Former Secret Service, CIA agent issues warning: Prepare for Iran sleeper cells to strike rural America
In the wake of growing tensions in the Middle East, the United States has made a deliberate strike against the most prolific state sponsor of terrorism.
The killing of Iran’s Quds Force General, Qassem Soleimani, has sparked much debate across the aisle of whether or not this action is an act of war by President Trump.
Regardless of where you stand, the act of terrorism has increased for months before the US response. The question is, is America ready for attacks in the homeland?
As a country, we have been blinded by the possibility of a concentrated attack on US soil and many Americans, including our politicians, have forgotten the grim reality of 9/11 and not given our adversaries the respect they deserve.
We have allowed our guard to be lowered with debates of human rights for open borders, disregarding threats on social media and handcuffing the hands of our law enforcement officers to protect and serve.
Art Del Cueto, the Vice President of the National Border Patrol Union and President of the Arizona Border Patrol Union, touched on it this week:
“We need to take securing our nation’s borders very serious. With the huge rise in individuals claiming asylum, we truthfully don’t know enough about those individuals past, much less their true intentions. Drug cartels are the ones that control our southern borders and they do not care about human lives, it’s all about the money,” he said.
Del Cueto rightfully pointed out that the border opens us up to terrorists walking right into America.
Better safe than sorry, it’s important that you pay attention to your surroundings in the days, weeks and months ahead. And, report to local authorities anything that causes you concern as you go about your daily lives.
P.S. We are still bringing in Muslim refugees (in case you thought that had been stopped). And, in what can only be described as insane, we bring almost equal numbers of Shiites and Sunnis, I guess so they can continue their centuries-old wars right here on American soil. See my post today at RRW.
Editor: I don’t like to cross-post between my two blogs (I fear it looks lazy!), but it is very important that what Tucker Carlson reported last night gets the widest distribution possible. (I don’t know how many of you read RRW.)
Much of what is discussed in Carlson’s piece is that the Christian federal contractors pushing for more refugees are not truly ‘religious’ charities when they are paid by taxpayers for their supposed good works—so the topic is apropos for ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
In just a little over 5 minutes last night Tucker Carlson in a segment on the US Refugee Admissions Program and the President’s efforts to reform it, explains exactly what we have been saying for weeks in dozens of posts.
Especially interesting is the focus on phony Christian charity as Carlson’s millions of viewers learn that it is federal contractors masquerading as charitable religious groups that have successfully lobbied Republican governors—18 so far—to thumb their noses at Trump and ask for more refugees for their states!
It is vitally important that you send this far and wide.Hat tip: Brenda.
The segment begins here:
Don’t miss my post yesterdayabout CAIR sending wet kisses to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan when he became the 18th governor to say his state welcomes more poverty from the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Editor: This is cross-posted from Refugee Resettlement Watch this afternoon. I had planned a new post for ‘Frauds and Crooks’ but was so annoyed by this news about my governor’s action that I posted this at RRW and want you to see it too (in case you don’t read RRW).
We are thrilled with this decision.”
(Zainab Chaudry, director of CAIR Maryland outreach)
Of course they are, they have apparently been lobbying him heavily. Just as you can be sure they were busy in most states making sure that governors, especially Republican governors, toed the line.
I told you about Hogan’s consent yesterday, here. I guess it shouldn’t have been a surprise because he has always been a ‘never Trumper’ so supporting the President on reform of the UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program wasn’t at the top of his priority list.
So far I am not seeing any Maryland county governments begging for refugees (although I can think of several ready to invite more ‘diversity’ and more poverty to their counties).
Hogan letter: Maryland will keep door open to refugees
BALTIMORE — The Council on American-Islamic Relations is praising Gov. Larry Hogan’s decision to agree to receive refugees this year while criticizing President Donald Trump’s policies.
CAIR power! Big smooch for Hogan!
Hogan made his decision well before a Jan. 21 deadline set by the Trump administration.
In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Hogan wrote, “We are willing to accept refugees who the federal government has determined are properly and legally seeking refugee status and have been adequately vetted.”***
“They are a great asset to Baltimore and to Maryland,” said Ibrahim Abusway, community development of Islamic Circle of North America Relief USA.
“We are thrilled with this decision,” said Zainab Chaudry, director of CAIR Maryland outreach.
The president imposed the requirement for cities and states to make a decision as to whether or not they would accept refugees after he cut the total number of refugees the United States will accept to a historic low of 18,000.
“This is just another step that is indicative of the Trump administration’s anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-refugee agenda,” Chaudry said.
While Maryland has accepted nearly 10,000 refugees under the Hogan Administration since 2016, Hogan was among 31 governors who wanted to refuse Syrian refugees in 2015.
“In 2018, CAIR had the opportunity to actually introduce Gov. Hogan to a couple Syrian refugee families that were settled in the Baltimore area, and not only was he able to hear more about their personal story, the circumstances that led them to flee their country and civil war and strife and to settle here in the United States, but he also learned about how they were launching a small business,” Chaudry said.
Just so you know, by very large margins (even under Trump), the vast majority of Syrians entering the US are Muslims.
*** This vetting issue is a red herring! Hogan surely knows that you can’t robustly vet anyone when they come from failed states. The vetting in many cases involves nothing more than asking the refugee if he/she has associated with any terrorist groups. What do you think they will say! Lying to infidels is permitted in the Islamic ‘faith.’
And, besides, the State Department’s Funding Guidance expressly says a governor can’t put any conditions on his/her letter. However, Hogan did place a condition—he said they must be “legally vetted refugees” (whatever that means!). See his letter here.
Was that so he could throw a little bone to all of you who might be concerned about who he is welcoming to Maryland?
The letter may consent to initial resettlement for refugees only in certain localities within the state, but otherwise must convey the state government’s unambiguous and unconditional consent to accept the initial resettlement of any refugee in that state in FY 2020. The consent may not be conditioned on acceptance of certain refugees or on any other factor, such as refugees’ race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin.
For the umpteenth time—why are the squabbling factions in the Middle East our problem? They have been fighting among themselves for centuries and we are then expected to take them in—why?
It has been a year and a day since I launched this website with the goal of balancing the news coming from the Left (and most of the media) about how ‘new Americans’ are here for a better life and will bring us the joys of diversity as well as economic boom times to struggling cities.
For new readers, I use this artwork that the Southern Poverty Law Center commissioned of me (and others) that it was targeting a few years ago in its effort to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with their political views.
I noted that the warm and fuzzy immigrant stories (the Left loves emotion-generating stories!) were increasing as the 2020 presidential contest looms.
Yes, many are here for America’s benefits and many will benefit America, but I was sick of the lack of balance and the blatant efforts to downplay stories involving fraud, murder, violence, terrorism and crimes generally perpetrated on us by those who shouldn’t have been here in the first place.
I think in the last year I’ve documented some pretty horrendous cases, most having never been reported on a national level.
We can tell emotional stories too!
LOL! Also when I began this blog, I was discouraged (and bored) by any lack of progress by the Trump Administration to reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program which I had been blogging about for 11 going on 12 years. Refugee Resettlement Watch (RRW)had been retired and tucked into bed (I thought safe there as an educational resource for anyone who was interested.).
All that changed mid-year when the ‘speech police’ convinced to delete RRW.See here.
Not to be silenced, I had to hire someone with technical skills to recover RRW. Frankly, those who wanted to silence me on the subject of refugees should have left sleeping dogs lie. Now, I am back to full time writing at RRWand here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’ And, just in time since the President did make a move to reform the dysfunctional Refugee Admissions Program. See RRW here.
I’m continuing as best I can to get news up at both sites every day or every few days at the least.
So, what do you do in 2020?
Put Donald Trump back in the White House for four more years!
Besides educating (read! read! read!) yourselves on the issues, I posted herethat the most important goal perhaps of all time for America is to reelect Donald Trump. I know he is not perfect, but the contrast is stark between Trump’s ‘America First’ view of the world and the view held by the Democrats stable of Socialists.
You might be thinking that the Trump machine is so powerful that you don’t have to do much, but it is only as powerful as you (who stand behind him) make it.
My friend Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forumpenned a New Years day piece yesterday that I recommend you read entitled,
[W]e have watched the president — heroically –achieve much in the teeth of unremitting and planned opposition from the Permanent Government and their allied media and from the toxic bond of hostility of former leaders in the Justice Department and the self-styled intelligence community.
We suggest, however, that all of us grass-roots patriots still have much to do both in terms of realizing immediate goals, e.g., keeping the Second Amendment and controlling immigration, and in how we guard against and confront future perils.
[W]hat should we grass-roots patriots now be doing day-in and day-out to restore what remains of the Republic, which is the bedrock of our personal freedom and our self-government?
Realize first that we shall have to outwork and out-study the People of the Hard Left for whom shaping a new and likely hostile society occupies much of their daily energy and social life.
This last bit is what makes us different from our adversaries on the Left. They live to change America while we have generally worked hard to raise families and be good citizens ignoring the dirty business of politics. You can’t do that this year.
In other words, Papa Trump isn’t going to take care of us all by himself.
While you are visiting the Virginia-based Blue Ridge Forumnote the excellent blog roll on the right hand column. It is a fantastic resource of some of the most important sites you should be accessing on a daily basis to stay informed.
Why wander around the internet for your education, simply see Falknor’s essential reading list.
Finally thanks to all of you who read my work at both blogs and special thanks for your kind words of support and encouragement. Donations that have helped defray the cost of recovering Refugee Resettlement Watch were very much appreciated.
And, thanks too for news tips which I use whenever I can. Apologies to all who write to me. I wish I was a better correspondent, but there aren’t enough hours in my blogging day to keep up with everything.
Happy New Year and off to work to keep America Great!
P.S. I almost forgot! I said I would tally-up the posts from certain states that seem to have the most frauds, crooks and killers (at least those reported on these pages). I feel sure that Florida and Michigan are a close first and second.
But maybe if you have the time search herefor Florida and here for Michigan (or using the search window find any other state you think might have extensively graced the pages of ‘Frauds and Crooks’over the past year) and let me know who wins!