Of course there isn’t much to cheer about as you know tens of thousands of migrants are streaming across our southern border, most claiming they are refugees seeking asylum. Refugee admission numbers pale in comparison to the numbers coming across our border and claiming refugee status.
The flow that has definitely slowed is the US Refugee Admissions Programrefugees that are selected initially by the United Nations, followed by US State Department approval and resettlement by one of nine federal resettlement contractors who distribute them to most states. (One of many posts on the contractors at RRW is here.) The work of the contractors is almost completely funded by you.
Office closures reported this week are the result of the federal slowdown in admissions (slowdown in money to the contractors) and because these resettlement offices could not find enough local financial support to keep their doors open, a fact that demonstrates one vital point:
There is not enough support by the public generally for refugee resettlement!
Apparently the Bhutanese/Nepali refugees that the feds, along with one of nine federal contractors, placed in Vermont (to help diversify one of the whitest states in the nation) are moving west. Bhutanese refugees in Columbus didn’t like Trump. https://radio.wosu.org/post/refugees-work-overcome-language-barrier-ballot-box#stream/0
According to a report at Vermont Public Radio, the “new Americans” want to join others of their ethnic group in Columbus, Ohio.
Indeed, they, like many other large groups of refugees we have admitted, are building ethnic enclaves in an ever increasing balkanization of America. Somalis have staked out Columbus, so what happens when two large ethnic groups are scrambling for housing and jobs? (The Bhutanese/Nepalis are not Muslims, btw.)
By the way, if you never saw mypost welcoming you to this blog, to Frauds and Crooks, check it out now. I started it after learning that the Progressives were working on yet another film about the joys of diversity—this time centered on Columbus, Ohio.
Before I get to the latest news, you should know that the George W. Bush State Department said in 2007that the US would take 60,000 Bhutanese/Nepali refugees from the UN camps on the Nepal border(to help out the UN because we had no national interest or involvement in ethnic conflicts in that region).
Fast forward to today and data shows that we now have ‘welcomed’ over 96,000 so-called Bhutanese ‘refugees’ to your towns and cities. Continue reading “Resettled Refugees Leaving Vermont to be with their Growing 'Community' in Ohio”→
Diversity is beautiful alert!
This story is from December, but I’m writing about it for several reasons (thanks to reader Anne Marie for sending it).
First I see that the story never made it to any news outside the state of Ohio. Why is that? I have a good guess!
But, more interesting to me is that the story says he is scheduled for trial this month (February), but I can’t find another word about the case. Mohammed Al-Mashrafi
If someone has a few minutes to dig, help me find out if Mohammed Al-Mashrafi is scheduled for trial this month, was the case postponed, or did he post bail and skip the country?
An Ohio University student was indicted on nine charges, including rape, kidnapping, gross sexual imposition and menacing by stalking.
Mohammed Al-Mashrafi was arrested earlier this month by Athens police.
Athens County Prosecutor Keller Blackburn said Al-Mashrafi is accused of stalking multiple women in and around Athens, including by social media, our partners, CBS affiliate WBNS-TV in Columbus reported.
“Al-Mashrafi is further accused of vising (sic) a local spa where he was observed fondling himself and, upon being asked to leave, refused to pay for his services and ultimately left without paying. On Dec. 5, 2018, Al-Mashrafi’s behavior escalated and he is alleged to have held a female against her will and forcing himself on her sexually,” Blackburn said.
[….] Blackburn said Al-Mashrafi, who had a bond set at $5 million, is in the United States on a student visa from Oman. A trial date is scheduled for February.
Search Mohammed Al-Mashrafi and see that stories about his indictment were pretty widespread in Ohio at the time.
Gee, I wonder if this guy will be in that diversity-is-beautiful propaganda film being made in Ohio, the one that inspired me to write this blog!
Religion News Service has published a lengthy and whiney report on the status of the US Refugee Admissions Program under the Trump Administration. It is a useful summary in some ways of where the refugee industry is these days. Daycare worker Khadra Abdo wants to bring her five grown children to the US! But, don’t be fooled, all of the federal contractors are still in place and still being funded. They have simply hunkered down to wait Trump out. The story(hat tip: Joanne) is an excuse to bash Trump, but is interesting as it begins with a refugee sob story (as they all do because the Left loves stories!), that raised some questions for me about how this Columbus, Ohio Somali woman got into the US in the first place.
And, one more thing! Just because the word “religion” is in the name of this publication that doesn’t mean it is a religious publication! It is a media source with a Leftist spin for news that might eventually appear in places like the Washington Post.
Two years after Trump’s travel ban, faith-based refugee groups struggle
“My first thought is that I hope they are safe today, and that stays on my mind throughout the whole day,” Abdo told Religion News Servicethrough an interpreterprovided by Church World Service. The 40-year-old Muslim mother of seven was separated from her five oldest children from a first marriage nearly 12 years ago when she and her second husband fled civil war twice — first in Somalia, then in Libya. When they arrived in Columbus, Ohio, as asylum seekers in 2012, she filed a request for her four teenaged daughters and one son, living with her 75-year-old mother in Ethiopia, to join her through World Relief. Seven years later, she is still waiting. And the World Reliefoffice that once helped her has been closed.
That closure in 2017 was a “direct result” of President Trump’s executive order to cut the number of refugees resettled that year in the United States, World Reliefsaid at the time.
Reporter Emily Miller
Do these young reporters have no curiosity? Here is what I want to know:
First, why did she have to leave her children behind in Ethiopia? And now nearly grown up, aren’t they safe in Ethiopia? Wouldn’t Abdo be safe in Ethiopia with grandma and the five kids.
If she came to the US as an asylum seeker, that means she actually got in to the US with her present hubby (or at least we presume hubby is with her) and was not screened and admitted as a regular refugee. Did she come across our southern or northern border?
Did she go through the asylum system and was she granted refugee status?
And, heck, why would you try to run to Libya in the first place? Were they planning to break into Europe across the Mediterranean?
We have been told she has been here seven years, but still needs an interpreter? Religion News continues…
Abdo now is pursuing her case through Community Refugee and Immigration Services, Church World Service’s refugee and immigration office in Columbus.
She talks “constantly” on the phone with her children in Ethiopia, she said through an interpreter. She works at a daycare and cares for her two youngest children, one born at a refugee camp in Libya and the other in the United States.
But, she said, “It is very hard and very difficult for a mother to be separated from her kids every day.” [What the hell, she left her kids behind 12 years ago!—ed] In the meantime, Abdo is studying for her U.S. citizenship exam, which she hopes to pass this month.
This month! She can’t even speak English! Religion Newsmight have chosen a better star for their story!
See myearlier post todayabout a Columbus fraudster (from Abdo’s ‘community?) going to jail!
I’ve been tagging posts by the state where the fraud, crime, whatever, happened. I’m thinking Ohio might be taking the prize so far! What is up with Ohio?
The story is illustrated like this because there is apparently no photo of the scammer.
Nothing annoys me more than a story like this with no photo of the convicted ‘man’ named Ali Jama.
So I’m making an educated guess that since he lives in Columbus, Ohio***, the city with the second largest Somali population in America and that the name is a common Somali name, that he is Somali! Someone who knows Ali Jama can tell me I’m wrong. I will be waiting!
Here is a bit ofthe story (STL News), taken directly from the Dept. of Justicepress releaseon this fraudster.
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The co-owner of Alpha Star Health Care Inc. was sentenced today in federal court to 18 months in prison for running home health care fraud and tax fraud schemes.
Ali Jama, 50, of Columbus, pleaded guilty in September 2018 to one count of making false health care statements and one count of making false statements to the IRS.
According to court documents, Alpha, which was located on Westerville Road in Columbus, was a Medicare and Ohio Medicaid health care provider. In 2015 and 2016, Jama improperly billed Medicare and Medicaid by allowing unqualified health care aides to provide care. Jama billed for services by disqualified individuals, whose criminal backgrounds prohibited them from providing direct care; and billed for services by untrained home health aides.
Further, Jama provided false documents to his tax preparer, claiming $0 in taxable income for 2013 and 2014. In fact, his taxable income for those years was approximately $167,000 and $301,000 respectively. As a result, the IRS sustained a loss of approximately $126,000 in tax liability.
Continue readingfor more on his tax scams. Then check this out—a bunch of verbiage about how bad his crimes were and how “just” his sentence of 18 months is! Ohio Republican AG Yost: His sentence is “just.”
“The public rightfully expects and trusts that those who provide health care services are competent and qualified”, said Lamont Pugh III, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General – Chicago Region. “The utilization of unqualified personnel coupled with the billing of federally funded health care programs for their services puts a patient’s health and safety at risk, and wastes taxpayer dollars.The OIG along with our federal and state partners will continue to identify and hold accountable those who choose to engage in this type of criminal activity.”
[….] “This is a deliberate, coldhearted violation of the public trust,” Ohio Attorney General Yost said. “This joint investigation and prosecution was equally deliberate, and the sentence is just.”
What do you think? Is 18 months behind bars “just?” And, what are the odds he will be paying restitution amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars! Maybe “just” would be deportation back to his homeland!
***If you are new to Frauds and Crooks, see (in my Welcome post) that a film being produced about the joys of diversity in Columbus, Ohio helped inspire me to undertake this new project!
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