Of course you would only know that if you were following Utah media reports on the case. The national media has long since moved on after an initial little flurry of coverage back in June and early July.
Once the mainstream media figured out that this was not a story they wanted to help spread—African man, here illegally, slaughters beautiful white girl—because it doesn’t fit the narrative of immigrants as people just like us looking for a better life, the veil on the case has dropped. My previous posts on the horrible murder are here: https://fraudscrookscriminals.com/?s=Ajayi
Except in Utah where bits of news come out every few days. Stories like this one:
New witness: MacKenzie Lueck murder suspect wanted to carry out ‘disturbing’ project
Before I get to the story, let me say again that because of the Leftwing media mob’s on-going efforts to keep quiet about news that doesn’t fit their political agenda we have a whole generation of young people who are not sufficiently wary about monsters likeAyoola Ajayi.
Is no one warning their daughters and granddaughters to be more careful about who they meet up with through social media? Are all the Progressive parents too fearful of looking like ‘racists’ to their own kids?
One of the things that struck me on reading this latest report from Utah is how dumb the alleged killer is.
We heard he was some savvy IT guy who was building an image of himself as a person of quality.
Sheesh, he was dumb.
Didn’t he know that his phone would ultimately be his undoing as the police used its location to move in quickly?
Of course not quickly enough to save Mackenzie who apparently foolishly never let anyone know where she was going at 3 a.m.
Here is the news from Fox13 in Salt Lake City:
SALT LAKE CITY — New details are unfolding in the investigation into the murder of University of Utah student MacKenzie Lueck, and a witness is now describing why he’s troubled by what he said suspect Ayoola Ajayi asked him to do in the days after Lueck disappeared. Ajayi allegedly tried to burn Lueck’s body in the backyard of this house. Don’t miss what a housekeeper told the media. https://www.insideedition.com/alleged-mackenzie-lueck-killer-was-ted-bundy-says-former-house-cleaner-54104
That man said Ajayi reached out to him for a backyard landscaping project. That proposed project has now turned into evidence for detectives.
Landon Fullmer owns 360 Landscapes. He’s taken on quite a few projects for the busy summer season.
Though, when he thinks about this summer, there’s one project, in particular, he’ll always remember — even though he never actually took it on. He said a man named Ayoola Ajayi contacted Fullmer through Angie’s List on Monday, June 24. That was one week after Lueck disappeared, and days after her family reported her missing. Apparently, Ajayi wanted the land in his backyard leveled. That’s all he indicated on his request, Fullmer said.
“We had a phone conversation,” Fullmer explained. “I asked him to be a little bit more specific in what he was looking for. He said his backyard needed to be leveled or graded, maybe some soil and some sod brought in.”
Continue reading here.
Fullmer never did meet up with Ajayi to discuss the project because on the day they were scheduled to talk, the police had swooped in on Ajayi and were focusing on the back yard.
Just like the case of alleged serial killer Billy Chemirmir in Texas, I’m staying on it because it does have lessons to teach. Of course, lessons the PC media doesn’t want to give you! So what do you do?
Make sure this story doesn’t die! Send it around through social media and consider that by doing so you might actually save the life of some naive young woman (or man) who is living in diversity-is-beautiful la-la land!
The next time you see one of those glowing economic studies from some place like Welcoming Americaor the New American Economyabout how immigrants boost the economy in places like Baltimore, take a look and see if the cost of arrests, trials and incarcerations of alien (aka new American) criminals are factored in. Molly and the Mexican man accused of murdering her…
A few days ago, John Binder at Breitbart reminded us of the dreadful murder in Iowa last year of a beautiful young woman—Molly Tibbets.
Do you remember the story? You probably do, but the mainstream media has moved on (once it was learned that the suspect is yes, an illegal alien).
Read Binder’s account of the latest slap at Americans.
And, as you do, ponder this: it was a Bill Clinton EXECUTIVE ORDERthat put in place the requirement that local/state governments (and even businesses like hospitals) must pay for interpreters for any aliens with problems.
It is not a law passed by Congress and apparently no President since Clinton has considered revoking it.
Binder at Breitbart,
Mollie Tibbetts Trial: Taxpayers Billed $12.5K for Illegal Alien’s Translator
Iowa taxpayers have been billed more than $12,000 thus far to provide a full-time court translator to illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera, accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts in Brooklyn, Iowa last year.
In August 2018, Bahena Rivera, a 25-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with Tibbetts’ murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman.
After a nationwide search, Tibbetts’ body was found in a cornfield in Poweshiek County, Iowa. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on a dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child. Court records obtained by local media reveal that a translator for Bahena Rivera — from Missouri — has cost taxpayers in Iowa about $12,485 thus far.
This is the latest perk Bahena Rivera has enjoyed thus far while preparing for the murder trial against him, which is supposed to begin in November. This year, the illegal alien’s attorneys successfully got the trial date moved back, attempted to have his alleged murder confession thrown out, were rewarded with more than $3,000 in taxpayer funds to obtain an expert witness, and successfully got his trial moved to a less white, more Hispanic-populated region of the state.
More here.
Recently a reader at my facebook page commented that I post scare stories and don’t tell people what to do. The scare stories are meant to spur patriots to action!
When I first began writing Frauds and Crooks I regularly told readers what they might do about the news I was posting, but wasn’t sure if anyone did what I suggested.
Now I ask myself, well heck, I know it doesn’t come easily for us, but aren’t most of you politically savvy enough by now to figure out a role for yourselves, even some small things that might benefit your fellow Americans (your neighbors) in your own local areas.
None of us, me or you, are in any position to change the big stuff, but if everyone does some small things we might see change (LOL! Maybe even in our lifetimes!).
So what might you do about this news—first spread the story far and wide! Use all of your social media resources.
And, write to the White House, tell the President that this Executive Order (13166)should be revoked and if Congress wants to require interpreters for everything a non-English-speaking person needs help with—pass a law.
Write to the White House every day. So at the most you lose 5 minutes every day?
And, how about this? Find the cost of interpreter services in the city or county/state in which you live.
I remember years ago seeing information that translators were costing Montgomery County, MD a million a year. I bet it is way above that now! Even your efforts to get the information will cause a stir! If you get the information, send a letter to elected officials and send letters to the editor, and just keep bugging them!
A reader sent me an article just yesterday about the Tea Party being dead. I couldn’t bring myself to read it (too depressing), but it is because of this…..
…..Never forget, the Leftwingers, the Progressives, get what they want by just making the same demands every day, every week, every year while many of us throw up our hands and say, heck this is too hard!
This is an update for a story the national media is avoiding for reasons I explained here yesterday.
Billy Chemirmir, an illegal alien from Kenya, will face the death penalty in the “heinous” murders of over a dozen vulnerable senior citizens whose families thought they were safe and well-cared-for in their assisted living homes. [There are 19 cases believed to be tied to Chemirmir but not all have been charged.—ed] Think about it! If Chemirmir had been deported to his village in Kenya after his first run-ins with the law, these beloved mothers and grandmothers would not have suffered.
The Dallas Morning News is following the case closely as well as a few local news outlets, but major media is shockingly silent considering Billy could end up being the most prolific serial killer in Texas history!
Where are you New York Times? Where are you Washington Post? Where are you CNN? And, where are the defenders of women’s rights (only one of the victims is a man)?
Dallas DA seeks death penalty against serial killer suspect Billy Chemirmir
Dallas County prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Billy Chemirmir, a capital murder suspect accused of smothering more than a dozen elderly women in North Texas senior living complexes.
District Attorney John Creuzot’s office filed paperwork Tuesday seeking capital punishment in the suspected serial killer’s case, according to Dallas County court records.
Capital murder in Texas carries either an automatic sentence of life in prison without parole or the death penalty. Prosecutors reserve the death penalty for crimes deemed especially heinous.
Chemirmir, 46, is accused of posing as a maintenance worker to gain access to the apartments of women in Dallas and Collin counties. Police say he then smothered the women with a pillow before stealing their jewelry to sell online or pawn.
Many of those deaths were initially listed as natural causes. It is difficult to tell if someone was smothered unless there is other suspicion of foul play. After Chemirmir was arrested in March 2018, however, police began looking at older deaths to identify potential victims.
Chemirmir was charged with capital murder in Harris’ death and the attempted murder of the two other women. At that time, police announced they were investigating hundreds of other deaths to see if there were links to Chemirmir.
“We’re going to make every attempt to identify all the victims in the communities across the metroplex and fully investigate this case,” Plano police Chief Gregory Rushin said at a 2018 news conference. “This is terribly disturbing.”
Law enforcement is calling people all over the country to alert them to the possibility that mom didn’t die peacefully!
In the months since, families around the country have gotten calls from law enforcement, saying their loved ones might not have died peacefully in their sleep as they previously believed. Instead, police told them, they may have been victims of a serial killer.
More here.
And, do not miss the time line of the murders that police have investigated so far. In one month—March 2018 (the month of his arrest)—Chemirmir allegedly killed four times (at least!).
He was caught because he got sloppy and failed to finish the job—one tough old lady lived to inform the police.
Justice for Seniors!
Help spread this news since the PC media won’t! Endnote: I have a tag specifically for Billy Chemirmir because someone needs to write a book—the case is a classic one! The African illegal alien should not have been here. Police missed clues in a sanctuary city. Apparently greedy assisted living homes feared they would lose ‘customers.’ The women were all old and white (except for Harris who was Vietnamese).
And, last but not least, because immigration is fast becoming the most critical issue facing America with the 2020 Presidential race around the corner this case represents all that is wrong with our immigration system and with the MEDIA!
Update July 25th: Dallas DA going for death penalty, see here.
This is a story the national news is not touching!
Billy Kipkorir Chemirmir who is now behind bars and with an ICE enforcement hold on him is on his way to becoming one of Texas’s most notorious serial murderers, but most Americans will never hear of the case. Kenyan Billy Kipkorir Chemirmir is believed to have smothered his elderly victims with a pillow and stolen their valuables.
Why is that? Because the man charged in twelve deaths (so far) of vulnerable senior citizens and suspected now in seven more (mostly very elderly women) is African (all but one of his alleged victims are white) and is here illegally.
And, because his crimes are so heinous I believe the media doesn’t want Trump to know about it as immigration continues to climb in importance in the run-up to 2020.
Think about it! Women, like the latest possible victim, would be alive today playing with her great grandchild if law enforcement had removed this creep from the country years ago.
I’m not letting this case disappear, go herefor my growing archive. Frankly the story needs to be told in a full length book! Continue reading “Kenyan Killer Update: Illegal Alien Billy Chemirmir a Suspect in 19th Murder”→
Well, check this out!
Authorities maintained from day one (if they mentioned it at all) that Ayoola Ajayi was a US citizen. (See my previous posts here.)
Now, we are told many paragraphs into a story with this headline that his immigration status is unclear!
Ayoola Ajayi, suspect in MacKenzie Lueck’s murder, expunged his Utah theft case, clearing his record
Of course it is too late for poor Mackenzie, but is this one more dreadful crime that could have been prevented had he been thrown out of the country years ago?
From The Salt Lake Tribune,
The 2012 report from Utah State University says police there wanted Ayoola Ajayi charged with a class B misdemeanor for stealing an iPad.
What happened after that has been a mystery in the three weeks since he was accused of kidnapping and killing MacKenzie Lueck in Salt Lake City, when reporters and investigators tried to reconstruct his background. Utah’s court database has no listing of charges being filed.
A piece of the puzzle was solved Wednesday. An employee who answered the phone at the Cache County jail confirmed its records on Ajayi had been expunged.
….people convicted of crimes have more incentive to seek an expungement. Convictions, even for a misdemeanor offense like Ajayi was suspected of, can prevent people from gaining jobs, loans, serving in the military and obtaining concealed firearm permits.
People who knew Ajayi have said he carefully built an image of an educated professional. An expunged conviction would allowed Ajayi to say “the arrest or conviction did not happen,” according to the Utah State Courts. It also would have prevented the public, including Lueck, from finding any conviction in a public records search.
Many paragraphs in….
Ajayi is from Nigeria. The Salt Lake County Attorney’s Office has said he is a legal resident of the United States, though no one has specified his exact immigration status.
There are mixed opinion on whether expunging a conviction would have helped Ajayi in any immigration or naturalization proceeding. Some legal guides say theft can be considered a crime of moral turpitude for which someone can be denied permanent residency.
July 22, 2012, campus police investigated the theft of an iPad, according to reports provided by the campus. The next day, USU technology staff found that someone was using the tablet to access the internet. Police found Ajayi using the iPad in the iconic academic building known as Old Main, a report says. An officer searched the iPad’s web history and found that, though Ajayi was married, he accessed dating sites, listed himself as single and was pursuing “a female as a prospect to marry to keep from being deported.”