Editor: It’s a snow day here in the East so hopefully I will have more time to check e-mails and post your comments. Sorry that sometimes I’m AWOL! Yesterday I told you that we should want to keep Minnesota Somali Representative Ilhan Omar talking. Consider her Minnesota’s gift to America!
I’m guessing her cocooned life in Minneapolis, surrounded by thousands of her own ethnic group, didn’t prepare her for a national stage and so she doesn’t have her mentor’s (Keith Ellison) slickness. Hmmmm! “Unapologetic leaders” Therefore the savvy hard Left political organizations that do understand that she might be putting her foot in it, want to school her and tone her down.
One of those savvy political organizations is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)headed by CEO Mark Hetfield. See one postof a very large archive at RRW about HIAS.
Over the many years I’ve followed their activities, contrary to what you might assume, HIAS has demonstrated no great love for the state of Israel.
I’m guessing that they are saying, ‘damn we are bringing in Muslim refugees, Omar’s friends and family, and then we get dumped on by Omar!’ (I’ve seen it mentioned in a recent news report about HIAS that some of their supporters are questioning why HIAS resettles Muslims in the first place!).
The story (about a CONFIDENTIAL phone call!) is widely reported.
Here it is at The Times of Israel,
(emphasis is mine)
Ilhan Omar apologizes to Jewish groups for hurt caused by AIPAC tweet
In a brief confidential conference call with Jewish organizations, Rep. Ilhan Omar apologized for any hurt caused by her tweets suggesting that AIPAC pays politicians to support Israel.
“Let me reiterate my sincere apology for any actualhurt my words have caused,” Omar, a freshman Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, said on Tuesday afternoon, according to someone present on the call.
“I know there are a lot of people who in the last weeks have expressed support in trying to say this isn’t anti-Semitic or this shouldn’t be looked at in that way,” she added. Mark Hetfield at an anti-Trump rally in early 2017. Then Rep. Keith Ellison headlined the rally for a group that is 50% or so federally funded!
But Omar said it is up to the Jewish community to define anti-Semitism.
“I do not want to give space or energy to anyone who wants to minimize the hurt,” she said.
Omar came under fire last week for posting successive tweets suggesting that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the pro-Israel lobby, pays politicians to be pro-Israel. Democratic and Republican leaders condemned the tweets as echoing anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews, money and power. The allegation is also false, as AIPAC does not donate to candidates or endorse them.
Omar subsequently apologized for the tweets.
The call Tuesday included a range of centrist and liberal Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Democratic Council of America, the refugee resettlement agency HIAS, Americans for Peace Now and Bend the Arc.
Omar kept her remarks brief but promised to meet face to face with the groups in the near future.
Meanwhile Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told Omar not to apologize,see here.
A prominent refugee espousing views that are deemed anti-Semitic is someone HIAS needs to shut the heck up!
Keep talking Ilhan!
Here is something you can do (and probably are doing!) especially you Minnesotans, find every word she has uttered in her meteoric rise to power there and publish those words (and actions)— focus especially on those words that educate people about Islam. Do it in a drip, drip fashion in order to keep her in the news.
As we reported here at the end of January, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asserted that as many as 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in the state.
The ACLU is now attempting to stop any purging of the list by filing lawsuits against the Texas Secretary of State, the Director of Elections and county officials!
From the Houston Chronicle,
Several civil rights and voting advocacy groups sued Texas officials and five county elections administrators on Monday over an advisory urging counties to review the citizenship status of thousands of voters flagged as possible non-citizens.
The ACLU of Texas, along with the Texas Civil Rights Project, Demos and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, filed the lawsuit against Texas Secretary of State David Whitley and Director of Elections Keith Ingram, alleging that their recommendations discriminate against naturalized citizens. Also named in the suit are the election administrators in Galveston, Blanco, Fayette, Caldwell, and Washington counties, who sent out notices threatening to cancel voter registrations based on the list. [This is the type of intimidation the ACLU relishes—going after local officials.—-ed]
In a Jan. 25 advisory, Whitley asked local elections offices to look into the citizenship of 95,000 people on the voter rolls. Since then, the list has been cut by nearly 20,000 names — registered voters who were identified as citizens.
This sounds very reasonable to me, but it sent the ACLU around the bend!
The secretary of state can’t remove voters from the rolls, but county elections officials can. Whitley has instead recommended that counties send notices to the people they flagged as possible non-citizens, giving them 30 days to prove they’re eligible to vote by presenting a birth certificate, passport or certificate of naturalization. If they don’t respond, their registrations will be canceled by the county voter registrar. Whitley’s list drew from documents people submitted to the Department of Public Safety when they were applying for drivers licenses. Non-citizens, such as temporary residents, asylum seekers and refugees, can get a Texas drivers license but can’t register to vote unless they become U.S. citizens.
Whitley said the list includes 58,000 people who have cast ballots in Texas elections.
As I have said on several previous occasions, if you are looking for something to do, get involved with your local board of elections and see how they are handling this issue of determining who is a citizen eligible to vote. See if they are working to at least purge the dead people!
I guess Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York was too busy cozying up to Governor Andrew Cuomo for money for itsPro Bono legal services in defense of illegal aliens to bother pushing too hard to save late term aborted babies! Website to “protect the vulnerable immigrant.” https://www.catholiccharitiesnyprobono.org/
From the AlbanyTimes-Union,
New website connects pro-bono lawyers with immigrants in need of help
After relating stories about several illegal aliens (oops! “undocumented”)….
New York’s “vulnerables!”
These undocumented immigrants are all in need of pro-bono legal help and their cases are being advertised on a new web portal run by the state’s Liberty Defense Project and Catholic Charities to connect them with volunteer immigration attorneys.
The new websitefunded by the state brings attention to Catholic Charities, which has placed 105 pro bono cases with more than 230 volunteer attorneys throughout New York. Every volunteer receives expert legal training to file applications for asylum-seekers, crime victims, juveniles or individuals trying to reunite with family members.
[….] In New York, no “liberty defense” for this new American! The new website is funded by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Liberty Defense Project, launched in 2017, which provides free legal help to immigrants across the state through Office for New Americans locations.
The program has provided more than 25,000 services to immigrants, according to a press release. A quarter of the immigrants in detention who received representation under the program have been released and reunited with their families.
More here.
Again, thatnew website that seeks to link free lawyers to illegal aliens (aka New Americans) in need of help to stay in the country is being funded by New York state taxpayers! See Liberty Defense Project!
What can you do? If you live in New York and especially if you are Catholic, you must letCatholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York know what you think!
Editor:Frauds and Crooks is one month old today!
On January first, when Iwelcomed youto my new blog, I said my first priority was to counter the media reports that have begun to spew from the Open Borders propaganda machine about how migrants of all stripes are just the ticket for saving America’s economy while bringing the joys of diversity to you, the deplorables.
And so it is funny thatthis news from Utica, NY published yesterday is exactly what I warned about one month ago.
You will be seeing news like this from sea to shining sea in the lead-up to the 2020 Presidential contest.
The Cities Refugees Saved
Of course, I question the premise of the story from CityLab in the first place. Why must we save a city that is no longer providing jobs or has been poorly run by Democrats for decades?
First just so you know here are the ‘brains’ behind the New American Economypropaganda machine. Tell me if this bunch has anything more on their minds than cheap immigrant labor and more Democrat voters! CityLab calls the New American Economy, a bipartisan immigration reform group!
This is my post from earlier this month on the New American Economy. CityLabreports that the New American Economy gang has teamed up (has hired) a film company to put together a film that will showcase Utica’s booming refugee-driven economy. (They love films!) Symbol of the NEW Utica: Historic Methodist Church becomes a mosque
Film maker Adam Bedient (director of photography and editor at Off Ramp Films) says he grew up nearby and it was just a dying city but now, joy of joys the Bosnian Muslims that Bill Clinton welcomed to America have turned the city around.
Now, he’s working on a full-length feature about the refugee communities in Utica, and when he drives through town, he finds it simmering with new life. Old buildings are getting refurbished. Construction cranes bob up and down. And at the center of town is a long-vacant historic Methodist church that has been renovated and converted into a beautiful mosque—a symbol of the new Utica.
The CitiLabstory goes on to report how the city is thriving. You can read it yourself.
When you see news like this, look to see if they have included any mention of problems, like the one I reported at Refugee Resettlement Watch in 2015 about the school funding crisis when the city of Utica sued the state of New York for a refugee-created school funding shortfall.
See if they mention anything about dollars from Washington (from you) that fuel the local ‘new American’ economy via welfare—food stamps, housing subsidies, healthcare, federal grants for myriad refugee/immigrant services, grants to non-profits that service migrants and so forth.
In other words , is Utica a prime example of simply shifting federal tax dollars to a dying city? Useful graphic from the story. Heads up if you live in one of those cities, you might be next for a propaganda film about your growing refugee population. At RRW I wrote about problems in almost every one of them!
CityLab goes on (as expected) to bash the President and White House policy staffer Stephen Miller saying they don’t know what they are talking about when they express concerns about the cost of more refugee resettlement or any issues of safety and security. You can read it all here.
The story wraps with a quote from Bedient about that on-going debate,
This kind of wrangling over the true impact of refugees doesn’t get much traction in Utica, where refugees now make up almost a quarter of the city’s population, Bedient says. It’s not really up for debate at this point—“it’s a part of the city’s identity now,” he says.
Bottomline, the New American Economy and the Open Borders cabal have decided, there is no longer any debate, so shut up!
Here is what I don’t get!
Utica, has been paraded out for over a decade as a city saved by refugees, but no group on the immigration control side of the debate has ever (to my knowledge) gone to Utica to investigate the claims and counter them. Why is that?
Now that would be fun to watch! PJ Media‘s Tyler O’Neil is reporting that some lawyers believe it would be possible due to Google’s two-pronged partnership with the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The SPLC, as you all must know by now, every year publishes a hate group list with the goal of silencing those with whom they disagree. SPLC making money with Hate List https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2018/09/10/southern-poverty-law-center-essentially-a-fraud/ I’m still on the hate map as a “group” when in fact it is just me here (and my cat)!
And, I was on the top 15 anti-Muslim extremists list that SPLC was forced to remove,see here.
Let me be clear—I have no group! I’m just one woman with an opinion. Hereis PJ Media on the juicy prospect (hat tip: Cathy):
In recent years, the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has faced a slew of lawsuits regarding its deceptive practice of branding mainstream conservative and Christian groups “hate groups” on par with the Ku Klux Klan. Google has decided to partner with the SPLC, even encouraging employees to work for the organization. Conservative lawyers told PJ Media this partnership may make the tech giant vulnerable to defamation and racketeering lawsuits.
This month, Fortune reported that Google’s philanthropic arm, Google.org, launched a program that will pay Google employees to do pro bono work for nonprofit groups for up to six months. The company aims to achieve 50,000 hours of pro bono work this year. Google.org names the SPLC as one of its partners for “inclusion.” Google.org started funding the far-Left group in 2016, and has given the organization $250,000, specifically to fund a “total redesign of the Teaching Tolerance website.”
“Teaching Tolerance,” an SPLC project aimed at teachers for elementary, middle, and high schools across America, has referenced the SPLC’s “hate map,” endorsing the “hate group” labels, before and after Google.org funding. Even if Teaching Tolerance were distanced from the “hate group” smears, Google.org explicitly names the SPLC as the recipient of funding and the partner — which likely means Google employees can do pro bono work for the SPLC.
“It does appear that there’s more than funding that is taking place between Google and the SPLC and other tech companies, to the point where there’s interaction, potentially plotting, and the involvement of their so-called ‘hate group’ label that is designed for one reason — to destroy the opposition based on ideology,” Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, told PJ Media. He said “it’s plausible” Google may face RICO and defamation charges in future lawsuits.
There ismore here.
And, of course you know that the Center for Immigration Studies has recently filed a lawsuitagainst the filthy rich SPLC. What can you do? First you might want to see if you’ve ‘made it’ onto the latest Hate Map.
If you happen to have easy access to an attorney, you might want to file a suit. But mostly if you see a news story referencing the SPLC’s chosen haters, then be sure to set the record straight with whatever publication is spreading the lies about you or about people you know.
This post is filed in my‘Charityfraud’category and my ‘Mediafraud’ category. Media fraud for any publication using the SPLC “research.”