But, of course the films will all be lovely, warm and fuzzy stories about resilient immigrants and refugees who bring the joys of diversity to your communities and thus bring love and peace to one and all.
“The idea of the films is to generate discuss (sic) about immigration.”
Yes, there are deserving immigrants, but WTH how can you have a real discussion without also discussing the cultural clashes and downright criminality some migrants bring to America?
That’s what grates on me! That is why I write this blog. I want balance in the discussions and since I’m not seeing it in the public square, I’m trying to balance the media’s diversity-is-beautiful meme right here.
If you missed my first post at Frauds and Crooks, here it is. You will see much of my inspiration came from a report about a documentary film being produced in Columbus, Ohio (to get your minds right on immigration!) in advance of the 2020 presidential election.
Now comes news about TEN documentary films to be shown in Boston at the end of this month, all made by the immigrants themselves telling their own ‘stories.’
Leftists LOVE stories!
And, they sure know how to do propaganda!
Who is Bob Moser you ask?
He is a writer at The New Yorkerwho tells us over a decade later what he learned about the frauds at the Southern Poverty Law Centerwhen he worked there in the early 2000’s. Moser’s twitter photo https://twitter.com/bobmoserwrites
Moser told his story yesterday about how much of the staff (mostly former staff now!) was well aware of the hypocrisy of the organization that was driven more by a desire to make its leaders rich than doing good for the down and out.
I don’t know why he even wrote this article (clearing his conscience maybe), but I am glad he did.
What most outraged me was the fact that all of these employees he references knew what was going on, yet many stayed and worked there for a time with apparent total disregard for what their ‘good works’ could do to regular Americans who have opinions—people like me!
Frankly, the SPLC’s money-generating “hate-group list” puts my safety in jeopardy!
Yesterday, I was out and about running errands (Errands! Drive me crazy sometimes!) and so I heard a little bit of Rush during my travels.
He was reporting on a bombshell report by investigative reporter Paul Sperry about how the Leftwing media echo chamber works. Daniel Jones heads The Democracy Integrity Project and you need to make sure his ‘work’ is exposed! The Progressives know how to manipulate language!
You’ve seen how the media picks up words over the years and that word is repeated far and wide in an effort to stick it to a particular political figure the Left doesn’t like. Surely you remember “gravitas”*** and more recently “collusion.”
Heck, even the phrase “new American” which I have pointed out on many occasions is surely the work of the word-manipulators and is used to erase in the minds of uninformed Americans any distinction between illegal aliens, refugees, and other legal immigrants—they are all the same—warm, fuzzy, and to be welcomed “new Americans.”
This morning when I watched my usual 15 minutes of CNN(I want to know where they are going every day), I laughed and was reminded of Rush’s discussion yesterday of this important investigation by Sperry. CNN used a certain word several times! Continue reading “Rush Limbaugh: Let Me Tell You Who is Behind the Media Echo Chamber”→
The incident that caused the Special Operations Facility to briefly close its gates happened a week ago today and according to the Fayetteville Observer the illegal alien arrested that day is expected in court today.
If you follow me on Twitter you know I am ticked-off.
I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t take down, or suspend, some conservatives’ Twitter accounts as much as they wear us down with games about followers and inaccurate analytics.
For those of you who don’t bother with Twitter, this might be in-the-weeds, but it goes to a broader question about social media generally and we need to be thinking about what are the alternatives for us to get our messages out. Screenshot of a tweet I have pinned to my Twitter feed! Heck will we be holding secret meetings in basements in the near future!
Twitter has for months and months played this game with my account where I have generally (who knows really!) 15.2 thousand followers. I gradually gain followers over the course of a month and as I reach close to 15.4 they take away more than a hundred in a day or so and bring me back to 15.2.
After I complained in a tweet a few days ago, bam!, I see they graciously gave me back over a hundred followers and today (briefly?) I’m at 15.4.
Then also this week on March 12th, I checked my analytics and Twitter is telling me I haven’t been tweeting in March—WTH! Of course, not tweeting messes up your other data—what they call “impressions.” In fact, I had tweeted 62 times between March 1 and March 12th!
That same notice is still up on March 14th!
What about Facebook?
If you were a regular follower of my Refugee Resettlement Watchblog, you know that I had a RRW facebook page that was doing really well with the help of a friend. I am no longer permitted to post there.
Why? Facebook wanted a screenshot of my Drivers License and in light of more news about data security at Facebook, like this storytoday, I chose not to give them any more information they could “share.”
By the way, my Twitter feed (for as long as it lasts!) is on the right hand sidebar here at Frauds and Crooks.
So what do you do? As long as you can, use social media (don’t give them your personal information!), but know that it could all come crashing down one day.
That brings me to my incessant nagging about writing a blog of your own. It is not hard!
I know that we could lose that avenue for our right to free speech, but if hundreds of us did it, thousands and thousands!, they would have a more difficult time silencing us all.
Here is what I see as the most pressing need—either specific issue blogs where you become the expert on an issue and work as a real investigative reporter (of old) worked.
Or, a state-wide blog where you basically compete with the prevailing Leftwing media in the state to get out a conservative, America First!, message.