Thanks to reader Michelle for directing my attention to Here is the Evidence,a website that says it is for journalists (you know the ones who say there is no evidence of Election Fraud!).
Or, it is for ambitious Americans who want to see the proof for themselves (to while away the hours cooped up this winter!)
Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues. Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems.
I had previously mentioned another site that cataloged the evidence as well. See that posthere.
Mike Lindell says he will release a three-hour documentary tomorrow on the evidence he has gathered about how the 2020 Election fraud went down.
P.S.Support Lindell by buying his merchandise. Last night I slept with MyPillow for the first time and loved it! Great dog beds too at MyPillow.
Last summer I posted on the political rats at the Lincoln Project. This is an update on how the rats are scurrying now as one of their own has been outed as a sexual predator.
You have probably seen the news (a well-kept secret among deep staters), but I am posting it because I had been so outraged that this bunch of Republican traitors, never-Trumpers, was filling the airwaves with trash about President Trump and doing it using Lincoln’s name.
Here is Breitbart with news on how this all went down…
Ryan Girdusky: Lincoln Project Is Part Grift, Part Grooming Operation for John Weaver
“The Lincoln Project has always been just two things: a grift for people to make money and a grooming organization for John Weaver to meet young men to try to get them in bed,” said Ryan Girdusky, journalist and author of They’re Not Listening: How The Elites Created the National Populist Revolution, on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Girdusky broke the news that John Weaver, a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, allegedly sought sexual contact with young men in exchange for jobs in politics.
Girdusky began investigating accusations of Weaver’s sexual solicitations from young men after being followed by Weaver on Twitter.
“Within a day [of Weaver following me on Twitter], young men started coming forward and saying to me that I should be on the lookout,” Girdusky stated.
“They said, ‘This is what John Weaver does. He reached out to young men like me and he says I can give you a job opportunity if you promise me sex in the end.’ It’s three young guys who reached out to me very early on.”
Girdusky added, “I was trying to find out how many people possibly know about John Weaver, and it became very abundantly clear very early on that everyone knew. If you worked politics, there was no way you did not know about John Weaver and his actions towards young men, preying on young men.”
Republican strategist and political pundit Karl Rove saidon Monday that he knew of Weaver’s “pattern of behavior” since 1988.
So Karl Rove knew in 1988 that a top Republican strategist was using his position to seduce young men and never outed him?
The Lincoln Project raised over $87 million since its launch at the end of 2019.
One person enjoying a little schadenfreude today is Sarah Palin who knew all the rats surrounding RepublicanJohn McCain.
Endnote: I got my first appeal for money from the Republican Party yesterday and I am happily returning a note to them in their prepaid envelope, sans money of course!
“My only assumption can be that the hard facts concerning the shooting are so egregious, and so threatening to the incoming Democratic Congress and new Biden Administration that the American people are once again being treated as mushrooms; we are kept in dark and fed piles of stinking manure.”
Before I tell you more about what Devon is asking, evidence is growing that your Patriot voices are not weakening, but are growing in spite of efforts by Big Tech to silence us all so that Biden and the Dems can do whatever they want.
For example, it took less than 24 hours for Patriot social media to explode over the plight of National Guardsmen being thrown out of the Capitol and relegated to a garage for their breaks from duty (why are they still on duty anyway?) for the Dems in power to see the PR nightmare and scramble to invite them back into the Capitol.
The Most Popular President Ever’ Is Getting DESTROYED By ‘Dislikes’ On YouTube.
Videos posted to Joe Biden’s White House YouTube account are getting flooded with ‘dislike’ interactions from the American public – some even dwarfing the number of likes on a video by over six times.
The data is the latest evidence at odds with President Biden receiving the most votes in any presidential election in U.S. history.
At the time of publishing, of the seven videos uploaded to the account – which now has comments turned off – all have more dislikes than likes. In most cases, the like to dislike disparity is striking.
Patriots, keep up the good work! Keep using your voices to throw them off balance.
Make sure the question “Who shot Ashlii Babbitt?” is spread far and wide!
See Michael Devon’s questions, the ones we all want answered, then this:
Ten of millions of Americans have hundreds of questions about the most watched political shooting of the twenty-first century. Not surprisingly, the American mainstream media remains irrationally incurious. After all, what loyal lapdog would bite the hand that feeds it?
Why aren’t we being told who shot Ashli Babbitt?
It has been over two weeks, what are they hiding?
See all of my posts tagged January 6th 2021 for my coverage of the Capitol riot.
If you are interested in Biden lifting restrictions on migration from terror-producing countries, seemy post at RRW this morning. Cultural enrichers on the way!
Well, what do you know! Antifa isn’t happy with Joe Biden either as they continue causing unrest and promoting violence on the West Coast.
Here is a picture worth a thousand words from yesterday, just as good ‘ol Joe was being coronated with his very own Praetorian Guard that far outnumbered his supporters.
Now that Joe is in the White House, will he call out the National Guard to quell the continuing unrest in BLUE states? We will be watching!
“We are ungovernable” they say.***
See that on their banner “We don’t want Biden”that they also don’t want “imperialist wars.” Well, it was the man they drummed out of the White House that had stopped “imperialist wars,” but never got any credit for it!
Here is news at Gateway Pundit that the Antifa unrest wasn’t limited to Portland’s Democratic headquarters yesterday, but the domestic terrorists were out attacking an Amazon store in Seattle as well.
Jeff Bezos sure didn’t buy himself any protection as he silenced conservative voices on Parler!
Seattle: Antifa Terrorists Riot, Target Amazon Store (Video)
Not satisfied with merely forcing Trump out of office with a coup, the far left radicals of antifa took to the streets of Seattle to do, what else, riot and light fires.
After blocking Parler from his Amazon servers and promoting BLM stuff on the online retailer, it appears his efforts to kowtow to the terrorists have all been in vain.
So for you Dems out there who voted for Joe and thought you were buying peace and love going forward, looks like Antifa plans to burst your bubble!
“Afrasiabi allegedly sought to influence the American public and American policymakers for the benefit of his employer, the Iranian government, by disguising propaganda as objective policy analysis and expertise.”
(Seth D. DuCharme, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York)
Two days ago the news broke that the US Justice Department had filed charges against a long time Iranian agent working for the Islamic Republic of Iran as a mouthpiece for the Ayotollah since the George W Bush administration and throughout the Obama administration. (Hat tip: Cathy)
He lived in the Boston area and worked with an unnamed Congressman as he built up his ‘credibility’ and became a published writer at The New York Times.
I think we should find out how much influence he had over the likes of Former Secretary of State John Kerry during the Obama give-away to Iran.
Feds arrest nuclear scholar for failing to register as Iranian foreign agent
For more than a decade on print and on TV, he looked the part of an academic expert on U.S.-Iranian relations — but Kaveh Afrasiabi was secretly on the Iranian government’s payroll, the feds said Tuesday.
See below what Afrasiabi says about his 2019 book***
Afrasiabi, 63, a longtime U.S. resident, was charged with conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent for working on behalf of Iran for the past 14 years, federal prosecutors in Brooklyn said.
A writer and scholar, Afrasiabi received a Ph.D. in political science from Boston University and wrote a thesis titled “State and Populism in Iran” under the guidance of famed historian Howard Zinn, according to the bio on his website. The feds say he lives in Watertown, Mass., just outside of Boston.
Afrasiabi’s expertise helped him land TV speaking gigs, and informed his op-ed articles in The New York Times and his books. He was also a visiting professor at Harvard University and University of California-Berkeley.
All the while, say the feds, he was supported by the Iranian government.
Daily News continues….
Wouldn’t you like to know how many Dems were getting advice from the alleged Iranian spy?
As recently as 2020, Afrasiabi provided advice to the Iranian government on how to handle the fallout from the U.S. killing of Gen. Qasem Soleimani.
He suggested the country stop providing information on its nuclear program until the UN condemned the killing, the feds said.
It would “strike fear in the heart of the enemy,” he wrote, according to prosecutors.”
Here is what theJustice Department press statementsays about that last bit, about Trump’s killing of Soleimani and how Afrasiabi was directing how the UN Security Council should act and how a gullible US media should view it.
…. in January 2020, Afrasiabi emailed Iran’s Foreign Minister and Permanent Representative to the United Nations with advice for “retaliation” for the U.S. military airstrike that killed Major General Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Quds Force, the external operations arm of the Iranian government’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, proposing that the Iranian government “end all inspections and end all information on Iran’s nuclear activities pending a [United Nations Security Council] condemnation of [the United States’] illegal crime.”Afrasiabi claimed that such a move would, among other things, “strike fear in the heart of [the] enemy.”
And, see what Daniel Greenfield said at Frontpage magazineabout the charges against Afrasiabi.
Who was the Congressman working with the alleged spy? Dem or Republican we should be told!
***Don’t skip this!
A summary atAmazonof Iranian agent Afrasiabi’s November 2019 book (emphasis is mine):
With the advent of the Trump Administration, relations between Iran and the United States have become increasingly conflictual to the point that a future war between the two countries is a realistic possibility. President Trump has unilaterally withdrawn the US from the historic Iran nuclear accord and has re-imposed the nuclear-related sanctions, which had been removed as a result of that accord. Reflecting a new determined US effort to curb Iran’s hegemonic behavior throughout the Middle East, Trump’s Iran policy has all the markings of a sharp discontinuity in the Iran containment strategy of the previous six US administrations. The regime change policy, spearheaded by a hawkish cabinet with a long history of antipathy toward the Iranian government, has become the most salient feature of US policy toward Iran under President Trump. This turn in US foreign policy has important consequences not just for Iran but also for Iran’s neighbors and prospects of long-term stability in the Persian Gulf and beyond. This book seeks to examine the fluid dynamic of US-Iran relations in the Trump era by providing a social scientific understanding of the pattern of hostility and antagonism between Washington and Tehran and the resulting spiraling conflict that may lead to a disastrous war in the region.
They hated President Trump!
Kind of leaves you wondering what role the Iranian government had in the Great Election Steal of 2020.
And, one last thing! So Iranian agents can teach at Harvard, but Trump aides are barred from teaching there, and a movement is afoot to strip Harvard degrees from anyone who was, or is, loyal to President Donald Trump.