Michelle Malkin will bring a smile to your face as she pulls no punches in whacking the Lefties with their hands out to Congress as the great American wrecking ball makes its way through the Senate and House.
From Creators.com (in case you haven’t seen it yet):
Chutzpah: ADL Wants a Federal Bailout
When I think of “essential” workers in America, the smear merchants of the Anti-Defamation League are at the bottom of the barrel. For decades, they’ve demonized conservatives and Christians as agents of “hate” and treated our very existence as incitements to violence. The ADL’s manufactured outrage machine has broadened its target list to anyone remotely critical of Israel for any reason, President Donald Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, “America First” college students, innocuous hand gestures, cartoon frogs and anyone who dares to think or write that “It’s OK to be white.”
Former Assistant to Barack Obama, Jonathan Greenblatt is the CEO of the ADL. He makes a cool $382,523 annual salary heading the ‘charitable’ organization. https://www.adl.org/media/13806/download
Now, in the wake of the “Chinese flu” pandemic, ADL is lining up with all the other federal bailout vultures clamoring for free money. This week, the group issued a statement calling on Congress to include “relief for charities” in any COVID-19 legislation.
“In times of crisis,” ADL self-righteously urged, “nonprofits are on the front lines, ready to respond and serve communities across the nation — but funds are needed to continue doing so.” The “relief package” pushed by ADL and several hundred other groups demands $60 billion in “emergency stimulus funding to support our work… during this time of crisis and need.”
What a crock. The primary “front lines” ADL occupies are on the battlefields against American sovereignty and free speech. By my count, the open borders zealots of ADL have filed 17 amicus briefs in our courts supporting obstruction of Trump’s immigration enforcement and national security measures.
On top of the $60 billion ADL wants for itself and its ideological fellow travelers (including tax-funded refugee resettlement contractors Catholic Charities, Church World Service and Lutheran Services), the group called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week to include Medicaid coverage and tax rebates for illegal immigrants in her Chinese flu rescue package.
I have only snipped a bit of Malkin’s hit on the ADL and its “ideological fellow travelers,” continue reading here.
You might be interested in my post this week at RRW about how refugee programs (contractors too!) will get millions due to the Virus Crisis.
See all of my previous posts filed in my ‘Charity Fraud‘ category.
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