So typical! After being alerted to this story by reader Lisa, I searched around to see what other news outlets were saying about this horrific story and not one that I found mentioned whether the creep was illegally in the US. Jose Manuel Pantoja Ledesma
Oh, they mentioned that he was homeless (sniff!) and that he was likely under the influence of drugs (cry me a river!), but nothing about his immigration status. And, this is the cultural enrichment migrants bring to America! Hey Nancy is he one of your “newcomers?” Continue reading “California: Hispanic Man Ties Up Lost Dog, Kicks it Like a Soccer Ball”→
A reader sent me a link to a blog focusing on illegal alien crimes.
See it by clicking here. This is a screenshot of a portion of the site’s banner this morning.
Although I do include violent crimes committed by migrants (aka ‘new Americans’) of all sorts here at Frauds and Crooks, this site looks to be a one-stop shop collecting the worst of the worst cases of violence being perpetrated on our country and our people by those who should not be here in the first place!
Yesterday I questioned why the horrific beheading in Seattlenever made the news nationally—one more example of why one must read widely on the web to understand what is happening to America.
I think the future of journalism is in the hands of media outlets/blogs on the net, and so, as I have said on many previous occasions, you should be blogging too either on a specific topic that does not get enough attention by the mainstream media, or for a specific location—your town, city, or state!
Imagine if every town or county had a blog or website competing with a local Leftwing small town paper!
“He obsessed over the connection between crime and immigration, and he believed that Islam was an inherently violent religion.”
(Andrew McCabe says of Jeff Sessions)
Sessions went out on a limb to become first US Senator to support the Trump presidential bid in early 2016.
On the day after Trump’s big cave that will now allow more migration to your towns and cities, the Leftwing publication ‘Slate’ joyfully tells us about how the liar and fraud—former Deputy Director of the FBI Andy McCabe—described his former boss Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Of course this is meant to further denigrate a man who for decades fought tirelessly in the US Senate against amnesty for illegal aliens and was the first US Senator to back Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency.
According to a Wall Street Journal review of the book, McCabe wrote in his book that Sessions was only interested in immigration issues. He obsessed over the connection between crime and immigration, and he believed that Islam was an inherently violent religion, according to the Post. When presented with a counterterrorism case, he would first ask where the suspect was born or where the suspect’s parents were from. “He blamed immigrants for nearly every societal problem and uttered racist sentiments with shocking callousness,” Miller concluded from McCabe’s book.
McCabe’s assessment is surprising in only that it comes so bluntly from a man who once was acting head of the FBI but now seems intent on speaking out against the men who made his professional and personal life so difficult for 10 months (before he was fired just hours before his planned retirement, blocking him from receiving his full pension benefits). Sessions has a long, long history of making racist and anti-immigrant comments, while also implementing racist and anti-immigrant policies.
You can go read more if you wish, but let me ask you, don’t you agree with Sessions’ assessments (here cast, of course, in the harshest of terms by Slate)? You must, or you wouldn’t be reading my blog!
One day maybe we will know if it was Jared (and his open borders business pals) who really wanted Sessions out of the way! If Stephen Miller (who came to the Trump campaign with Senator Sessions) leaves the White House you will then know that the open borders (cheap labor) business lobby has succeeded.
How many times have you heard it from the mainstream media—Americans are criminals at a higher rate than immigrants, so those new American wannabes flooding our border pose no threat!
Well, that is fake news!
In case you missedthe new reportat the Federation for American Immigration Reform, John Binder writing at Breitbarthas the numbers.
Study: Illegal Aliens Up to 5X More Likely To Be in Prison Than Americans
Illegal aliens concentrated in ten U.S. states are up to more than five times as likely to be in prison for crimes than American citizens and legal immigrants, a new study reveals.
Research by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)analyzed states with the highest concentration of illegal aliens — including Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington — debunking claims by the big business interests and open borders lobby that the illegal alien population is generally harmless to Americans.
For example, the FAIR study found that in New Jersey, which has a generally small prison population, illegal aliens are about 5.5 times more likely to be incarcerated than American citizens and legal immigrants.
As Breitbart News has extensively reported, criminal foreigners in federal prison cost American taxpayers about $1.4 billion every year. Likewise, mass immigration to the U.S. from primarily Central America has led to a booming foreign incarcerated population from the region.
Between Fiscal Year 2011 and 2016, about 91 percent of all criminal illegal and legal immigrants in federal U.S. prisons were nationals from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Guatemala, Breitbart News reported.
What can you do? You should bookmark the FAIR report or Binder’s piece and the next time you see news from, for instance, some Leftwing politician, that Americans commit crimes at a higher rate than “new Americans,” take time to let the media outlet or the elected official know that they are wrong.
Better still don’t wait and write a letter to the editor for your local paper with the statistics!
Editor: I actually started this post yesterday BEFORE the murder charges were filed, but never got it posted.
This morning I see the charges have now been filed, and, believe it or not, CNN is running the story with this headline. See here. (Too funny, that they have to put Trump in the headline! What the heck will they do when he is no longer President!)
Undocumented immigrant cited by Trump charged with four murders
This is the post I wrote yesterday: I was planning to tell you about this newsfrom last week where the Reno Gazette Journalinterviewed Wilber (sometimes spelled Wilbur) Marinez-Guzman’s friends who painted a sympathetic picture of the 19-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, when I saw this story about the murders at CNN.
Wow! CNN reported at least this much! However, interesting that they bring the President in to the story in the headline as if his mention of the crime (related to the wall) is somehow a bad thing!
Undocumented immigrant admits killing couple in spree cited by Trump, police say
An undocumented immigrant has admitted to killing a Reno, Nevada, couple using a gun he stole from their home, police say in a probable cause document. President Donald Trump recently cited the killings and two others in a tweet in support of building a wall on the southern US border. “Four people in Nevada viciously robbed and killed by an illegal immigrant who should not have been in our Country,” the President tweeted Monday. “We need a powerful Wall!” CNN doesn’t show a picture of the victims.
The four people referenced include the Reno couple, plus two women who police say were victims of homicide in nearby Douglas County.
Connie Koontz, 56, was found dead January 10 in her home, and Sophia Renken, 74, was discovered dead January 13, also in her home.
Jerry David, 81, and his wife, Sherri David, 80, were found killed January 16 in their Reno home.
Investigators also discovered that possessions, including firearms, were stolen from the victims’ homes.
Wilber Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, 19, was arrested January 19. He was arraigned Thursday on 36 charges of burglary, possession of stolen property and obtaining money by false pretenses.
Prosecutors said he was found with weapons and other items stolen from the homes of the four victims.
Some of the victims knew Martinez-Guzman which suggests he had possibly cased their homes in advance—-a lesson to the soft-hearted!
Martinez-Guzman told investigators he killed Jerry and Sherri David with a gun stolen from their home and said where he buried the firearm, according to the probable cause document. Ten additional guns were found at the same location.
In Martinez-Guzman’s home, police say they found an iWatch and Mac computer stolen from Koontz at the time she was killed. There were no signs of forced entry at any of the crime scenes, and police have determined that Martinez-Guzman was familiar with all four victims, Douglas County Sheriff Dan Coverly said.
The lesson to all of you: Never permit a company (or an individual) to work at your home if workers are in the country illegally.
It is important for you to keep the story alive. According to CNN Martinez-Guzman will not be in court again until February 8th and by then the media will have moved along.