Editor: This is my second post of the day that could have been posted at Refugee Resettlement Watch or here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’ See earlier post on Iraqi refugee liar.
Surely you know that this news, about Ilhan Omar, has been percolating for years and that Minnesota media has helped bury the sordid tale.

Now comes a blockbuster story from the UK Daily Mail reporting on pretty overwhelming evidence, plus a first hand account from a former friend of the controversial Congresswoman and member of the so-called “Squad,” that there must be an investigation launched to get to the truth.
Although the Daily Mail is leading the international news on the story, it was a Minnesota blog, Power Line, which deserves the credit for doggedly digging through the evidence readily available in Minnesota.
From the Daily Mail:
Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and said she would ‘do what she had to do to get him “papers” to keep him in U.S.’, reveals Somali community leader
I love how the DM does a summary of the key points in their long investigative piece. Here are the bullet points. But, please read it all! And, don’t miss the marital time line they created for the controversial Congresswoman and the great pics!
~Ilhan Omar told friends years ago that the man who went on to become her second husband was in fact her brother, DailyMail.com can confirm
~Abdihakim Osman is the first person to go on record to speak of how Omar said she wanted to get her brother papers so he could stay in the United States
~It has long been rumored that Omar and Ahmed Elmi are siblings, but because of a lack of paperwork in war-torn Somalia, proof has never been uncovered
~Osman said: ‘She said she needed to get papers for her brother to go to school. We all thought she was just getting papers to allow him to stay in this country’
~Omar was married to her second husband Elmi in 2009 by a Christian minister – although she is Muslim
~She was first married to Ahmed Hirsi in 2002 in a Muslim ceremony, before they split in 2008 – but she later had another child with Hirsi while legally wed to Elmi
~Osman said: ‘When [Hirsi] and Ilhan got married, a lot of people were invited. It was a big Islamic wedding uniting two large clans in the community’
~He added: ‘When she married Elmi, no one even knew about it… No one knew there had been a wedding until the media turned up the certificate years later’
Do not miss Power Line blog yesterday! They did the original work! From Scott Johnson:

As of this morning [Feb 21], I can’t find a story in the Minnesota media that follows up on the Daily Mail’s report that Rep. Ilhan Omar married her brother in 2009 for fraudulent purposes. It’s not breaking news. We — Preya Samsundar, David Steinberg, and I — have been telling the story over the past three and a half years. The underlying story is Omar’s reign of terror seeking to suppress the story. The reign of terror extended beyond the Somali community to scoop up David Steinberg in Omar enforcer Guhaad Hashi’s terroristic threats last month. I reported on those threats here.
My original Somali source was Abdi Nur. He now speaks in the Daily Mail story by Martin Gould.
Keep reading the incredible tale.
By the way, it is my belief that there is possibly additional immigration fraud that was perpetrated on America when she and her family were first admitted as refugees.
The entire family reunification program from Somalia was halted for years beginning in 2008 when the US State Department found widespread fraud with Somalis lying about who was family and who wasn’t.
Looking forward to a federal investigation!