So Sara Gideon is the candidate the fake Republicans at the Lincoln Project are supporting?
See my post a week agoabout how the Lincoln Project is pouring money into Maine to defeat Collins because she “has inadequately fought back against Trump.”
True to form, so-called champions of women’s rights run in fear when Somali and Muslim groups generally tell them to run!
Maine has a huge Somali population thanks partly to Catholic Charities the refugee resettlement agency that has worked in the state for decades to diversify Maine.
Maine Democrat Sara Gideon Killed Bills Outlawing Female Genital Mutilation
Maine Dems argued legislation was racist
Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon repeatedly killed bills to outlaw female genital mutilation during her tenure as the speaker of the Maine House of Representatives.
“The Democrats, especially the Speaker of the House Sara Gideon, did everything she could in her power to just kill this bill,” said a survivor of the horrific practice.
Gideon leveraged her leadership position in the Democrat-controlled legislature to kill two separate bills that would have criminalized the practice of severing the clitoris of infant girls and sewing their vaginas shut. Instead, the Democrat supported a different law that would have funnelled $150,000 to her political allies to educate Mainers about the practice instead of criminalizing it, according to a former state legislator who spearheaded the push to stop the mutilation.
Under Gideon’s leadership, Maine Democrats argued that the bill was racist toward the state’s large immigrant community from Somalia, a country where the practice is “nearly universal” according to the United Nations. The Democrats also argued that the practice rarely takes place in Maine and is already outlawed by existing federal and local laws.
Gideon’s efforts have helped make Maine one of only 12 states that have not banned female genital mutilation. Such a legacy threatens to complicate her cultivated image as a champion of women’s rights, one built on her consistent support for abortion access and the #MeToo movement. The image strategy has paid off, translating into hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and outside money support from national pro-abortion groups. Gideon did not respond to a request for comment.
Be sure and see one that BLM seems to have overlooked