When I started writing this blog a couple of years ago, I figured I would mostly be writing about food stamp fraud, Medicare fraud and miscellaneous political frauds and crooks with an occasional violent crime thrown in.
But, with the arrival of the Black Lives Matter era, the stories jumping out at me are ones that confirm almost daily that white American lives don’t matter as African Americans and illegal aliens (some legal ones too) take aim at us and each other.
Indeed the last three stories I posted here are on that subject, here, here, and here.
You have surely read about the news of the mass shooting in downtown Austin, the liberal capitol of conservative Texas that left this man dead.
I wouldn’t be mentioning it (because I can’t write the same blacks killing whites story daily) if it wasn’t for the news that I read at The Blaze.
Perpetuating stereotypes!
The Austin American-Statesmannewspaper refused to publish the police description of one of the shooters they were looking for saying they would be “perpetuating stereotypes” if they told the public what the punk looked like.
Texas newspaper refuses to publish description of mass shooting suspect: ‘Perpetuating stereotypes’
A prominent Texas news outlet refused to publish the police-provided description of a suspect believed to be responsible for a mass shooting in Austin, Texas, over concerns that doing so would be “perpetuating stereotypes.”
Police in Austin, the capital of the Lone Star State, announced 14 people were injured after at least one person opened fire on people on Austin’s historic Sixth Street after 1 a.m. Saturday.
The perpetrator(s) apparently fired at random. Police did not know the motive, and they said gang-related activity had not been ruled out.
Yup! Arrested Jeremiah Roshaun Leland James Tabb fits the description. The 17 year-old will be tried as an adult.
When divulging details about the mass shooting, police provided a description of the suspected perpetrator, explaining they were searching for a “black male wearing a black shirt with a skinny build and with dreadlocks.”
However, the Austin American-Statesman, one of Texas’ most prominent newspapers, refused to publish that description, claiming they would be “perpetuating stereotypes” if they did.
The decision by corporate media to not describe or show a photograph of a perp when the perp doesn’t fit the Leftwing narrative the media is promoting is why I often have to search, often without success, for photos and information on where the criminal originated if he or she is a person of color or a new American.
‘This senseless tragedy has put an end to all his dreams’: 25-year-old dies in downtown Austin mass shooting
Douglas John Kantor, 25, died from his injuries at an Austin hospital Sunday at 12:01 p.m., police say.
Kantor’s family said he was taken to Dell Seton Medical Center.
“He was shot through the abdomen just below the rib cage, straight through,” Kantor’s brother Nick Kantor said.
“He suffered from the time of the injury until time of death, it was the most gruesome thing I could think to wish on someone. It’s painful to discuss, but I think the public deserves to know what my brother suffered.”
Two other victims of the over a dozen shot are in critical condition.
A second suspect is in custody.
Editor: I apologize for not posting your excellent comments promptly. I have chosen to moderate comments which means that if I have dashed off to work outside I often don’t see them for hours and hours. I do get to them eventually!
It caught my attention because this violent crime happened on a so-called greenway—a biking and nature trail that weaves its way through neighborhoods allowing public corridors for creeps with a criminal intent to be wandering far from the neighborhoods you would normally avoid and into communities you might assume are safe.
They call it “connecting communities.” There are lots of papers on it, here is one.
For a little background, know that environmentalists dreamed up the greenway concept, originally called greenlining, knowing it would sell really well to upscale urban and suburban people who do want to exercise and get out into nature.
The next step to the greenlining plan is to control the adjoining properties, which enviros call the viewshed, as a way for the government to control land use.
When pushing new trails on a community, those environmental land use planners downplay the crime corridor potential—like the awful crime here on Atlanta’s Peachtree Creek Greenway.
If you have trails like these near where you live, never, ever, use them alone!
And, I would fight like hell to never have one through my community.
See also the story at US News. I didn’t use it because the “man’s” photo is not attached. Where the photo should be, US News features a political cartoon about Trump.
Judge denies bond for man accused of stabbing pregnant woman in Brookhaven
BROOKHAVEN, Ga. (CBS46) — A judge denied bond Friday for a man accused of stabbing a pregnant woman on the Peachtree Creek Greenway on June 5, citing the nature of the alleged crime and previous criminal history.
“Based on the facts and circumstances, as well as his criminal history and being out on bond on two charges — one of which is arguably a violent charge, I do find that he is a risk to the community,” DeKalb County Magistrate Judge Abbi S. Taylor said.
Christopher Jones, 30, was taken into custody Thursday morning near the Arts Center MARTA station. He is charged with aggravated assault with intent to murder, aggravated battery and cruelty to children in the first degree.
Police said a pregnant woman was walking along the Peachtree Creek Greenway with her three-year-old child around 5:30 p.m. when the suspect tried to start a conversation with her. As she walked away, the suspect allegedly stabbed the woman in the back, then stabbed her in her stomach and on her forearm.
“It just seems completely unprovoked and one of those questions that we’ll be asking why forever,”said the woman’s partner and father of her children, named Steven.
He and his partner are both international school teachers who met in Brazil. They were preparing to welcome their second child in September. The baby boy was born via emergency c-section after the attack. They will have a long road ahead.
It surely hasn’t escaped your notice that cities roiled by rioting and violent crime in drug-filled neighborhoods and with (of course!) declining populations are run, and have been run, by Democrats for decades.
It has been 50 years since Rochester had a Republican mayor.
But, alas, it would be impossible today to turn the “model city” of Rochester into someplace people chose to live.
And, due to its shrinking population, you watch, the next thing will be to fill it with third world refugees (with Catholic help) as Biden promises that starting in October the first of 125,000 Africans, Middle Easterners and Asians will be landing in America.
Daniel Greenfield has a piece at Frontpage magazine this week that you should read as a cautionary tale, that is, if you haven’t been sufficiently cautioned already about Democrat governing principles.
The Democrat Model for the Future is the Worst City in America
I’ve only snipped a bit to whet your appetitive beginning with this you-can’t- make-this-up news worthy of a Saturday Night Live skit (if SNL wasn’t so PC).
As murders rose 56% and shootings shot up 90%, Rochester decided to offer iPads in exchange for “working handguns and assault rifles”. No questions asked. A week after the “largest gun buyback in Rochester history”, four people were shot in just one day.
Five months after announcing that she wanted to reimagine the police, Mayor Lovely Warren was indicted on campaign fraud charges.
You can’t make this up!
Last month, her husband was busted in the takedown of a drug ring. The cops found a semi-automatic rifle in her home. Warren, who had allied with Bloomberg’s Everytown gun control group, claimed that she knew nothing about the weapon.
It couldn’t have been too shocking since her husband had already been convicted of armed robbery.
Mayor Lovely Warren blamed the whole thing on racism….
Greenfield goes on….
Rochester isn’t suffering from excessive criminalization, but decriminalization. And the last thing a city overrun with drugs needs is more drugs, or police defunding, EV chargers, demolishing highways, or any of the other “progressive” gimmicks that Democrats keep jumping on.
The media is right. Rochester is a model. And a cautionary tale.
The former booming industrial city is a model for what the Democrats want to do to America, gutting industrial bases, replacing work with welfare, and then using black people as lab rats for radical social experiments like drug legalization and police defunding with deadly results.
Being a “model city” now means having every toxic leftist policy idea tested on you.
Democrats have failed at the most basic elements of governance in Rochester. And yet they keep rolling out exciting new ideas to fight global warming or transform society when they can’t even handle their existing responsibilities.
Rochester is the 5th poorest city in the country. It’s also one of the dirtiest, it has the worst schools in the state and some of the lowest literacy rates. The graduation rate hovers between 40 and 50 percent. 75% of Rochester’s children are being raised by single parents.
If Mayor Lovely Warren really wants to “close the wealth gap between Black and Brown people and our White neighbors”, then she might want to start there, instead of writing checks for black people from drug money while turning Rochester streets into war zones with police defunding.
And, it is all the fault of “systemic racism.”
And then they blame the corrupt, violent, and impoverished hellholes their economic and social policies created on “systemic racism”.
Watch for the Biden Administration to begin weaving and dodging on issues involving defunding the police and “reimagining” policing as Americans now feel safer about the Chinese Virus, but are feeling increasingly less safe from violence especially in large Democrat run cities.
The George Floyd rioting has finally sunk into the American psyche and many are realizing that they need the police after all.
The Republicans just got some news that they can use!
Tie every Dem running in 2022 to the anti-police message of the faltering Black Lives Matter movement.
You can bet the real numbers are even worse for BLM and others pushing their racist message because those polled by Yahoo News likely already leaned to the Left.
Poll: More Americans now say violent crime is a ‘very big problem’ than say the same about COVID-19
In stark contrast to last summer, more Americans now say violent crime is a “very big problem” in the U.S. than say the same about COVID-19, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a shift that suggests policing and public safety could come to dominate U.S. politics as the pandemic subsides, potentially putting the Biden administration and Democratic leaders on the defensive.
The survey of 1,588 U.S. adults, which was conducted from May 24 to May 26, found that just 32 percent of them now describe COVID-19 as a very big problem, down from 61 percent last July.
In a certain sense, this isn’t surprising. While mass vaccination has driven COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations to their lowest levels in many months, violent crime has been rising (even though it’s still occurring at a far lower rate than it was for much of the 1990s and before).
Nearly two-thirds of Americans (65 percent) now believe violent crime is increasing, including 76 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats, according to the Yahoo News/YouGov poll. It’s the rare issue that elicits bipartisan agreement.
What is striking, however, is that while anxiety about violent crime has held steady across the political spectrum since last summer, concerns about race relations and sympathy with racial justice reformers have fallen sharply in the wake of the protests that followed the murder of George Floyd one year ago.
Overall, the share of Americans who see race as a “very big problem” in the U.S. is now 13 percentage points lower than it was last July.
As a result, the political scales seem to be tilting away from racial justice reform…
Last June, for instance, 60 percent of Americans told Yahoo News and YouGov that there was a problem with systemic racism in policing; 63 percent said there was a problem with systemic racism in America. Today, both numbers are significantly lower: 51 percent and 55 percent, respectively. And while 57 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Black Lives Matter last June (compared with 33 percent unfavorable), today more Americans view BLM unfavorably (45 percent) than favorably (43 percent) — a net shift of 26 points against the movement.
In fact, when Americans who believe violent crime is increasing are asked why, far more now blame “the racial justice movement” itself (57 percent) than blame joblessness (44 percent), systemic racism (40 percent) or the pandemic (35 percent).
Then this made me laugh….”Experts debate…” There is no debate. Anyone with half a brain could see that the Progressives’ rhetoric was encouraging violence.
Yahoo Newscontinues:
Experts debate whether progressive reforms and critical rhetoric have played any role in encouraging violence; they tend to cite the pandemic and record gun sales [Duh! up because people are trying to protect themselves—ed] as likelier factors.
Either way, the issue could vex Democrats going forward.
Asked who has done a better job handling crime, more Americans (34 percent vs. 32 percent) and independents (39 percent vs. 23 percent) say Trump than Biden.
Quick! Find every Democrat (or weeny Republican) you can find who snuggled up to BLM (or Antifa) in the last year and capture their laudatory words and images before they are scrubbed.
One hundred and eight people have been murdered in Baltimore so far this year.
Israeli Efraim Gordon in town for a cousin’s wedding murdered in Baltimore.
They say they have video of the thugs wandering the neighborhood and one of them approaching Efraim Gordon before he was killed, and a reward has been posted for information, but no arrest yet in the young Jewish man’s murder.
I didn’t post this last week because I wanted to report the arrest or arrests and assumed that within a day or so arrests would have been made in a case that Gordon’s family in Israel and the Israeli press are watching closely.
As of this morning no news of an arrest, so I will update this post if and when the killer or killers are found.
Here is the latest from three days ago fromCBS Baltimore:
Community Devastated After Efraim Gordon Murdered While Visiting Baltimore, Volunteers Hand Out Flyers
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Community members are both angry and concerned after an Israeli man was murdered in Baltimore.
Members of community walked several blocks to hand out flyers informing neighbors of a $30,000 reward in hopes that someone will come forward with information regarding Efraim Gordon’s murder.
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, left, and MD Governor Larry Hogan plan to have a chit chat this week about crime in Baltimore. Yeh, that should solve the problem.
Gordon, 31, was murdered Monday near aunt and uncle’s home on Fords Lane and residents continue to express their frustrations with the city’s high crime rate.
“It’s not just about one man, it’s like this is a pattern,” said a man, who also brought his children along to help hand out the flyers.
“This has just devastated the entire community,” said Councilman Yitzy Schleifer, ”and you have a lot of people taking off of work to go door-to-door hanging up signs to make sure those responsible for this murder are brought to justice.”
Gordon was from Israel and was visiting Baltimore for the first time for his cousin’s wedding. His sister spoke with Israel National News.
“Nothing was stolen. He had his watch, his passport, his ID, his bag of money,” said the victim’s sister, Ella Gordon. Detectives say they will review camera footage in the area for possible leads.
Baltimore’s crime problem has been a big talking point for politicians this week. Ninety nine people were killed at this time in 2020 compared to 108 so far in 2021.
Governor Larry Hogan and Mayor Brandon Scott exchanged words on Twitter addressing the issue of crime in the city.
And, here is a brilliant idea from three days ago….
Defund Baltimore’s police department! That should solve the crime problem!