This is a fascinating tale and the latest news coming from Texas about alleged serial killer Billy Chemirmir’s horrific crime spree (and one the corporate media has successfully blocked from widespread distribution).
Imagine for a minute if a white man had been smothering vulnerable senior citizens (18 at least!) and stealing their jewelry and other valuables. Imagine if the victims were people of color—it would be front page news every day all day!
See my extensive coverage of the unspeakable horror story here.
Now this from theDallas Morning News (kudos to them for never quitting on a story that goes against the prevailing media narrative that only black lives matter).
This Plano woman survived an attack and led police to serial-murder suspect Billy Chemirmir
The family of Mary Bartel, who died in February of last year, has published a book about her life, publicly acknowledging for the first time her role in cracking the case.
Seven of Mary Bartel’s neighbors had been found dead by the time the stranger knocked on her door.
Jewelry and other valuables were missing from their apartments at Preston Place Retirement Community in Plano, but police and paramedics said their deaths must have been from natural causes, like heart attacks.
And though a stranger had been spotted on the property and fliers were posted warning residents about him, no one suspected he was robbing and killing the women until he visited Bartel.
Billy Chemirmir, 48, was arrested the next day, accused of forcing his way into her apartment, trying to smother her with a pillow and stealing her jewelry. He has since been charged with 18 counts of capital murder in Dallas and Collin counties.
Police have long said a woman who survived an attack in Plano helped lead them to Chemirmir, but they hadn’t identified her publicly, though Bartel’s name appears in court documents identifying her as the surviving victim.
Keep readingto see how she did it! (I hope the story is not behind a paywall for you!).
Saved is the story of Mary Annis Bartel, a 91-year-old widow and retired schoolteacher living in an independent living retirement community in Plano, Texas. When perhaps the most prolific serial killer of modern times targeted Mrs. Bartel as his next victim, an unexpected outcome caused a remarkable series of events.
Here we go again, get out your secret decoder ring to try to figure out where this likely ‘new American’ came from and how he got here, but good luck with that!
Every time I am sent a story like this the question I am asked is—is this guy a refugee? And, every time I give an answer like this:
Unless someone slips up in either law enforcement, or some family member steps forward to proclaim the innocence of one of these creeps, you will rarely be told from which country the perp came and which of the MANY legal or illegal pathways the “man” used to get here.
For the refugee question, sometimes if you find out that the person being charged in a crime was from a country that has sent us tens of thousands of their people, you can make an educated guess. For example, if the perp is Somali, Ethiopian, Congolese, Burmese, Iraqi or from Afghanistan, you could guess, and guess correctly, that the “man” in the news is a refugee.
Sometimes you can make an educated guess based on the location of the incident. For instance a “man” with a Somali name committing a crime in Minnesota is likely a refugee. Duh!
African ‘Migrant’ Charged With Sexually Assaulting Convenience Store Clerk
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – On the morning of July 4, police arrested Hakeem Sanusi, 34, after her reportedly sexually assaulted a woman working alone in a convenience store in northwest Oklahoma City. In order to protect the victim’s privacy, the police have not released the store’s exact location.
The crime reporter website then sends us to booking information, but of course no information on whether he is legally or illegally in the country.
A cursory search informed me that Sanusi is a Muslim surname.
Then here is the headline of the local news account. Just some random man, no photo.
Man arrested for alleged sexual assault of Oklahoma City convenience store clerk
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – A northwest Oklahoma City convenience store clerk says she was sexually assaulted by a customer while on the job.
The suspect, 34-year-old Hakeem Sanusi is now facing charges in the alleged attack.
“It was over the weekend that police were made aware of a sexual assault at a convenience store in Northwest Oklahoma City,” said MSgt. Gary Knight with the Oklahoma City Police Department (OKCPD).
“No one was in the store except for an employee,” Knight said.
Police say Sanusi made inappropriate comments to the alleged victim.
The woman telling officers Hakeem is a regular at the store during the overnight hours, and frequently makes inappropriate statements, making her feel uncomfortable.
The woman claims Sanusi told her, quote, “nothing better come of this.”
Not long after – she was able to call the police.
“Officers at the scene were able to look at surveillance video of the man and get him identified very quickly,” Knight said.
Police say Sanusi was located at a nearby neighborhood – and arrested.
Calling all of you who possess secret decoder rings, let me know if you learn more about Hakeem!
First we have the stabbing of a Jewish Rabbi in Brighton (5 miles from downtown Boston) and then 10 miles north of Boston, in Wakefield, we have eleven men all decked out in military gear causing a showdown with law enforcement on I-95.
And, interesting to me is that in the many stories I read about the I-95 highway standoff, very very few publications bothered to mention that gun-toting Moors, hoisting the flag of Morocco, are Muslims. I searched for the ‘M’ word and the ‘I’ word in lots of reports on the holiday weekend ‘fun’ to no avail.
Fox does tell us that the Black men are Muslims, but if you are a casual listener of the news you might expect armed White men in military garb!
But, first hereis Daniel Greenfield on the stabbing of Rabbi Noginski in Brighton. Mass.
Egyptian Muslim Immigrant Stabbed Rabbi in Boston 8 Times
Democrats tolerating and spreading antisemitism through the ‘Squad’ has consequences. So does an immigration policy that floods America with future terrorists.
UPDATE: The Boston Herald has a lot more information on the Egyptian Muslim immigrant who stabbed the Rabbi.
A 24-year-old native of Egypt is being held without bail after being accused of stabbing a city rabbi “seven or eight times” in a daylight attack some are demanding be treated as a hate crime.
That stabbing suspect, Khaled Awad of Brighton, is also being investigated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and won’t be let out until at least a dangerousness hearing is held July 8, a judge ruled today at his arraignment in Brighton District Court.
The [new American-ed] suspect is named Khaled Awad. He had a knife and a gun. And apparently tried to force the Rabbi into the van.
Rabbi Shlomo Noginski fought his attacker, otherwise he would probably be dead. Awad repeatedly stabbed him, rather than shoot him, but physical butchery is a big part of the death cult of Islamic terrorism. Jihadists prefer to use blades rather than guns because it’s more brutal.
Khaled Awad had a knife and a gun, but he chose to use the knife. He targeted a visible rabbi outside a Jewish institution. He was trying to force him into a van, rather than just taking the van and getting away. These are elements that suggest that this was a terrorist attack.
But the media will begin claiming before long that Awad had psychological problems and is the real victim here.
So that was Thursday.
Jump ten miles up the road and less then two days later….
Group in armed standoff with police say they’re the ‘aboriginal people’ of America
Massachusettspolice arrested 11 people Saturday morning who claimed to be part of a group called “Rise of the Moors” following an almost seven-hour standoff that shut down an interstate.
How would you like to see these dudes on the highway? Move along, nothing to see, they were simply headed to Maine for “training.”
The heavily armed group posted videos throughout the standoff, claiming to be peaceful and to abide by the “federal laws and judicial opinions” of the United States.
The group’s website says “We are Moorish Americans dedicated to educating new Moors and influencing our Elders.”
Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey is identified as the Moorish American Consular Post Head for the group: His biography lists him as having previously served in the Marines.
The term Moors refers to Muslim inhabitants of North Africa and southern Europe.
The group claims, on its website, to descend from a wide range of peoples, including “the Olmecs, Moabites, Canaanites, Hittites,” among others, but mainly a strong relationship of American-Moroccans.
As usual for more details and pics, head over to the UK Daily Mail.
But, who cares, and you shouldn’t care if you are labeled a racist, xenophobe or phobe of any sort for trying to understand what is happening in the country and the world and using your understanding to make the best and safest choices for yourself and your family.
At least, so far , we aren’t being arrested for our choices of reading material.
Thanks to reader Paul for sending this especially provocative piece published at American Renaissanceyesterday. It does mention a theme I have been touching on here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’from its inception and one that permeates Refugee Resettlement Watch and that is no matter how hard the Left tries to sell it, diversity is not our strength!
And, secondly, you have seen it here lately—the media, and law enforcement, keep the ethnicity, race or immigration status of a criminal under wraps as best they can so as not to “perpetuate stereotypes!”
From American Renaissance, a commentary by Fred Reed. Just a few snips to whet your appetites.
Reed: “Government and the media hide what is going on. In crime stories they increasingly do not publish the race or photo of perpetrators. This, they say, would perpetuate stereotypes, as indeed it would. Stereotypes are the aggregate observations of many people over time and are almost always accurate. “
Methinks the US may very well be heading toward a social explosion. The phrase “race war “is overwrought if it implies organized units and chains of command. However, in a country awash in firearms, a bloody, disorganized, continent-wide eruption is possible. To think “it can’t happen here” is complacently inattentive. We have already seen it in temporal and geographic piecemeal in the Fergusons and Portlands and Baltimores, in the armed anarchy of the cities. Arguably a broader uprising has failed to happen only because of intense pressure from government and media, and because whites have not acquired a sense of racial identity. If they do, or when they do, Katie bar the door.
Both racial war, and its close cousin, ethnic war, result from contact between groups of different kinds — that is, diversity, which causes most of the world’s bloodshed.Americans seldom notice this. One reasons is that they are constantly told that diversity is a blissful state. But it isn’t. Consider: Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Sunnis and Shia in many places, Jews and Moslems in Palestine, Hutus and Tutsis in Burundi, Hindus and Moslems in India and nearby, Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, Chinese and Indonesians in Indonesia, French and Africans in Paris, and so on. The assertion that “diversity is our strength” seems an attempt to avoid realizing that it isn’t.
The appeasement of blacks, fear that they might riot, runs through society.
Increasingly, jurisdictions simply give up on enforcing the law.Cities like Chicago and New York have abolished cash bail to that criminals immediately go free, and immediately often offend again. Baltimore and Chicago no longer prosecute minor offenses such as prostitution and urinating in public. San Francisco has made shoplifting of goods worth less than $950 a misdemeanor, the shoplifters not being Asians, with the result that to this date seventeen Walgreens have closed (video). Cities stop prosecuting the jumping of subway turnstiles as this is done only by blacks and Hispanics. The latter won’t riot. The former will, and governments know it. When blacks very often racially attack whites, the media suppress the story. There are many, many of these attacks, covered briefly in local media but ignored by the majors, caught on video that circulates widely online.
What the country is doing hasn’t worked, isn’t working, and shows no sign of working. Things get worse by the month. With Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and so on apparently doing everything they can to infuriate the other half of the country — gun control, open borders, erasing the South, anti-white indoctrination in the schools, promotion of sexual curiosities, on and on, anger will grow. As the man associated with Finland Station asked, “What is to be done?”
Unfortunately nothing can be done. Anything that might work is politically impossible, and anything that is politically possible won’t work. Cosmetics, moral preening, lowering of standards, party politics — none of these will fix the country. In calmer times, saner heads might prevail. Partial alleviation might be achieved by allowing, or encouraging, voluntary segregation, taking white police out of black neighborhoods, letting black neighborhoods decide what laws to enforce within their own boundaries, letting the races decide for themselves what to teach their children, and to the extent possible allowing racial autonomy. Instead, the elites will double down on what isn’t working and nothing will get better, except the monthly sales at gun shops.
There is much, much more. Read it alland follow links to further information.
On most days, I’m not as bleak as Reed on the prospects for our survival.
But, don’t live in la-la land!
I’m not saying you must agree with every word Reed has written because I am sure that running through your minds right now are the names of all the wonderful blacks you know, or the black leaders we have come to respect, but don’t put your heads in the sand about the potential for serious conflicts ahead and be prepared to protect yourself.
Uh-oh, is the bloom coming off the rose for the Biden Administration?
More importantly is Biden handling immigration so abysmally that his chances of getting any sort of comprehensive immigration reform (the holy grail for the Dems) diminishing with each photo of kids in cages.
Keep the photos coming!
Forget about the AP’s spin on the findings in their new poll, here at The Seattle Times, and look at the data they have dredged up.
Yes, Americans want the ‘children’ properly and safely cared for, but over-all they don’t support mass immigration.
I am assuming Harris, waiting in the wings to replace Chairman Joe when his health finally crashes completely, doesn’t want to be associated with Biden’s immigration mess and is thus hiding from their Ha! Ha! 81 million voters on the issue of border security.
Indeed what did their voters think they were getting.
AP-NORC poll: Border woes dent Biden approval on immigration
WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans disapprove than approve of how President Joe Biden is handling the sharply increasing number of unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, and approval of his efforts on larger immigration policy falls short of other top issues — suggesting it could be a weak point for the new administration.
LOL! Don’t you just love the AP’s opening paragraph. No kidding! A weak point! Voters love Biden on everything AP wants you to know, but maybe not so much on immigration!
Here is the data:
Of course we expect those polled will virtue signal and say the kids, actually mostly teenagers, should receive safe treatment. That is not the big news here.
See how the AP spins this graphic below while the real takeaway is this:
A majority 53% of Americans say it is a high priority to have a secure border with another 31% saying it is a moderate priority.
Only 29% think that it’s a high priority to legalize those who came here illegally.
We demand to know if migrants will be placed in our towns!
While we are on the subject of polls, see the Washington Timesreport yesterday about a poll that shows that most Americans want notification, and an opportunity to say NO!, if illegal aliens will be moved by the feds into their communities.
Public wants veto over releasing illegal immigrants into communities: Poll
Americans overwhelmingly support giving communities a say in whether illegal immigrants will be released into their communities, according to new polling released Tuesday.
Nearly eight in 10 people said it was important “for authorities to inform and obtain elected community leaders’ approval before relocating migrants to communities across the country,” the survey found. Support for the idea was strong across all political ideologies.
Keep reading and see that 80% are also worried about the migrants bringing COVID in with them.
Even Biden/Harris’s own voters are increasingly unhappy with what they are seeing and just imagine how much higher the numbers would be if all of the mainstream media was honestly reporting on the border crisis.
Your assignment: continue to wrap the border crisis around the Dems necks, not just as a political tool, but because border security is essential to our very survival as a sovereign nation.