breitbart, she pulls no punches and tells us about it and directs your attention to 60 reasons (60 Islamists we welcomed to become ‘new Americans’ while they came to do us harm.)
By the way, Trump can legally set the refugee ceiling for FY2020 at Zero!
Exclusive — Michelle Malkin: 60 Terrifying Reasons Trump Is Right to Reduce Refugees
Here are three facts that the most hysterical voices attacking the Trump administration’s proposal to radically reduce or freeze refugee admissions don’t want you to know:
1) They make billions of dollars off the federal refugee resettlement racket;
2) They are protected by the Open Borders Inc. media, which routinely whitewashes the gobsmacking financial self-interest of the “Let Them All In” leeches; and
3) They are never held accountable when untold numbers of the world’s most wretchedly violent and aggrieved refugees come here to sabotage the American Dream.
While left-wing religious groups, tax-exempt non-profits tied or allied to George Soros, and the amnesty-shilling Catholic Church scream “No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here!” at the top of their lungs, American neighborhoods are being overrun by dangerous foreign criminals and jihad plotters.
Refugee resettlement contractor and British national David Miliband with his hero—George Soros! See all of my posts at RRW about Milband and Soros.
David Miliband, president and CEO of International Rescue Committee, attacked the White House plan to slash refugee numbers from an Obama-era high of 100,000 to less than the current historic low of 30,000 as “inhumane.”
Is it because cutting the numbers would cut in to Miliband’s first-class travel and business lunch tabs? Malkin Truth-O-Meter: mostly likely true!
What Miliband neglects to mention in his diatribe against President Trump that his organization is one of 9 behemoth government contractors that works with the hostile United Nations and encrusted State Department social justice warriors to import thousands of new refugees every year with little input from the communities in which they are dumped. Miliband earns nearly a million-dollar salary*** and by one estimate, IRC has raked in nearly $900 million in refugee resettlement profits over the last decade. When you cut through the Statue of Liberty smokescreen of the open borders “charities,” the math is clear:
Reduced refugees means reduced cash flow.
Zero refugees means zero cash flow.
Why should taxpayers continue to see their hard-earned money siphoned away to feed the Trump Resistance Machine and Democrat Party’s Permanent Ruling Majority Project?
There are even more compelling reasons to throttle the refugee flow. According to the logic-twisting, ICE-doxxing cheerleaders at the New York Times, refugee reductions are the real threat to our nation because if we don’t keep importing hordes of Muslim translators from Iraq or Afghanistan, it would “undermine” our national security.
***And see mypost here at RRWa few days ago about the push to admit more Iraqi and Afghan translators. You will see the proof of Miliband’s obscene salary!
By the way, I am seeing a huge push by the contractors and their media lackeys to pressure the President at this very moment to agree to admit tens of thousands of UN-selected refugees to be your new neighbors.
Editor’s note:
In the near future, we will be moving ‘Frauds and Crooks’ to a new, secure hosting company. There will be times when the blog may be unavailable, but rest assured that we are not going away. Once we begin the move, it may take a few days to complete the move. Please be patient and check back.