My previous posts on the creep, Sullivan, are here.
From the Epoch Timeswhich I highly recommend. I’m getting their paper edition and loving having a serious newspaper to hold in my hands about once a week!
DOJ Seizes $90,000, Charges Black Lives Matter Supporter Allegedly ‘Stormed Capitol,’ Sold Footage to News Outlets
The Department of Justice (DOJ) seized $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of Ashli Babbitt being shot during the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, according to court filings filed by federal prosecutors.
John Earle Sullivan, a political activist who reportedly attended Black Lives Matter protests last year and who allegedly agitated rioters inside the Capitol, was also charged with new weapons charges,according to the documents unsealed last week.
So far, more than 400 people have been charged in connection to the breach, which occurred as members of Congress were voting to certify the 2020 presidential election.
According to the court documents, Sullivan portrayed himself as an independent journalist who was reporting on the chaos, but he actually encouraged other participants to “burn” the building and engage in violence.
Sullivan is accused of having a conversation with others who breached the building and allegedly told them: “We gotta get this [expletive] burned,”according to court documents in his case.
“There are so many people. Let’s go. This [expletive] is ours! [Expletive] yeah,” he allegedly cheered after he and protesters entered the Capitol, the DOJ documents said. “We accomplished this [expletive]. We did this together. [Expletive] yeah! We are all a part of this history,” and “let’s burn this [expletive] down.” The documents accused him of calling on others to burn the Capitol down multiple times.
At one point, he’s also heard saying, “I am ready bro. I’ve been to too many riots. I’ve been in so many riots,” the documents said. “It would be fire if someone had revolutionary music and [expletive],” prosecutors said Sullivan told others on Jan. 6.
Sullivan sold that footage to several news outlets for a total of $90,000, according to a seizure warrant. The news outlets were redacted from the warrant.
After the breach in January, Sullivan appeared on several corporate media outlets including CNN and MSNBC.
And then get this—something you won’t be seeing in the corporate media because it doesn’t fit the Left’s narrative:
Using the nickname “Jayden X” online, Sullivan tweeted just days before the Capitol breach that the system should be burned to the ground while adding Antifa, anti-capitalist, anti-Trump, and Black Lives Matter hashtags.
And on Jan. 2, just days before the breach, Sullivan’s account wrote: “[Expletive] The System – Time To Burn It All Down. #blm #antifa #burn #[expletive]thesystem #abolishcapitalism #abolishthepolice #acab #[expletive]trump.”
Teen busted for allegedly kidnapping sleeping boy later found dead on Texas street
A teen suspect has been arrested for allegedly breaking into a Dallas home and kidnapping a sleeping 4- year-old boy who was later found dead on a street, authorities said Monday.
The child, who suffered multiple fatal wounds from what police say was an “edged weapon,” was identified Sunday by his grieving guardian as Cash Gernon, WFAA reported.
The “happy-go-lucky” boy was sleeping when a suspect, identified by cops as 18-year-old Darriynn Brown, barged into his home through a back door and kidnapped him on Saturday, his guardian said.
A home security camera shows the minute 4-year-old Cash was taken from his room. Darrilynn Brown has been charged with kidnapping (so far).
Brown is now charged with kidnapping and theft in connection to Cash’s death. He is being held on $750,000 bail, according to the Dallas Morning News.
Brown was busted for evading arrest in late April and the case is still pending, the newspaper reported. Court documents show he lived with his parents just a half-mile from where the boy’s body was found.
An initial WFAA report the accused kidnapper was wearing an ankle monitor at the time of the abduction is inaccurate, according to the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office.
The boy’s grieving mom said she had no idea what allegedly led Brown to target her son, whose body was later discovered in the street by a jogger early Saturday. The teen suspect did not know Cash, his guardian told the station off-camera.
Surveillance video also captured the kidnapping, the guardian added. Investigators asked neighbors Sunday for any additional footage to help them piece together what happened, WFAA reported. Some nearby residents told the station Brown was regularly seen in the city’s Mountain Creek section.
I have a lot of questions, and I guess you do too. How is that no adults in the house heard anything? Was the house unlocked? They seemed to have enough sense to have a home security system of some sort, so again how does someone walk out of a home carrying a small child and no one notices.
Could this killing be some sort of gang initiation?
Whether you have young children in the home or not—be sure you lock your doors and have a home security system, a dog maybe and a firearm. Life is not going back to the ’50s and ’60s—a time some of us can remember with some longing for that simpler time.
Spread this story far and wide (the corporate media won’t likely do that), if for no other reason than to make people more aware of the dangers facing us in the age of BLM supremacists.
Readers ask me that question from time to time as they see life becoming more challenging in states the Left is turning blue (or live in ones already deep blue).
Red Counties Trump won in 2020. A lot of counties to choose from, but not so many state choices to call home as the urban Democrat Socialists dominate governments in many otherwise red states.
If you like the arid West, I usually say Wyoming because it is the only state in the nation with no refugee program. Diversity through migration will happen slowly there. North and South Dakota are still promising. Montana is beautiful, but also has an expanding cabal of Leftwing woke activists.
Conventional wisdom says Texas is a good bet, but I’m not pushing Texas for one obvious reason—the US southern border with Mexico!
A few heartland states are doing okay.
If you like the warm South, conventional wisdom recommends Florida, but I would look to a few of the gulf states as good choices. And, then further north up the coast, South Carolina hasn’t yet swallowed the Kool-Aid, well, maybe just a sip.
A lot of conservatives are rushing to Tennessee, but they have no idea about what is happening in Nashville which has become a mecca for the diversity is beautiful crowd. Don’t believe me, see that I have an entire category at RRW on Nashville.
Going north, West Virginia still holds promise, but forget North Carolina and Virginia, goners both in my opinion. Most people don’t know that NC has a huge refugee population from Muslim countries. North of Virginia there is no real hope for a peaceful conservative life in the years to come.
LOL! I bet all of you are now ready to tell me your choices—please do! Send comments to this post!
But, what got me thinking about all of this again today is a story a reader sent a week or so ago. It is an article by a young woman moving out of Minnesota where she was born and raised.
A local guy at my Maryland door just a few days ago said he wished we could just divvy-up the country giving us some safe states and giving them states like Minnesota, California, New York and so on. He isn’t talking about racial diversity either, it is about conservative values vs. woke liberal ones.
And, then yesterday when I wrotethis post at RRWabout Winchester, Virginia possibly jumping on the refugees-welcome bandwagon, I wondered again, so where should one move in order to live in peace and raise families with others who share an America first world view.
Anyway….here is the story from Minnesota (hat tip:Bob). Of course, Minneapolis isn’t all there is in Minnesota, it is a lovely state, but….
I’ve lived in Minneapolis my entire life. I’m leaving Friday. I no longer recognize my hometown.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Minneapolis is my home. My happiest memories are here. It’s where I learned to ride a bike, had my first date, received my high school diploma.
But today, I’m too afraid to even walk in my neighborhood by myself.
The ACE Hardware down the street? The one that I used to bike to in the summer? Robbed twice in the past five days.
The Walgreens next to my elementary school? Molotov cocktail thrown into it.
The Lake Harriet Bandshell, where we spent countless Mother’s Days? Homeless encampment popped up next door.
How did it happen so fast? That may be the question you are asking yourself where you live?
She goes on with all of it, including the George Floyd riots and then wraps with this:
It’s easy to look at (for lack of a better word) disaster zones like these and mentally distance yourself from them. Yeah, that’s awful, but those people choose to live there. They’re the ones electing these leaders. This is their problem.
Yeah, it is. It is our problem.
And I can’t help but look around and wonder, “What happened here? Where exactly did it all go wrong?”
Was it the liberal mob? Identity politics? The cries of “RACIST!” when someone disagreed with a particular reaction or policy?
Was it conservative silence as the loudest voices got more and more radical?
Was it our acceptance that “we live in a blue area, this is just the way things are?”
How did it all happen so fast?
Whatever it was, I’m leaving this dark, surreal, twisted version of Minneapolis on Friday. And I pray to God that I never have to come back.
Protests reveal generational divide in immigrant communities
She (one of the ‘stars’ of this article) agreed that the United States offered opportunities for education and a “better life,” but she had also made up her mind that such a life would not be complete without justice for Black people.
After moving to Brooklyn Center from Liberia in 2015, she said she was treated differently as a Black person. People commented on the color of her skin, disapproved of the clothes she wore and once called the police on her and a friend for being too “loud.”
I will bet a buck that not one white person “commented on the color of her skin!” Then this:
“I started to realize like, ‘Oh, America is not what it says on TV,'” she said.
[I know what you are thinking! Maybe just go home then!—ed.]
Then Floyd’s death sparked protests, and she decided that “this was not the American dream I was promised.”
Kromah is not alone. Young people in the city’s East African communities came out to protest in droves following Floyd’s death.
Despite tension, at times, between Black immigrants from Africa and Black people whose long history in the U.S. began with slavery, protesters united around decrying police brutality they said plagued their communities.
The verse “Somali lives, they matter here,” often followed the protest refrain of “Black lives, they matter here.” And one of the most widely shared images of last year’s protests was a video posted on social media showing a protester in a hijab and a long skirt kicking a tear gas cannister back toward law enforcement officers in riot gear.
“I am Somali, I am Black American, I am Muslim,” 21-year-old Aki Abdi said. “If a cop pulls me over, he don’t know if I’m Somali or Black. They go hand in hand.”
There is more. So is it any wonder that many are leaving Minnesota!
Of course, then that leaves the question we started with—where could people, of any race, who love America and want to live in peace, find a home?
That would be in any state that is not rolling out the welcome mat to massive numbers of migrants unwilling to assimilate as they import their third world values to America.
Ethnic diversityweakens the social fabric. It does not build strength.
The mean right-wingers are pointing out that it’s a little rich for Patrisse Cullors to purchase millions of dollars worth of real estate while she bloviates about HER struggling black people.
Cullors wants you to believe she is the victim!
I thought this story had gone away a week ago when Candace Owens called her out, called her a typical Marxist enriching herself while claiming to work for the little people.
Owens went one step further and asked if she found white people so racist why did she buy a $1.4 million dollar home in a ritzy white community in California?
Why doesn’t she want to live with black people? Owens asked.
By the way, in case you’re wondering why no post here since Friday, it is because I had to hop over to Refugee Resettlement Watch to report on another humorous situation, this time, the mess the flip-flopping Biden/Harris administration is making of the Refugee Program—all immigration in fact.
Oh joy! They have succeeded in royally pissing-off their NO Borders base.
You may have seen the news on cable TV yesterday when Biden finally admitted there was a crisis at the border and that they couldn’t do two things at once. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Here is what I wrote over the weekend. And, I will have more today.
Black Lives Matter founder breaks down in interview over right-wing attacks on her new home
Black Lives Matter (BLM) co-founder Patrisse Cullors held back tears while discussing criticism she faced last week over her housing portfolio, worth $3m (£2.17m).
Her $1.4 million digs near Los Angeles—helping black people, aka her family, she says.
Ms Cullors, 37, who created the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter in 2013 and later co-founded the Black Lives Matter Network, was criticised last week after the New York Post revealed that she had spent $1.4m (£1.017m) on a Los Angeles property, her third residence in the city and fourth overall.
She has bought two other homes in the Los Angeles area over the last few years, which sit in her portfolio alongside a 3.2-acre property in Georgia that she purchased for $415,000 (£301,950).
She says attacks on her are racist, but WTH Whitlock is black and so is Candace.
Questions were raised about how the director of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation had acquired the funds to pay for the properties, with Black sports journalist Jason Whitlock accusing her and other BLM founders of “making millions of dollars off the backs of these dead Black men who they wouldn’t spit on if they were on fire and alive”.
However, during an interview with Marc Lamont Hill for Black News Tonight on Thursday, Ms Cullors described the scrutiny over her homes as a “racist and sexist” attack by the “right-wing media”.
Ms Cullors also rejected claims that the purchases go against her self-described ideology as a “trained Marxist”, explaining that she bought the homes for her family, and defines her wealth “as my family’s money, as well”.
She added: “I think that is critique that is wanting. The way that I live my life is a direct support to Black people, including my Black family members, first and foremost.
“We have to stay focused on white supremacy,’ she added as she urged people to ‘see through the right-wing lies,’” Ms Cullors added.
What lies?
Cullors, with tears trickling, claims she has had to hire security because of the verbal attacks.
What is most interesting to me about this lengthy report entitled ‘The US saw significant crime rise across major cities in 2020. And it’s not letting up,’ is that it was written by reporters at CNNand you will not be surprised to see some of the reasons why murders, rapes, assaults and robberies are on the rise.
Of course, claims are made that the Chinese virus played a role for various reasons, but so did those riots we witnessed throughout the summer of 2020.
And, of great concern both from the riots and from the failure of the legal system to mete out sufficient punishment is the fact that police officers are feeling demeaned by the defund the police movement.
Yes! CNN is saying this, something you surely wouldn’t have seen in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election because those are the things Donald Trump was saying.
But, before I get to the analysis of a study released by the Major Cities Chiefs Association that documents the alarming rise in crime, please see this dreadful story from South Carolina.
A Christian doctor, his wife and two grandchildren, along with an air conditioner repairman who happened to be working at the house were gunned down by a black, former football player, apparently angry because his drugs had been cut off.
Adams killed himself after killing the doctor, his wife and two grandchildren, so this will be the end of this sad story except for those in the shattered Lesslie family.
And, for the family of a repairman who surely now has a grieving family too.
Although no one was killed this time, see a disgusting violent display posted at Gateway Punditwhere some black women assaulted a hapless white US postal service worker because she didn’t have their stimulus checks.
Before I get to the CNNreport and the crime study, in 2020 numbers skyrocketed as first time gun buyers hit an all time high. Women especially didn’t have to see a study to know that they need to protect themselves now more than ever.
I wondered if the Lesslie family had a gun, but even if they did I’m guessing they had no time to get it.
The US saw significant crime rise across major cities in 2020. And it’s not letting up
It’s nearly impossible to attribute any year-to-year change in violent crime statistics to any single factor, and homicides and shootings are an intensely local phenomenon that can spike for dozens of reasons.
But the increase in homicide rates across the country is both historic and far-reaching, as were the pandemic and social movements that touched every part of society last year.
Experts point to a “perfect storm” of factors — economic collapse, social anxiety because of a pandemic, de-policing in major cities after protests that called for abolition of police departments, shifts in police resources from neighborhoods to downtown areas because of those protests, and the release of criminal defendants pretrial or before sentences were completed to reduce risk of Covid-19 spread in jails — all may have contributed to the spike in homicides.
Some cities will “outpace last year’s numbers” in Joe Biden’s America!
Through the first three months of 2021, a number of major cities have indicated they are still experiencing high rates of violent crime, according to Laura Cooper, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association. “Some cities are set to outpace last year’s numbers,” she said.
Protests were violent! No kidding CNN!
St. Louis riots. Completely missing from CNN’s report are the words Black Lives Matter. I believe those three words have become a license to kill.
Protest messages varied from defunding departments to outright abolition of police forces and were sometimes violent and occasionally led to looting and other property destruction. Many protesters largely dismissed the legitimacy of American police.
Police departments were often forced to shift officers from neighborhoods where violent crime occurs to downtown areas to staff protests. Police in St. Louis staffed 160 protests downtown last summer, according to that city’s police commissioner, Col. John Hayden Jr.
Who would have guessed: “If you stop policing, violence goes up.”
CNN continued….
Another aspect of de-policing relates to low morale among officers as a result of the Defund the Police movement. Police Commissioner Harrison noted that diminished performance by officers leads to increases in violent crime as a result of officers feeling “under attack.”
“Whenever you have an anti-police sentiment,” says Harrison, “you can very well have police officers who are not as motivated to go out and really be proactive because it’s perceived that people don’t value police.”
The heightened scrutiny of police departments has created an environment where officers are less likely to stop people out of fear of getting in trouble and being videotaped while making an arrest, said Moskos.
“It’s not that they’ve stopped working, but if they see someone suspicious in an alley, they just ignore it when a year ago they might have stopped him and figured it out,” he said. “Because what happens if he resists arrest?”
Free to kill because there will be no consequences!
The factors that determine whether an individual decides to commit a crime have everything to do with the likelihood of getting caught, and if they are caught, whether there will be consequences, said Baltimore’s Commissioner Harrison.
Harrison says the sweeping shut down of the criminal justice system for almost a year sent the message that people won’t be held accountable for their crimes.
See the Major Cities Chiefs Association Crime Report by clicking here.
And, it isn’t getting better: “Some cities are set to outpace last year’s numbers!”
If your city is one of those experiencing a spike in crime in Joe Biden’s America, why not write a letter to the editor of your local paper. I doubt very much this is data that your likely liberal local media will want to report.