For those of you who were shocked, dismayed, stunned, depressed yesterday when you began hearing about what was in a bill passed by both Houses of Congress that was supposedly a COVID relief package, you got some solace later in the evening when President Trump went before the American people to say he would not sign the bill in its present form.
He stopped short of using the word “veto,” but said he won’t sign this monstrosity.
By the way, only six brave Republican Senators voted against the 5,000 plus page bill that NO one has read:
Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rick Scott, R-Fla., Ron Johnson, R-Wis., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.***
In the House it was 359 for and 53 against, see here.
You can watch our President’s four minute display of leadership below (I see much of the media is calling it a rant). He asks why we are sending billions abroad when Americans are hurting through no fault of their own.
The $900bn bill includes one-off $600 payments to most Americans, but Mr Trump said the figure should be $2,000.
His statement stunned Capitol Hill.
Republicans and Democrats have been negotiating a coronavirus stimulus rescue package since July and Mr Trump – who has largely stayed out of the talks – had been expected to sign the legislation into law following its passage through Congress on Monday night.
However, Mr Trump has not specifically said he would veto the bill. Even if he does, US media say there could be enough votes from both Democrats and Republicans in Congress to override his veto.
In Tuesday night’s message from the White House, Mr Trump baulked at spending in the bill on other countries, arguing that this money should go to struggling Americans.
He said: “This bill contains $85.5m for assistance to Cambodia, $134m to Burma, $1.3bn for Egypt and the Egyptian military, which will go out and buy almost exclusively Russian military equipment, $25m for democracy and gender programmes in Pakistan, $505m to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.”
The president questioned why the Kennedy Center, a performing arts complex in Washington DC, was set to receive $40m when it is not open, and more than $1bn has been allocated to museums and galleries in the capital. [Which are also mostly not open!—ed]
The President has nothing to lose now if he vetoes the monster that will put the US in even greater debt (to China?) for generations to come. It will reaffirm his strong leadership that will be needed for the years ahead.
Yeah, they can override his veto, but then we will all know who puts Americans First and who puts us last. After all, the midterm elections are not far off.
(39)With 212Million registered voters and 66.2% voting,140.344 M voted. Now if Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66.344 M for Biden. These numbers don’t add up to what we are being told. Lies and more Lies!
— Bill Binney, Constitutional Patriot (@Bill_Binney) December 19, 2020
Any chance that more than 70 million Americans are going to let this go? Nope!
Yesterday I wrote about Elizabeth Neumann, a former Republican big wig at the Department of Homeland Security who claimed she supported the President initially because she is pro-life, but decided to work against him because he cut back on immigration and talked mean “racist” talk. Talk, she says, that makes America less safe.
So much for her devotion to life as she actively worked on behalf of pro-abortion Biden/Harris, making innocent babies less safe. See here.
Neumann has described herself as “first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ,” and her 2016 decision to vote for Trump as “primarily because of the pro-life issue.”
She subsequently re-examined her earlier convictions (?) and concluded that admitting 125,000 refugees a year is more important than babies! She claims America is safer when we open our borders.
I’m posting this here because I am not sure how many of you see Refugee Resettlement Watch and because I have a category here specially made for posts like this—political rats. That is a category I originally made when I wrote about the Lincoln Project, but it has come in handy.
The 2020 Election Evidence Project was started in response to the media refusing to report on factual pieces of evidence regarding the 2020 election. Our goal isn’t to convince you of some grandiose conspiracy theory, but instead, to present you with information the traditional media isn’t reporting and allow you to form your own opinions. Because the media generally isn’t reporting on what we’ll be presenting, inevitably a lot of our sources will come from independent and right leaning news sources, tech experts, politicians, lawyers, whistleblower, witnesses, and judges themselves.
And, they provide a resource guide with raw vote data from all the states and pdf downloads of some of the cases filed.
Got a tip?
They are looking for more tips from members of the public who have witnessed fraud or other shady behavior in this year’s presidential contest.
By the way, can you imagine how Trump must have been making the Dems and the RINO Republicans heads explode with his raucous rally in Georgia last night.
They must have expected Trump to slink away when they scammed the nation with the election steal.
They were wrong!
One Of The Most Powerful Moments In @realDonaldTrump Rally History
King Joe and Queen Kamala, if crowned in January, will have their hands full.
Do you remember 2009 when Obama and Joe first came to the White House and CNBC Business editor Rick Santelli went on his famous rantcredited with being the inspiration for the Tea Party that clearly was the precursor to Donald Trump’s successful America First (MAGA) movement?
Santelli ranted again and this time it was in defense of churches and small businesses like restaurants which are being shuttered supposedly to protect us from the Chinese virus while Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart and the like are somehow allowed to be open with hundreds of customers milling about.
We have been focused on the election and the revelations of massive fraud, but I think we need to be looking at what is going on in Europe as a sign of the unrest Joe and Kamala will be presented with if more lockdowns, mask mandates or mandatory vaccinations are part of their governing plan.
Here is what happened in London in October.
English people defying lockdown/social-distancing orders in London to tell the government it can stick the poison Covid-19 vaccine up its own ass.
I’ve said this before, and you likely will disagree with me, but if Trump does not prevail in his legal challenges to the massive election fraud we know happened, that in many ways it might be much better for him and us that he is on the outside leading a MAGA movement.
Just this morning I’ve been reading one article after another about how the deep state is on steroids internally working against Trump and his people, about how some Republican Senators are already signaling that they want more cheap labor for big businesses, and how many Republican ‘leaders’ are cutting and running to work all manner of deals with the Dems.
Let illegitimately elected Joe (ha! ha!) be responsible for trying to tamp down the growing anger of 74 million Americans who believe the election was stolen and don’t want to be shutdown, don’t want open borders, don’t want lawlessness on our streets, don’t want China influencing anything we do, and are sick of the globalists in both parties running our lives.
Since the days of the Tea Party rebellion of 2009, the movement, now known as MAGA, has grown up as it has grown younger and more diverse. I don’t think it will be easily silenced.