“This was clear marriage fraud and immigration fraud, that’s a fact.”
(DHS insider with knowledge of the investigation)
That is the gist of news unearthed by Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily this week.
A Dept. of Homeland Security insider says they have the goods on her, but the US Attorney in Minnesota, Erica MacDonald, will not be filing charges.
One more example, even under the Trump Administration, that there are two standards of justice one for them and another for us.
If you are new to the controversy, see my previous posts on the Congresswoman’s marriages.
For additional background, if you are interested, for years at Refugee Resettlement WatchI chronicled the history of immigration fraud that was rampant in the Somali ‘community.’
Back in 2008 (and down the memory hole) the US State Department actually halted all Somali family reunification due to the tens of thousands of fraudulent cases they had unearthed. Only a tiny handful of those cheaters was ever located and removed.
DHS insider spills beans on Ilhan Omar criminal charges for marrying brother
Federal investigators have decided not to prosecute Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., for immigration fraud despite the publicly available evidence that she married her brother to gain him lawful status to remain in the United States.
The news that two separate federal agencies have declined to pursue charges against Omar after a months-long probe came from a veteran insider at the Department of Homeland Security.
The case was investigated by the FBI and involved at least one other agency, but the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota, Erica MacDonald, has decided not to prosecute.
Editor: It is my opinion that US Attorney MacDonald and the whole Justice Department are scared s******* that if charges are brought against Omar, riots of a greater magnitude than those experienced in the George Floyd fiasco would erupt and result in a race war that could spread further once the rest of Minneapolis is burned down.
MacDonald is a Republican who was appointed to her post in June 2018 by President Trump.
Abdihakim Osman Nur, a member of the Somali-American community in Minnesota, was the first person to go on the record with firsthand evidence of Omar’s marriage to her brother. He told the British-based DailyMail.com earlier this year that Omar told him she wanted to get her brother a green card so he could stay and work in the United States. At the time she was married to her first husband, Ahmed Hirsi.
Omar denounced the accusations as “disgusting lies” by bloggers who were engaging in “Islamophobia.” She refused to address questions on the matter.
Read about the politics of the decision, but I still maintain that it is fear, fear of violence and chaos, after all we have been trained in recent weeks to stand down.
“What’s real is right-wing populism is growing, and we need to be growing a left populism even faster, on a greater scale, to turn the ship around.”
“[I]f we win here (the South), we can win anywhere.”
(Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson co-director of the Highlander Research & Education Center)
This is the first in a series of posts published at Tennessee’s Dailyrollcall.comthat will dig deep into the movement seeking to transform all of America into a Marxist dreamland rooted in the heart of the Bible Belt.
Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson co-directs the Highlander Research & Education Center located about 25 miles outside of Knoxville in New Market, Tennessee. She is a nationally-connected Marxist, a member of the M4BL policy table leadership team, and works with a myriad of other socialist/Marxist/communist oriented organizations across the country among her other affiliations.
M4BL is the Movement 4 Black Lives, a revolutionary umbrella group established in 2014; it is fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justice.
M4BL policy platforms demand “end the war on black people, payment of reparations, invest (in communities)-divest (from police), economic justice, community control, and of course, political power.
M4BL will hold a Black National Conventionat the end of August focused on harnessing the “black vote” to oust Trump and show Biden and the Democrat party the make-or-break heft of their voting power. These radical electoral organizers call their strategy the “Left Inside/Outside Project“.
Ash-Leetells her comrades (her term of endearment), “organize the South to save the country.”
By organize, she means using umbrella organizations like her M4BL (Movement 4 Black Lives) to raise funds and train groups like Black Lives Matter, aka, “burners, looters & Marxists.”
Training and convening happens at the Highland Center.
It’s critical for all Tennesseans who oppose the evils of socialism, communism and Marxism (whose ends are the same in the U.S.), to know about the Highlander Center, it’s leaders, spin-off groups, the affiliates, the funders, and of course, their agenda to take down what they call the “New Confederacy.”
You can’t oppose something you don’t know about.
You can’t understand the planned destruction to civilized society if you don’t learn about it.
You can’t understand the planned destruction for our constitutional republic if you don’t learn about it.
You can’t publicly condemn and push-back against something you don’t know about.
You can’t educate anyone else about something you don’t know about.
You can’t demand push-back from your community and elected leaders if you can’t explain it to them.
It’s a mistake to cavalierly dismiss these passionate, destructive groups. They are well-funded and have been able to make the industry of organizing and destroying, a full-time paid job.
Highlander Center is a convening Marxist destination in Tennessee where plans are hatched, developed and organized to first defeat President Trump’s re-election and then, continue to empower radical progressives who ascribe to socialist/communist/Marxist doctrines the likes of Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayana Presley to be the main drivers of the Democrat party.
Remember Alinsky’s Rule 13. Make the name Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson a household name!
This is the sort of investigative and reporting work you should be doing where you live! Come on people! If you don’t have a state or local website, get one!
Just likethe McCloskey’s, the white couple in St. Louis, it seems that black people want to protect their homes and lives too from aggressive and frightening anarchists.
You’ve probably seen the news, but just in case. Hat tip: Cristina
Husband of L.A. County DA Jackie Lacey charged with assault after waving gun at protesters
The husband of Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey has been charged with pointing a gun at Black Lives Matter members who demonstrated outside the couple’s home the day before she faced a primary election in March.
The ballot box is not enough for the anarchists. Imagine this going on outside your home day or night.
The state attorney general filed three misdemeanor charges Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court against David Lacey for assault with a firearm for the March 2 incident.
Lacey, 66, pointed a gun at demonstrators who protested outside the couple’s home before dawn on March 2 and said “I will shoot you,” according to video of the incident.
Dishonest media doesn’t mention until later that he was shouting “Get off my porch!” They were on his porch!
Jackie Lacey offered an emotional apology at the time, saying her husband told her he pulled the gun and told protesters to leave.
Lacey’s campaign issued a statement Tuesday saying her husband thought they were in danger and was trying to protect them.
“The events that took place earlier this year have caused my family immense pain,” Lacey said in the statement. “My husband acted in fear for my safety after we were subjected to months of harassment that included a death threat no less than a week earlier.”
Lacey, the first Black person and first woman to run what is the nation’s largest local prosecutor’s office, has been targeted for nearly three years by Black Lives Matter protesters, who have held weekly demonstrations outside her office calling for her ouster.
This is a Tweet posted at the time of the incident. I wanted to see a youtube clip of the confrontation, but the only ones available today have shortened the exchange. There is a bit more here with drums banging in the background.
#BREAKING This morning Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s husband pulled a gun out on Black Lives Matter activists who protested his wife in front of their house. @BLMLApic.twitter.com/wnCFMMvaWV
Over the years, while writing at Refugee Resettlement Watch, an article would come my way that hinted at the problems within the African “community” between the new African immigrants and our own African-Americans.
(Resettlement contractors loved to place the new Africans in predominantly African-American neighborhoods with, I suppose, the naive notion that since they are all blacks they would love and embrace each other!)
If there were tensions, it was always just hinted (or immediately swept under the rug if a reporter dared mention it) and I suspect that is because it goes against the narrative—how is it possible for a black immigrant to be bigoted against another black person?
Everyone knows only white people can be racists and bigots, right?
Much to my surprise here is an opinion piece at MinnPostpublished a few days ago by second generation Ethiopian immigrant Eskender A. Yousuf.
It took me a few minutes of reading and rereading to understand that he is basically saying that the new immigrant Africans look upon African-Americans, who have been here for generations, as riff-raff, inferior to the real Africans newly arrived.
What is going on, two big admissions in the space of a week about problems in the Minnesota immigrant “community.”
Don’t miss my post at RRW about how Somali culture dictates that women can be treated with abuse.
A call to address anti-Blackness within African immigrant communities
“I was on a recent conference call helping an organization put a statement together and this Sudanese brother says, ‘I don’t understand this Black Lives Matter stuff, I have never felt racism in this country.’
You know, I’m just letting people have it now … we [African-Americans] can sniff out anti-Blackness right when we step in the room, wherever we are. … I have never felt welcomed or comfortable in any African immigrant establishment in Minnesota.”
These words come from a recent conversation I had with a close connection of mine.
Eskender A. Yousuf. I’m guessing the Leftists in MN are not too happy with Mr. Yousuf’s admission!
This was nothing short of our regular conversations and check-ins; however, this time it felt different. With the wake of the current racial uprisings, it provoked me to publicly call attention this issue.
As a second-generation Ethiopian immigrant who is ethnically Oromo, I was born and raised in the Twin Cities. I never imagined that the place I call home would become the epicenter of historic racial uprisings and protests that sparked a fire across the world.
Stood in solidarity
Amongst the sea of protesters that stood in solidarity in the streets of Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd’s death were 1.5 and second-generation African immigrants (1.5 generation immigrants refer to those who came to America before they reached 12 years old; second-generation immigrants refer to those who were born in America).
Minneapolis, in fact, is home to a diverse population of racially Black individuals and a large fraction of them are African immigrants and refugees. We have the largest population of Somali immigrants, a vast number of Ethiopians, as well as immigrants from other African countries like Eritrea, Sudan, Liberia, and Nigeria. While African immigrant communities showed up in large numbers to protest police brutality and racial injustices, an oft-neglected nuance is the prevalence of anti-Blackness within these very communities.
The support for the Black Lives Matter movement from the African immigrant community demands that we address and correct the racist practices within our own community that are often left unquestioned.
For us to truly support the call for racial injustice, we must take the step eradicate anti-Blackness within our own communities.
Growing up in the Twin Cities, I have witnessed countless anti-Black sentiments, expressions, attitudes, and practices from close relatives and community members. Some examples include: looking down on marrying African-Americans, addressing and treating African-Americans and their communities by negative racialized stereotypes (i.e. lazy, not hardworking, criminals) and our perpetual disassociation with the African-American community in order to distinctly identify ourselves as African immigrants and not “Black/African-American.”
This identification process has been heavily documented and proved as a mechanism for us to distance ourselves from African-American communities for various reasons, including social stratification.
I didn’t want to post the whole thing, but there is more good stuff, so continue reading here.
Wouldn’t it be great if the politically incorrect Mr. Yousuf and the Sudanese “brother” he quotes made it to cable TV news. I can dream can’t I!
Of course its a lefty book aimed at vilifying the President and Stephen Miller, but there is some important advice in it (according to this excerpt at Politico) that the Republicans generally have failed to heed—you must fight like the Left fights!
And, that comes from none other than David Horowitz who was about as far left as you can get, but woke up one day (after a friend was murdered!).
In December 2012, with the Republican Party reeling from a brutal election that left Democrats in control of the White House and the Senate, the conservative activist David Horowitz emailed a strategy paper to the office of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.
Former Senator Jeff Sessions and David Horowitz. There is nothing the Left hates more than one of their own, as Horowitz once was, exposing their strategies.
Horowitz, now 81, was a longtime opponent of immigration and the founder of a think tank and a campus freedom-of-speech advocacy group. He saw in Sessions a kindred spirit—a senator who could reawaken a more nationalist fire in the Republican party. The person he emailed it to was a Sessions aide: Stephen Miller. Horowitz, who recalled the episode in an interview and shared the emails with me, had known Miller since the aide was in high school.
Sessions with aide Miller
Horowitz encouraged Miller to not only give the paper to Sessions but to circulate it in the Senate.
Miller expressed eagerness to share it and asked for instructions. “Leave the Confidential note on it. It gives it an aura that will make people pay more attention to it,” Horowitz wrote. The paper, “Playing to the Head Instead of the Heart: Why Republicans Lost and How They Can Win,” included a section on the political utility of hostile feelings.
Horowitz wrote that Democrats know how to “hate their opponents,” how to “incite envy and resentment, distrust and fear, and to direct those volatile emotions.” He urged Republicans to “return their fire.”
“Behind the failures of Republican campaigns lies an attitude that is administrative rather than combative. It focuses on policies rather than politics. It is more comfortable with budgets and pie charts than with the flesh and blood victims of their opponents’ policies,” Horowitz wrote, adding that Democrats have the moral high ground.
“They are secular missionaries who want to ‘change society.’ Their goal is a new order of society—‘social justice.’” He argued that the only way to beat them is with “an equally emotional campaign that puts the aggressors on the defensive; that attacks them in the same moral language, identifying them as the bad guys.”
Horowitz wrote that hope and fear are the two strongest weapons in politics. Barack Obama had used hope to become president. “Fear is a much stronger and more compelling emotion,” Horowitz argued, adding that Republicans should appeal to voters’ base instincts.
It is perhaps the most compact crystallization of the relationship that propelled Miller, now a senior policy adviser and speechwriter in the Donald Trump administration, to the White House and of the importance that relationship has had in the administration.
This is long, but an important read. I’ve been arguing against spending a lot of time reading and thus feeling like something has been accomplished, but this article is extremely valuable because it helps reconfirm what I suspect you already know—Republicans have been fighting (if you can call it that!) all wrong for most of our lives.
There are, however, still a few months left to get it right!