The other day I directed you to Leo Hohmann’s ‘Dark Winter’ post in which he mentions Shutdown DC, a radical group prepared to hit the streets in Washington, DC (and beyond) on Election Day.
Michelle Malkin featured the progressive extremists in a column on Tuesday.
The part I found most interesting was that Shutdown DC has infiltrated many federal government agencies and is organizing hidden activists who work for you and me (the taxpayer!) to do whatever they can to undermine the Trump administration from within.
Who says there isn’t a deep state?
The Mobilization of the Mob
Ready or not, here they come. The ground troops of the anti-Donald Trump resistance aren’t just biding their time until Election Day for Hidin’ Joe Biden. Hell no. They’re making their direct action checklists and checking them twice. They’re training for instigating.
No matter the outcome at the ballot box, the left-wing mob is prepared to disrupt and destroy nationwide in the name of preserving “democracy.”
Another key social justice player, ShutDown D.C., is teaming with Sunrise Movement guerilla warriors to mobilize students, community organizers and even federal employees to take to the streets on Nov. 3.
ShutDown D.C. anticipates that 10,000 protesters from a motley assortment of affinity groups will converge at Black Lives Matter Plaza to engage in “civil resistance” if President Trump tries to “steal the election.” A “Flying Bike Squad” is “coming together as a rapid response team,” according to organizers. If it’s anything like the skateboard squads and soup can squads who’ve used everyday items as weapons to beat Trump supporters, look for more blood to spill in the name of “peaceful protest.” Mass disruptions are planned at train stations and airports, on highways and in residential neighborhoods for at least the first full week after Election Day.
“We’ll keep it going until Trump concedes,” ShutDown D.C. threatens in its outline of a “No More Business As Usual” blockade across the country. “We could be in the streets throughout the fall and into the winter — maybe as lots of rolling waves of action or possibly as a few major tsunamis! In other parts of the country, as vote counts conclude, our focus will turn from protecting the vote counts to themselves being ungovernable.”
Here’s what has me especially concerned: The “deep state” Trump-haters are openly gearing up to do everything they can from inside the federal government to assist the resistance.
Continue reading here.

And then from Shutdown itself, here is their call to action for federal workers.
If you are wondering why the agencies represented here deal mostly with the environment, it is because Shutdown DC is filled with climate activists who have promoted civil unrest in the past.

By the way, I know a lot of you patriots love the National Parks, but as a longtime defender of property rights for landowners around National Parks you need to know that, due to its voracious appetite for more land, the Park Service is not a good neighbor when the Dems are in control of the government.