That is one of the shocking pieces of news the Senate Homeland Security Committee heard on Wednesday while the entire media apparatus of the United States was fixated on the Trump Impeachment Extravaganza.
Luckily for us Stephen Dinan at the Washington Timeswas not mesmerized by the Schiff Show in the House of Representatives.
Just now when I receivedDinan’s story (h/t Joanne), I quickly searched to see who else reported this disgusting news and only see a reference to a C-Span video of the hearing.
Shame on the media. It appears that no one other than the Washington Times covered the important Senate hearing.
More than 600 children ‘recycled’ by migrant smugglers at border: ICE
More than 600 children were “recycled” through the border over the last year, including some who were carried across eight times, by a different person each time, looking to exploit lax policies to gain a foothold in the U.S., a top ICE official told Congress on Wednesday.
And those are only cases that were detected, officials said.
ICE: Fake families in a quarter of the cases!
The recycled children are one of the more disturbing aspects of illegal border flow over the last 12 months, which set records for the number of children and families who snuck into the U.S.
The families were drawn by a lax policy, imposed by a federal court, that gives adults a quick release into communities as long as they brought a son or daughter with them.
The result was massive levels of fraud, with adults renting or outright buying unrelated children in order to present themselves as a family, authorities said. In some cases it was a one-off, but in other instances children were “recycled” across the border multiple times, said Derek N. Benner, acting deputy director at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“We’ve identified over 600 children that have been recycled,” he said.
That means that once they came across with an unrelated adult, they were then separated by the smuggling operation and taken back south across the border to be brought back again with a new adult, he said.
“Some of them had indicated they’ve made the trip as many as eight times, with separate, unrelated adults each time,” he added.
Mark Morgan, acting commissioner at Customs and Border Protection, recounted one case where they caught a Honduran man who’d “bought a child” for $80, then attempted to cross into the U.S.
“Why did he do it? Because the loopholes in our system told him — and the smugglers made sure he understood — ‘You grab a child, that’s your passport into the United States,’” Mr. Morgan told the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Lies, fraud, corruption from Africa to our Southern Border. If you aren’t reading RRW yet, see that the UN is being accused of fraud and corruption in one of the major camps in Africa (Uganda this time, not Kenya) from which we receive refugees.
Note to those who have sent me stories recently. Thank you! I hope to post more of the horrible frauds, crooks, criminal news that you have been sending. So much to report and so little time!
Mexico has seen an astounding 250% increase in Africans trying to enter the United States through the southern border, according to the latest figures released by the Mexican government’s immigration agency, known as Unidad de Política Migratoria. The stats include the first eight months of 2019 and reveal that, during the same period last year, 1,507 Africans were apprehended in the country compared to 5,286 this year. During the same period 4,783 migrants from India and Bangladesh were also detained in Mexico, according to the data made public this month.
The information is alarming considering Africa and Bangladesh are hotbeds of terrorism and the fact that all the migrants are heading north into the United States. “These migrants, although less in numbers compared to migrants from Central America, increased significantly in the country,” a Mexican newspaper article states, confirming that “their principle objective is not to stay in Mexican territory but rather cross the border towards the United States.” The story also reveals that a growing number of Cubans, Haitians and south Americans, mainly from Brazil and Colombia, have also been apprehended by Mexican authorities trying to make their way to the U.S. border.
The spike in Africans is worrisome considering the State Department has determined that Africa is a major hub of Islamic terrorism, including al-Shabaab in the eastern part of the country and Boko Haram and ISIS in the west.Bangladesh is also a national security concern because the south Asian Islamic country is well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). Earlier this year a congressional probe revealed that migrants from terrorist nations, especially Bangladesh, are trying to enter the United States through Mexico at record rates.
Texas alone saw a whopping 300% increase in Bangladeshi nationals attempting to sneak into the country, according to the federal investigation outlined in a lengthy report.
I’m glad to see JW getting more involved in immigration issues. They may eventually get more information out of our government on these issues through their expertise with the Freedom of Information Act.
Who is encouraging this movement of Africans to Mexico and on to the US Border?
In 2011 I speculated it was NGOsand suggested a Congressional investigation was desperately needed. Of course, for some reason, no one is interested in answering that question.
This morning I happened to catch a bit of a news story at Fox News, maybe you saw it!
Fox may end up being the only US major media outlet to cover the shocking news about the global travels of a Somali extremist that ended with him being arrested in Canada for an Islamic terrorist attack as a ‘new Canadian.’
The Center for Immigration Studieshas been dogging the case and created a very cool map that tracks the alleged terrorists movement from Africa to South America, then to our US border and on into (diversity is our strength!) Canada.
How did he do it (surely he was helped along the way!), and for me the vital question seemingly never asked, so therefore never answered—where did he get the money for his movement across the globe?
From CIS(author Todd Bensman was on Fox this morning):
The First Illegal Border-Crosser to Commit a North American Terrorist Attack Is on Trial, But Don’t Expect the U.S. Media to Cover It
Many who have professionally worried, as did former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, that violent jihadists might illegally cross the United States’ southern border are often challenged with this: “Name a single U.S. border-crossing immigrant asylum-seeker who ever committed a terrorist attack.”
Introducing Abdulahi Hasan Sharif of Somalia.
In 2011, Sharif had himself smuggled from Somalia through Brazil and Central America. Then he entered the United States over the Mexico-California border and claimed asylum. Sharif went on to Canada, where he allegedly conducted a double vehicle-ramming and stabbing rampage in 2017 in Edmonton, Alberta, that severely injured a police officer and four other people. He was carrying an Islamic State flag in one of the ramming vehicles.
That border-crossing Sharif is now on trial in Canada. Not a single corporate American media outlet has written a story about him, either on his trial, his unique place in history as a terrorist who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border, or what America needs to learn about this case to improve border security.
I’ve said this many times, but the President should be specifically highlighting cases like this one that demonstrate our dangerous southern border when he speaks to his huge rally audiences.
Below is a screenshot showing Sharif’s travel from Somalia to Canada—half way around the world! See the interactive map by clicking here.
Sharif entered the US during the Obama Administration in 2011 and was released. He entered Canada in 2012 and was granted refugee status.
Such a quality person Minnesota sent to Washington!
And, what an example she is setting for the first Somali in Congress!
As if her marital situation(s) aren’t already complex enough, the news that Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar (see all of my previous posts) has been carrying on an affair with a man she employs has made the mainstream news after months of speculation.
What helped the rumor mill get confirmation of the tryst were the divorce papers filed by the jilted wife of Democrat consultant Tim Mynett.
Question: Is Tim Mynett a Muslim, if not will he convert?
DC consultant’s alleged affair with Ilhan Omar is front and center in divorce papers
The wife of a prominent Washington political consultant has filed for divorce, claiming her husband made a “devastating and shocking” revelation that he was having an affair with freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.
Beth Mynett, 55, submitted divorce papers in Washington, D.C., Superior Court on Tuesday, saying her husband, Tim Mynett, 38, informed her earlier this year that he was having an affair with Omar.
“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar, who serves as a U.S. representative from Minnesota,” read the filing, obtained by Fox News.
The filing continued: “Although devastated by the betrayal and deceit that preceded his abrupt declaration, Plaintiff told Defendant that she loved him and was willing to fight for the marriage. Defendant, however, told her that was not an option for him.”
The couple lived together for six years before getting married in 2012. They have a 13-year-old son.
“It is clear to Plaintiff that her marriage to Defendant is over and that there is no hope of reconciliation,” the filing stated.
The news of the divorce filing, first seen in the New York Post, comes just over a month after it was reported that Omar had separated from her husband and father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi, and moved into a luxury penthouse in Minneapolis.
Omar’s campaign has paid Tim Mynett’s E. Street group around $230,000 for fundraising consulting, digital communications, Internet advertising and travel expenses since 2018, records showed. The 37-year-old congresswoman was spotted back in March with Mynett at a California restaurant.
International attention! There are more details in this report at Globe Intel:
Beth Jordan Accuses Ilhan Omar of Stealing her Husband
Happier times (before Ilhan came along)!
Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett is an American physician and the Medical Director of the DC Department of Corrections.
She is the former wife of Tim Mynett – a political consultant who she has accused of being in a relationship with Somali-born US representative, Ilhan Omar.
She has a 20 years experience as a Clinician and Administrator, including in both urgent care and emergency room treatment and previously served as the Medical Director for the National Association for Reproductive Health. She is recognized as an expert in Women’s Reproductive Rights. In 2013 she joined the DC Department of Corrections as the agency’s new Medical Director.
Beth filed for divorce from her husband and is seeking custody of their 13-year-old son, child support, full control of their DC home and legal fees to be paid.She also argued in court documents that she doesn’t trust her estranged husband’s judgment with their son — in part because of his relationship with Omar.
“By way of example, days prior to Defendant’s devastating and shocking declaration of love for Rep. Omar and admission of their affair, he and Rep. Omar took the parties’ son to dinner in order to formally meet for the first time at the family’s favorite neighborhood restaurant while Plaintiff was out of town. Rep. Omar gave the parties’ son a gift and the Defendant later brought her back inside the family’s home.”
In the court documents, she also added that the most concerning thing about the jaunt was her hubby’s decision to “put his son in harm’s way” by taking him out in public with Omar, “who at that time garnered a plethora of media attention along with death threats.”
Let me say (with all sincerity) thank you Minnesota for sending Ilhan Omar to Washington as the first Somali to represent the Somali refugee community for the entire nation to see!
I’m wondering if her good friends at CAIR have anything to say?
HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, another of the nine federal contractors employed by the US State Department to place refugees into your towns and cities, is focusing on hiring lawyers for the law breakers at the southern border. [For new readers, see nine contractors inthis post.—ed]
HIAS organized a trip for Jewish leaders to the southern border.
HIAS receives more than half of its income from you via your tax dollars to take care of legal refugees who were selected and screened, and yet they are working feverishly to be sure the illegal aliens on the southern border have legal representation.
Recently they sent out an appeal for financial help. Mind you! financial help for an organization that got $24,493,702 directly from the US Treasury in 2016 (according to its Form 990 here)!
Why is our money going to a group promoting a progressive political agenda that large numbers of Americans oppose (if they only knew!)?
This is a screenshot of their recent appeal for more moola…
Now let’s have a look at the mostrecent Form 990available for HIAS.
Below is the page showing their federal grants. Notice that their privately raised dollars that year amounted to $17,361,702, less than half of their income.
I think the fact that they can’t raise enough private money for their ‘good works’ signals that the general public just isn’t that interested in their mission.
If you go to page 9 notice that if they weren’t getting federal funding they would die.
Salary and employee expenses amounted to $20,686,120 and their office expenses, rent and travel amounted to another $7,106,664 while they only took in just over $17 million in private dollars.
Again, if they weren’t getting federal funding they would most likely die. Or, they would have to slash staff or significantly cut the high salaries of top brass!
Have a look at their top salaried positions.
And, btw, let me say that if they were a truly private non-profit (or a for-profit) their salaries would be none of our business, but they aren’t.
They are effectively a government agency which means they can’t keep this information from the taxpayers who pay a significant portion of their salaries!
Endnote: Readers may have noticed many refugee-related stories here at Frauds and Crooks. I am still working to restore Refugee Resettlement Watch and once it is done (soon I think!), many stories like this one will be posted there. However, there is a ‘Charity fraud’ category here at Frauds and Crooks, so stories like this fit right in!