If Biden got over 80 million votes, the most for any presidential candidate in history, then why are they so worried about Donald Trump running in 2024?
As I have been saying, ridicule is the most powerful peaceful political weapon. Use it! Conservative Momma does!
It is very difficult to appear powerful when one looks foolish!
And, check out her impersonation of “Circle Back” Psaki…
Fight back! Send these around to everyone you know!
That is all I am going to say on that, and normally wouldn’t bother writing about weasel-like Dems, but because just yesterday on the first day of the unconstitutional impeachment trial of our President, led by Raskin, I wrote both at RRW and hereabout how important it was for you now to focus on your city/county and maybe state level (state level in some states, others are lost causes) as you FIGHT back. Washington is lost for now.
And, I want to show you what fighting back might look like and knowing your enemy is step one.
But, first, as I started my research on Maryland Democrat Raskin I came across this story from 2018. Raskin was on Martha’s Vineyard (of course) celebrating with the author of a book for young Americans—-Steal this Country!
Raskin is inspired by wildfire activism! Gee, but only when the wildfire comes from the Left I suppose! He didn’t like that wildfire in the Capitol on January 6th as he ran for cover.
We don’t condone the violence, but you know January 6th scared the ____out of the likes of Raskin who is okay with social unrest when the Left is doing the rioting.
The Long Arc of Social Change
Raskin with the author of Steal this Country!
In the summer of 2017, about 60 students participated in Maryland congressman Jamie Raskin’s Democracy Summer workshop program. The following spring, those students helped to organize a school walkout protesting gun violence that mobilized thousands.
That kind of wildfire activism is what inspires Mr. Raskin and what motivated Vineyard author Alexandra Styron to write a handbook for young people on protest and engagement. Mr. Raskin and Ms. Styron united forces this week on the Vineyard to celebrate the release of Ms. Styron’s book, Steal this Country, and talk about their shared goal to mobilize youth for progressive causes.
His son died. A week later he survived the Capitol riots. Now, he’s leading the impeachment case against Donald Trump.
You can read the whole gushing article yourself. Here are a couple of snips:
“My family suffered an unspeakable trauma on New Year’s eve a week ago,” Raskin said early Jan. 7, after the vote count resumed and neared completion. “Let us stop pouring salt in the wounds of America for no reason at all. Let us start healing our beloved land and our wonderful people.”
Raskin was “deeply involved” in preparation for the first trial, Schiff said. Raskin was “extraordinarily valuable” in discussions of possible charges and drafting the articles of impeachment that determine how the case is presented, Schiff said.
“He has been a dazzling force for justice, demonstrating outstanding love of country, dedication to our democracy and loyalty to our oath as he works to ensure that no one is above the law,” Pelosi told USA TODAY.
Despite his affable reputation, Scanlon says, Raskin is no pushover. He remains unperturbed during chaotic hearings when lawmakers sometimes heckle one another.
“He’s tough as nails,” Scanlon said. “It comes from pure civics, patriotism.”
Know the enemy, they are setting Raskin up as the next great gift to America!
I am finally getting to what I really wanted to say, but I had to set the stage.
What can you do?
You can do what I was stunned to see any Republican group do—you can make fun of Raskin and other Lefties wherever you live!.
Remember! Obama’s idol Saul Alinsky writing in ‘Rules for Radicals’ (if you have never read it, you better!) told his adoring hard liners thatridicule is the most powerful political weapon.
Here, much to my delight, is what the Montgomery County Maryland Republican Party created and posted yesterday. Raskin represents Maryland’s 8th Congressional District.
Looks like some Republicans are willing to play in the big league!
See it now before Youtube takes it down. Like it, and make it go viral! (Hat tip: Gail)
Hint to MoCo Republicans, make sure the video is on Rumble if it isn’t already.
I have created a new category here at Frauds and Crooksentitled ‘Know the Enemy‘ to go along with my category ‘Fight Back.’
Jordan Davidson writing at theFederalistlists some of the many occasions over the last few years when leading Democrats used language to incite unrest among their followers.
We are all aware of the massive, really shameful, double standard when it comes to the media and their favored political pals, but honestly it is this double standard and its blatant unfairness that will fuel further unrest.
While Democratic politicians and the corporate media blamed President Donald Trump for the mob riot at the Capitol on Wednesday, saying his rhetoric incited violence, many of these same lawmakers and bureaucrats have for years called for violence and physical action against those who believe differently than they do.
“Hate to break it to you but if Trump had won, there would have been violence on Wednesday, and it most certainly would have been worse. How do I know? Because Democrats have been endorsing violence as a political tactic throughout the Trump Administration,” wrote Grabien founder Tom Elliott on Twitter.
In 2018, Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California said on MSNBC that if Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller, there would be “widespread civil unrest” as people would “take to the streets.”
Similarly, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper agreed that if Trump fired Mueller, it would “set off a firestorm not only on the Hill but also in the streets.”
Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder encouraged a group of “liberal activists,” to fight back, a sentiment that was met with applause and laughter.
“Michelle [Obama] always says, ‘When they go low, we go high,’” Holder began. “No. No. When they go low, we kick them.”
More recently, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that, in politics, “when you’re in the arena, you have to be ready to take a punch, and you have to be ready to throw a punch … for the children.”
I’m sorry but I can’t help laughing at an image we likely will never see of Nancy in her heels running for cover on Wednesday.
And, never forget that these Democrat leaders NEVER spoke up against their supporters, those raging and burning through American cities this past summer.
I’m not condoning any violence, but is it any wonder that those who love the President and know he won the election in a landslide reacted as they did on January 6th?
Be sure you do everything you can to remind people of the “dangerous rhetoric” of the Left!
But, have fun with it! They cannot tolerate ridicule, the most powerful political weapon according to Obama’s idol Saul Alinsky. They can dish it, but they can’t take it!
No, he didn’t take off everything just his tie in a bid to make the point. If strip clubs can be open in California, then so can churches.
Thanks to reader Marilou for sharing this uplifting story. Oh, and by the way, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
This will give you a laugh. And, yes, I know that the Supreme Court weighed in subsequent to Pastor McCoy’s performance to slap down New York governor Cuomo’s edict restricting church attendance.
I think there is some kind of revolution going on in Cali!
California Pastor Temporarily Turns His Chapel Into a Strip Club to Be Deemed ‘Essential’
Since the time various shutdowns, stay-at-home orders, et cetera, were enacted to “slow the spread” of the Wuhan flu, the list of businesses and activities considered “essential” has been illogical at best. In California, marijuana dispensaries and liquor stores have remained open, while gyms and churches have been shut down.
Multiple churches in California have sued over the shutdown order and their “nonessential” designation, arguing that shutting down churches violates the First Amendment. Others have continued to hold indoor services despite the shutdown order, including Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Ventura County, led by Pastor Rob McCoy – who stepped down from his post as a member of the Thousand Oaks City Council before defying the health officer’s order back in April.
Strip club owners in the state have also challenged the shutdown order in court, saying that their businesses are “legally protected speech guaranteed by the First Amendment.” On November 12, a San Diego Superior Court judge ordered that county to temporarily reopen strip clubs, pending a full hearing at the end of the month, after an initial hearing in a case brought by two strip club owners.
Since being able to provide live adult entertainment is a protected right in at least one county, for at least a few weeks, might churches be able to use this ruling to their advantage?
Pastor McCoy, inspired by former Gov. Mike Huckabee, decided to take a chance.
Remember what Saul Alinsky taught his Leftwing revolutionaries: “Humor is essential to a successful tactician, for the most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule.”
And, Lefties have NO sense of humor! So, laugh at them every chance you get!
While we are on the subject of humor, God and Leftists. Twitter was blowing up over the last day or so when Joe Biden, speaking from a teleprompter, couldn’t pronounce the word “Psalmist.”
Remember the Dems put this mentally challenged man in this spot, so we are free to laugh!
"Devout Catholic" Joe Biden doesn't know the "P" in "Psalmist" is silent, not the "s". pic.twitter.com/kp9MZi3NvQ
In my previous postI told you about the large percentage of “children” in federal custody who are purportedly under 18 years of age. This is a companion piece because the dilemma is this—how do you know if the “child” is being truthful about his or her age? Apparently we call in dental experts to provide forensic X-rays—a practice which has the Left in hissy-fits. Finding medical ‘experts’ with a bias to criticize the practice is probably not too difficult. How old is the unaccompanied alien “child?” Don’t we have a right to know!
When you read this story, I want you to notice the use of a common tactic employed by the Left in political battles. It is something Saul Alinsky taught. Alinsky said people hurt more quickly than institutions so instead of only going after government bureaucrats and elected officials, here they go after dentists in a personal way suggesting that any dentist who would use x-rays for this purpose is somehow immoral (even suggesting a parallel to medical experiments by he-who-shall-not-be- named).
From STAT(If you don’t know STAT, I didn’t,here is a bit about the publication):
The unethical behavior of forensic dentists at our southern border
Parents who entrust the care of their children to doctors and dentists do so based on the belief that these professionals will act in the best interest of their children. A profound breach of that trust occurs when those professionals not only violate the “do no harm” maxim they pledged when taking the Hippocratic oath, but do so through the misuse of the licenses and privileges they’ve been granted in exchange for our trust. That’s happening right now on our southern border.
When immigration authorities believe that an individual who has crossed the border claims to be a child but might be over the age of 18, they call in forensic dentists to take panoramic X-rays. The dentists do this not to identify dental maladies or make sure they can provide appropriate dental treatment — which would be appropriate uses of X-rays — but because they claim they can identify an individual’s age with an extraordinary degree of precision from his or her X-rays.
All children ostensibly receive some dental care while in custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Yet only two groups are X-rayed: those with obvious dental issues and those whose age is in question. Author: Nancy Neveloff Dubler plays the morality card
The need for precision is essential to this task. The “calculation” that someone is 17 and 364 days old as opposed to being 18 and one day old has enormous consequences. Detained immigrants under age 18 are sent to shelters operated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement or sometimes released into the custody of relatives. Those who are 18 or older are sent to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement adult detention centers, which are essentially prisons.
Whether an individual is a minor when he or she crosses the border also carries consequences down the line related to his or her ultimate ability to obtain asylum and lawfully remain in the United States. Improper age determination may also cause a child to unnecessarily lose status as what the Office of Refugee Resettlement calls an unaccompanied alien child and the legal protections that come with that status, such as a non-adversarial asylum interview and release to an eligible sponsor. Co-author Brendan Parent, ethics ‘expert’ and lawyer attacks dentists
Given the consequences, it isn’t surprising that immigration authorities have an interest in making claims about the ages of young immigrants. That they have turned to forensic dentistry to do so is deeply troubling and ethically impermissible.
The absence of scientific support for these actions is troubling. What is shocking is the willingness of dentists to do harm at the behest of the state purely to serve the political/legal goal of defeating children’s rights.
[….] Instigating a medical procedure for the purpose of depriving a child of the right to be treated as a child — or for the purpose of facilitating and permitting imprisonment — is absolutely prohibited by the ethics of medicine, not to mention by the notions of fairness and decency.
More here.
Where is the “fairness and decency” from the authors! Ethics experts, my foot!
The hypocrisy of the Left has no bounds, one commenter asked: Didn’t abortion doctors sign an oath to do no harm? And, I would argue that all those money-grubbing pill-pushing pain doctors I’ve been writing about did the same.
I wonder have Dubler and Parent, the authors of this screed, written similar words about abortionists or Nigerian pill-pushers?
By the way, the issue of lying youths is a problem all over the world and governments are attempting to find the best scientific methods to age the aliens streaming across borders in Europe and elsewhere.
Hey, and I thought the Left loved science! Science uber alles, right!
What can you do? Pay attention to tactics used by the Left and call them out whenever you can. One way to do that is by commenting at ‘news’ stories that allow comment, or write a letter to the editor when you see Alinsky tactics being used. Make fun of the writer for using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals because LOL! Alinsky says the most powerful political weapon is humor! Use it!