That is not my title, but is the title of a post at Survivopedia today. Notice there are no weasel words or qualifiers like ‘a possible’ civil war, or ‘if Trump wins.’
(I have taken to checking out prepper sites the first thing each morning!)
I wonder, is it possible that the radical/Marxist Left wants to lose the election, wants an excuse to go to a full-on civil war? Is that why they are backing such a weak candidate in Joe Biden?
The post byBill Whitesuggests the hot war could be on as soon as anarchists and patriots (he doesn’t use those labels, but for sake of clarity I am) fire the first shots at each other.
The Somali woman who has risked her life to tell us about what Islamists want was on Tucker Carlson last night to explain that the Leftists in our streets today and the Islamists are similar in their goals because both “want to destroy America.” Why? Because they hate what America stands for.
Take a few minutes to see what she told Tucker:
I didn’t actually see Bill White’s piece as the first thing I read this morning, but saw this first, 4th in a series examination (DailyRollCall) of a leading Marxist training center in TN entitled:
Why Do Highlander Center Directors Hate America? – Part 4
Read it and see how organized the Communists are (hiding out in places like rural Tennessee). They have been building for this coming day for decades.
If ol’ Joe wins big they will have no excuse for a war, but a close race, especially with Trump the victor, will provide the tinder for the big one they have been waiting for.
This is Minneapolis, but I am willing to bet that Marxist organizers are working in every small to medium sized city in America so they will be ready to light the match on election night or shortly thereafter.
Here are a few snips from White’s piece (emphasis is mine):
How To Prepare For The Upcoming Civil War
There have been rumblings of a new civil war for several years now, as the political divide in this country has broadened.
Many on the right consider it a bit of a joke, as there are more gun owners on the left than there are on the right. However, there are actually more gun owners on the political left than most of us realize. According to information from, 16% of Democrats claim to be own guns. While that is considerably lower than the 45% of Republicans who own them, it’s not something that can just be ignored.
We’re all aware that Democrats have refused to accept President Trump’s victory in 2016, with those in Congress and the press working overtime to find some way to get rid of him. That’s what Mueller’s Russian investigation was about and that’s what impeaching the president was all about, their two most blatant attempts.
Democrats used every trick in the book to win the last elections, even resorting to illegal activity if the information I’ve seen is true. There was a considerable amount of violence, as paid “activists” tried to affect the election. But even with all that, Democrats didn’t succeed in changing the vote and getting what they wanted. They’re still denying that Donald Trump won the election fairly and legally.
Now, before Election Day has even gotten here, organizations tied to the Democrat Party are already talking about what they’ll do, if Joe Biden doesn’t win by a landslide. Put simply, the violence from the death of George Floyd is nothing compared to what they are planning on doing.
There are those who are billing this next civil war as a “racial war;” but that’s not true. All we need to do to see the fallacy in that statement is to look at the riots that have been happening. There have been as many whites involved in those riots, as blacks; and the whites are more likely to be the ones to start any real battles.
The riots we have seen and any further violence is nothing more than a collective temper tantrum. Rioters are making demands of people, businesses, and governments, attempting to force them to bow their knee to the rioters’ demands. Like the demonstrations which have happened on various college campuses, they think that their demanding something should be enough to force everyone to go along and give them what they want.
This is, by definition, terrorism, using violence to cause political change.
While the riots we are seeing in this country have been birthed out of the Black Lives Matter movement, they have nothing to do with saving black lives. Rather, it is a Marxist revolution, intended to bring down the current order of things and replace it with socialism/communism. We can see this from the types of things that the left is demanding, such as defunding the police, tearing down monuments, changing names to just about anything that connects us with our past, and demanding redistribution of wealth.
Quite literally, this war will be about keeping America or losing it. If it is won by the revolutionaries, it will no longer be the land of the free and home of the brave. It will be a socialist or communist country, descending into poverty.
Without any obvious uniform differences or geographic boundaries, it’s hard to tell how this war will go. Most likely it will be a war limited to urban areas, especially the larger cities. Since it will grow out of the current riots, it will probably start in the same places, mostly inner-city areas, largely inhabited by the very same people who the revolution claims they want to help.
What we’re looking at is long-term battles for the streets of our cities. Without clearly defined armies and boundaries, it will be hard to win any battle. Rather, there will just be ongoing battles every night, which could go on for years.
This is the future I see, one in which constant battles are being fought across our land. It will be urban guerrilla warfare of the worst kind.
There is much more, read it all here. White suggests that if you live in an urban setting, it might be time to get out!
If you have been wondering why some of the hardcore Leftists in the Democrat party seem to be so blasé about supporting Joe Biden (past history as a warmonger with a bad record on civil rights) as their leader, maybe it is because his electoral loss will give them their most prized opportunity—civil war. (Duh! My smart readers probably figured that out long ago!)
How are your preps going? This post is filed in my ‘Rioting Leftists’tag where you will find previous posts on getting prepared.
If you do nothing else today, this is the ‘must read’ you have been waiting for.
(And, includes some of the things I have been saying in my ‘Rioting Leftists‘ series.)
The 58-page guide authored by Rich Higgins and Stephen Coughlin and published byUnconstrained Analytics is a handbook for your survival and for the Nation’s survival in the chaotic months (years?) ahead. (Hat tip: Leo)
The United States of America is enveloped in crisis. Not since the Civil War, have we faced an insurgency and resistance movement with the capacity, capability, and very real potential to fundamentally change the structure of our republic. All, without passing a law. We are near a tipping point of insurrection and unlegislated change, from which the nation thus changed, will cease to be recognized or function as a representative republic.
The purpose for writing is to alert you to this fact – we are under attack by an ‘insurgency syndicate’ employing unconventional warfare tactics.The North American Insurgency Syndicate (NAIS) is currently gaining strength and they are on the offensive. This book endeavors to deliver an understanding of the insurgency, their goals, strategy and tactics. Then, to provide a framework to respond and protect your family, your property, your freedom, and our country.
As you read about violent insurgent groups, and their goal to fundamentally change our form of government, many a reader may be asking themselves “But, what can I do?” A rational response to this question is the motivation for our project. We offer a guide to assess your current position, analyze your risk, and help you make a reasoned plan to protect you, your family, and further; to provide you ways in which you can help the Nation.
For, if well-meaning citizens do nothing – do not recognize the danger, do not vote, do not volunteer at polling locations, do not influence others, do not prepare for their own defense, and do not push back against enemies of the Republic, then they are ceding space and power to the insurgents. The consequence of citizen inaction, at this perilous moment, is to put at risk the Constitution, our way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If law-abiding patriots across the country do not take prudent action, if they remain subdued and silent, then our nation will be fundamentally altered and cease to function as a republic.
We begin by increasing your “situational awareness.”The book describes the current situation in the United States – that we are at a critical point where the NAIS is successfully exploiting a national emergency to rapidly gain strength. We provide a synopsis of the various and disparate insurgent organizations and movements that are involved in direct-action violence, harassment, agitation, and social media attacks.
Then we explore their syndicate structure. At the tactical level, the NAIS relies upon self-organizing groups of insurgents united for insurrection. The syndicate, waging unconventional warfare with new and innovative tactics, intends to change or overthrow the government.
Keep reading because this is not your usual wonky analytical look at what we are facing (although there is thorough analysis), but includes chapters on what you can do to prepare and to fight back!
I was especially interested in Chapter 3 on preparation since that is what I have been yakking about for the last two months (and working on myself!).
Read it (maybe make a donation to Unconstrained Analytics) and then get to work!
Endnote and changing the subject: If you are not a regular reader of Refugee Resettlement Watch, you might want to visit and see what is happening as this is the big month in which the President usually makes a determination about how many refugees we might admit in the coming fiscal year that begins on October 1.
In response to my post about the Kenyan Killer, read it here, a regular reader sent this account of what she and her siblings are doing to seek justice for their father who passed while in the custody of “bad actors.”
Since the media is so unresponsive, she suggests creating a podcast to help get the word out without the media filter.
Since we write a lot about Tennessee especially atRefugee Resettlement Watch, I would like to know where in Tennessee this happened. Guess we can wait for the podcast!
From Carol:
My advice to the family who lost loved ones due to this monster….DON’T STOP, DON’T GIVE UP.
I too am in the same battle. Bad actors in our family got control of my Alzheimer Dad after our Mother passed….they abused and neglected him to the point of homicide. This was in a small town in TN. The DA was corrupt, the Court was corrupt to the point I and my siblings could not rescue him.
After he died after 3 years of abuse and neglect…they tried to hurriedly cremate him. I had to stay on the phone for 3 days to force an autopsy. The local joke of a Death Investigator said “natural causes. ”
My other siblings and I retained a world renowned Forensic Pathologist and he said “HOMICIDE.”
We couldn’t get any law enforcement to rescue him…..and we couldn’t get any law enforcement to do anything about his death. We have fought for over 7 years to first rescue him, 5 years later he died. We were never allowed to see him all those years.
We went to multiple news sources….they won’t tell the story because they are compromised here and they think they would get sued.
So here’s where we are…..we are producing a Podcast that we will blast out across the country.
One way or another, people will know what happened to our kind Father.
I advise these family members to do the same thing. So many news outlets and “officials” are so compromised they are paralyzed and won’t or can’t act.
Don’t give in, don’t give up…..when talking about your parents’ deaths.
And don’t look to any “official” (especially the ones who have been in their position for a long time) to assist or help you. Don’t believe any laws you see in your state that claims it protects the elderly….that law is only there so they get tons of federal and state money….that they largely spend on fancy offices and “conferences” in exotic places… me.
And good luck to you and yours….you’re going to need it.
Back in July, the last Saturday of the month, I asked if you were being sensible and stocking up a bit if, as the experienced preppers say, the SHTF!
See what John Podesta has to do with all of this….
There is no downside to making sure you and your family will have the necessary food, medicine and other supplies that will allow you to stay close to home as the election approaches and chaos is all but promised.
I’ve taken to reading prepper sites for fun reading.
I know, I know, you might be saying that some of those people are over the top, but you can sort through what sounds reasonable to you and what is way out there.
What I like about these sites, and there are dozens and dozens of them, is that they mix practical information about food/gardening with political news and views that is right up my alley.
Here is a screenshot of the front page of one of my favorite sites—Modern Survival Blog—to show you the wide variety of information the blog provides. Notice the countdown clock running below the header.
I was particularly interested this morning in what the Ice Age Farmer had to say about the globalists using a world wide food shortage to control us. He discussed that malevolent John Podesta and the Food Chain Reaction Game in his most recent podcast.
And, there is even a news aggregation site called Survival Pulseso you can see what stories have been newly posted on the topic.
I figure there is no downside to being sensible and prepared as possible for whatever is going to happen in the coming months. If all hell doesn’t break loose, then thank God and have a little chuckle about all that pasta you’ve stored on basement shelves!
P.S. If you have elderly neighbors, check on them now to be sure they too have some food/water stored.