Although the story makes it sound like the refugee industry has brought refugees to put on display in Washington as a response to the Trump Administration refugee slowdown, in reality they do this lobbying PR event every year no matter who is in the White House.
The lobbying initiative brings in (probably at your expense since these agencies are largely taxpayer-funded) refugees who exemplify the best of the recent crop of Africans, Asians and Middle Easterners to help persuade Congress to fund even more refugees in the coming fiscal year.
Needless to say there is NEVER any counter effort at this time by immigration restriction groups who might get around the Hill with information about the cost of the program and to put out a few horror stories about refugees who came here fraudulently and became crooks and criminals.
And, NO ONE ever mentions that the religious charities are largely federally funded and dependent on a large and regular supply of ‘new Americans’ to pay their salaries and their office overhead (so they can promote their Open Borders political agenda).
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