Airline Sued Because “Ahmad” Harassed Passenger

This is a disgusting story.  Women travelers pay attention!

From NBC San Diego:

Airline Employee Stalked Passenger at San Diego Airport and Onboard Flight: Lawsuit

Unwanted emails or text messages are usually just a bother. But for one local woman traveling at San Diego’s International Airport, a series of mysterious text messages made her fear for her safety and caused her lasting emotional distress.

Ashley Barno was waiting to board her flight last April at the San Diego International Airport.

Looking at her phone, she saw the first of many text messages from an unknown sender.

“Hey, Ashley! How are you?” read the first text. “I’m good, thank you!” Ashley politely replied. “Sorry,” she added, “I’m not sure who this is.”

Barno didn’t recognize the phone number on those texts and the messages that followed made her increasingly uncomfortable. “BTW I must tell you that you are gorgeous,” wrote the unknown admirer.

“The whole time I kept asking him, ‘Who are you? How do you know who I am? How’d you get my info?’,” Barno told NBC 7 in an exclusive interview.

Then, another unwelcomed text: “You are looking very gorgeous in that gray top today.” That message prompted Barno to look for a familiar face in the American Airlines boarding area in Terminal 2. That’s when the sender identified himself as “Ahmad” and told Barno he worked for the airline.

The unwanted messages continued after Barno boarded her flight to Chicago.

Then, a text that really unnerved her. “I am on board now. Are you going to Chicago too??”

Continue here to see what happens next.

Then the wrap:

At the least, she says everyone should only use luggage tags that have a flap that covers their personal information.

And, that is the big take away?  Hide your tag?  It is on you to protect yourself from creeps?  How about the airline doing a better job hiring trustworthy employees who aren’t hanging onto cultural norms from whatever country “Ahmad” is from.

I wonder do major airlines have training programs for ‘new American’ employees to teach them how to behave on the job?

Look around and see that this story is getting national media attention.