Last night I wanted to see if there was anything new on the murder of Margery Magill.
She was the young woman stabbed to death by a stranger while walking a dog in Washington last week.

By all accounts Margery had a lot to give to the world as you can see by the death announcement at UC Davis where she had been an outstanding student. My headline is their headline—-passes away unexpectedly!
No mention of how she passed away!
No mention of the creep who allegedly murdered her—a refugee from Ethiopia! Is it because he was African? A refugee? Someone we ‘welcomed’ to America? Black while she was white?
Just like the Texas story about alleged mass murderer, Kenyan Billy Chemirmir, the politically correct powers that be will sweep the uncomfortable news from public view.
Maybe if their weapons weren’t pillows in Chemirmir’s case or knives in the brutal murder of Margery Magill, but they had used guns, the stories might live for a few additional days.
Another vulnerable American woman murdered, another African ‘new American,’ but weapon unknown…
I was checking my list of murders last night and in addition to Margery, we have the case still on-going in Noel, Missouri where law enforcement is searching for a Somali man for questioning in the murder of Jessica McCormack whose daughters he initially kidnapped.
He is apparently still on the loose. Learn more about Jessica, here.
I’ll do my best to report any news on these cases going forward even as the national media moves on to what? Gun control? Hurricanes? Trump’s evil border polices!