“Morris (Dees) is a flimflam man and he’s managed to flimflam his way along for many years raising money by telling people about the Ku Klux Klan and hate groups.”
(Stephen Bright, Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta)
I don’t usually bother posting stories that are widely published, but this one is very much worth posting so that the story doesn’t get swept under the rug.
Your job is going to be to make sure this news is sent to every newspaper that has swallowed the Southern Poverty Law Center propaganda in its latest “hate list” hit.
I’ll be sending it to the Patch in Annapolis that recently listed my old blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch, as a hate “group” taking the SPLC‘s word for it and never contacting me! See SPLCtargeting me again,here.
A rare photo of Morris Dees (left) and SPLC Prez Richard Cohen together. It seems to me that if the workplace was uncomfortable for women and people of color (as some allege) that the blame extends to Cohen as well. Photo: https://israelpalestinenews.org/southern-poverty-law-center-transfers-millions-cash-offshore-entities/
Advocates believe the decision is the first by a state’s highest court to hold that transgender people have the right to use public money for transition-related surgeries.
ACLU of Iowa Legal Director Rita Bettis, left, joins Carol Ann Beal, one of two transgender women suing Iowa over its ban on Medicaid coverage for transition-related medical services, during a news conference Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017, in Des Moines when the case was filed. Photo: Des Moines Register
Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities. Medicaid is administered by states, according to federal requirements. The program is funded jointly by states and the federal government.
And, according to the feds last analysis 65.9 million (‘poor’) people are covered. That is over 20% of the entire US population! And, if the ‘progressives’ at the ACLU have their way that number will rise.
I’ve been writing about Medicaid (and Medicare) fraud, and this is one more example of the expansion of these fraud-ridden programs as part of the Left’s agenda to move America toward a socialist form of government. (Don’t miss Leo Hohmann’s call to armsin my previous post.) Continue reading “ACLU Jumping for Joy as Iowa Supreme Court says Medicaid Dollars can go to Transgender Surgery/Care”→
When I read Ann Coulter’s book “Adios America”I was struck by an important theme in the book and that is that she said it is virtually impossible to get information about immigration status of those incarcerated in America jails and prisons.
Indeed this blog—Frauds and Crooks—is built around the generally accepted premise that a very large percentage of those jailed in the US are aliens mostly of the illegal variety, but including legal immigrants as well.
So if that isn’t true, why wouldn’t the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the SPLCwant the data collected and put the issue to rest once and for all?
Of course, the answer is that they fear what the results would show! Continue reading “Georgia: CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center Join Forces to Block Data Collection in the Prison System”→
One of the good things about this new blog is that I can still bring you stories about refugees while enjoying a much broader choice of news across a wide spectrum of involving frauds, crooks and criminals.
This news, meant to tug on your heartstrings (the Left is good at that!), points to an area of the US Refugee Admissions Program that should make your head explode! But, before you read it remember: Don’t blame these poor old souls we yanked out of Africa and out of their culture, blame the Open Borders agitators and lobbyists in the refugee industry always on the hunt to import more poverty to America.
Although many of the volunteers on the ground just want to do good by the the refugees, the leadership of the industry headed by Socialists/Marxists! wants to import poverty as a way to reshape America.
If it makes no sense to you that anyone would advocate overloading our welfare system, read about theCloward and Piven strategywhen you have a few extra minutes.
Now to the newsfrom WKU (NPR Kentucky),
The UN was feeding them in Africa and here they go hungry! WTH!
Once again I have made the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hate Group List.
For a couple of years I made a joke of it. But, it isn’t funny when they put a target on a writer with whom they disagree with the obvious goal of silencing her—that would be me!
My first inclination was to ignore them this year so that I don’t put my safety in jeopardy, but no, what the heck, here goes….
Frankly, I thought by now their ‘researchers’ would have read my work at Refugee Resettlement Watchand learned that RRW is NOT a group. It is/was a publication to report my research and voice my opinions.
And, to further demonstrate their careless ‘investigation’, RRW is not even an active blog any longer. Merriam-Websters Dictionarydefinesa group as follows:
two or more figures forming a complete unit in a composition
The word “two” is the operative word. There is only one person in this ‘group’ and that is me! I write my blogs alone and am paid by no one! This SPLC artwork is part of the campaign to target me and my opinions!
My hate crime (defined by the SPLC) as a writer at RRW was to research and write (for over ten years) about the US Refugee Admissions Program with a goal of seeing the program reformed, but in doing so I obviously angered powerful friends of the SPLC and thus became a target.
So the SPLC’s sloppy work leads to sloppy journalism likethis storyat the Annapolis Patch from Saturday.
No qualifiers, no research on the part of reporters, they just took the word of the SPLC!
21 Hate Groups Are Active In Maryland
BALTIMORE, MD — Maryland is home to 21 radical groups that spew hate – an increase of three from two years ago. Among them are Neo-Nazis, black and white nationalists and groups whose members are anti-Muslim or which exist to deny the Holocaust.
The list has been drawn up by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which located the groups on an interactive map.
Before I give you the groups in Maryland, ask yourselves how many actually exist? If they have me, a one person blog, on their target list, then could some of their other groupsbe simply one person! Or, perhaps they don’t exist at all?
The SPLCcounts on ‘reporters’ who swallow their lists, hook, line, and sinker!
The groups (supposedly) located in Maryland are:
American Free Press in Upper Marlboro, general hate
Barnes Review/Foundation for Economic Liberty, Inc., headquarters in Upper Marlboro, Holocaust denial
Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, statewide
Identity Evropa, white nationalists, statewide
Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, black nationalist, Baltimore
Jamaat Al-Muslimeen, general hate, Baltimore
Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, statewide
Patriot Front, white nationalists, statewide Refugee Resettlement Watch, anti-Muslim, Fairplay
The Right Stuff, white nationalist, Baltimore
Watchmen of Israel, black nationalist, Baltimore
Atomwaffen Division, neo-Nazi, statewide
Be Active Front USA, racist skinhead, statewide
Great Millstone, black nationalist, Baltimore
Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, black nationalist, Baltimore
Israelite The Branches, black nationalist, Baltimore
Label 56, hate music, Baltimore
Noble Klans of America, Ku Klux Klan, statewide
Proud Boys, general hate, Baltimore
Revolutionary Black Panther Party, black nationalist, Baltimore
United Kingdom of Israel Congregation, black nationalist, Baltimore
More of the Patch story here. Don’t miss the comments as almost all of them at this point are anti-SPLC!
Are you on their Hate Map? See here.
I guess I am going to have to take some action regarding the SPLC. I don’t know what that is yet because all I have is my voice.
What can you do? Speak up if you are on their list. Or, if you see fake news stories like this one at the Patch, send in comments as so many did in Maryland.