Last night I told you that a national security expert present at the Capitol on the afternoon of January 6th, 2021, a day which will go down in history as one of the worst days in our nation’s history—not because of the so-called Trump-inspired ‘riot’ but because of the massive security fail that was very likely planned in advance to get Donald Trump.
One of my readers last night made this astute comment:
Since 9/11, Washington DC has become the most thoroughly surveilled, security-intensive city on Earth. The Capitol police, DC police, Secret Service, FBI, and other alphabet soup security agencies undoubtedly train and re-train for every terrorist contingency or breach. They have to be prepared for Al-Qaida-type operations on DC’s federal institutions, correct? And most assuredly at a Joint Session of Congress. And likely every superstar in private security and counter-measures is under contract to the federal government for consulting. Yet, with all that, we are expected to believe that a rag-tag bunch of 100 or so civilians with MAGA hats breached security and established a position within the Capitol Rotunda? Just not possible. If this doesn’t fail the smell test, nothing does.
Also yesterday, investigative reporter John Solomon dropped a bomb, too late to save the President from another rushed impeachment at the hands of what I now truly believe are evil people working against the average American, the deplorables as they call them, for their own personal power and to usher in a socialist/communist government.
In my writing, I have never labeled people evil, but I do so now.
Cowering lawmakers on January 6th. Instead of impeaching Trump yesterday they should have been demanding an investigation into the massive security failure that showed the world how weak they are.
Gateway Punditreported on Solomon’s investigation, and here is their headline:
DC Police Reject FOIA Request For Records Related to Their Probe of Siege of Capitol – Insider Leaked Maps, Internal Docs to Help Assist Rioters Navigate Building
What did Pelosi and McConnell know of the planned attack on the US Capitol before the House impeached President Trump for inciting violence?
President Trump was blamed for the siege of the US Capitol last Wednesday, however the FBI confirmed the attack was planned several days in advance.
Investigative reporter John Solomon dropped a bombshell on Wednesday night and said the DC police rejected his FOIA request for records pertaining to their investigation of the siege of the U.S. Capitol.
The DC police said release of the records would be ‘personally embarrassing’ and privacy invading to release the documents.
Are we expected to believe that the FBI knew in advance and did nothing else about it, other than notify other law enforcement? Could they not have at least notified the hundreds of thousands of innocent Trump people in advance that their lives were in danger. Did they notify the President?
Hell they are now blathering all over the mainstream media about expected pro-Trump “armed” riots planned in all 50 states in coming days—obvious for all to see it is a Leftwing disinformation campaign!
Why no such public warning in advance of January 6th?
At least three Trump Patriots died and others were injured because of the malfeasance of law enforcement!
Clearly the FBI didn’t tell the President because he surely would have warned people in his speech that the FBI had concerns that bad actors were going to be there!
“We’re gonna fight for those documents but something tells me what’s in those documents has some very very big relevance to what happened on The Hill and the question I have is what did Nancy Pelosi know, what did Mitch McConnell know about these threats beforehand,” John Solomon told former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens. “If they didn’t know then, it’s an intelligence failure of the police. If they did know there’s something they didn’t tell us before we went into this impeachment.”
Solomon said the FBI, NYPD and USCP had prior knowledge of plans for violence at the US Capitol, including intel threatening murder of police officers.
Rush to judgement? Three crucial questions remain unanswered about Capitol siege
What did Nancy Pelosi know? A prior plot or spontaneous riot? Were there inside facilitators?
John Solomon
One thing recent history has taught America is the first storyline of major tragedies or controversies is never the most accurate.
Since the weekend, major bombshell revelations already have substantially revised the initial story of a spontaneous mob overrunning an unsuspecting Capitol police force.
Why didn’t FBI Director Wray go directly to the President with the information they had in advance?
The FBI admitted Tuesday it received information ahead of the Jan. 6 tragedy suggesting some participants were planning a “war” on the Capitol, including killing officers and distributing maps of the complex. It alerted Washington D.C. law enforcement through the joint terrorism task force alert system. It also “disrupted” the travel plans of some of the suspected trouble-makers.
The New York Police Department is reported to have given the Capitol Police similar intelligence warnings of impending violence.
The chief federal prosecutor in Washington declared Tuesday he is pursuing conspiracy charges, signaling the attacks on the Capitol involved multiple acts and multiple conspirators working in concert with each other. The prosecutor talked about the planting of carefully constructed IEDs as one such act. In other words, there was pre-planning for some elements of last Wednesday’s chaos.
This new evidence raises the first compelling question that remains unanswered. How could Trump incite an attack that had already been pre-planned and was in motion before his speech ended?
A senior intelligence official told Just the News he has found no evidence that the president, the White House or the National Security Council was alerted in formal intelligence briefings to the pre-warnings or suspicions of violence the FBI and NYPD have admitted they had.
The second major question that remains unanswered is:
What did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the other leaders in Congress know — and when did they know it — about the possibility for violence and the Pentagon’s pre-attack offer to send National Guardsmen to reinforce the Capitol Police?
Sund alleged that House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving was concerned with the “optics” of declaring an emergency ahead of the protests and rejected a National Guard presence. He says Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger recommended that he informally request the Guard to be ready in case it was needed to maintain security.
Finally, there is this troubling third question: Were there facilitators inside the Capitol and outside it who instigated or enabled the attack to be carried out?
Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) one of the House’s longest serving and most respected members, first raised this question a few days ago. He aptly noted that protesters were able to locate and penetrate his unlisted, unmarked office within minutes, raising the possibility they had inside help.
And video taken contemporaneously shows officers and other people opening doors to rushing rioters and some people — purported by the filming cameramen to be leftist anarchists —smashing windows and urging protesters to jump into the Capitol.
Identifying any insider help and the motives will be the final and perhaps most delicate task investigators face.
I know there is not much we can do to investigate.
I admit I have been feeling sad that some of our people would break into the Capitol, but I am not feeling sad any longer. I am outraged because I now believe it was a set-up designed to further ruin Donald Trump who has stood in the way of the globalists and socialists who want to change America. We must get to the bottom of it!
We aren’t trained investigators, but what we can do is support those who are and to speak up! Now is not the time to shut up and hide (even if you are losing friends and family members over what you believe).
A national security expert from the Center for Security Policy tells in minute detail what he witnessed on January 6th when he arrived at the US Capitol.
Before you even read this incredible account, here (below), is author Michael Waller’s bio. I know some of the experts at the Center and in fact met Donald Trump in 2015 when he was considering his run for the White House and I was a speaker at a conference put on by the Center for Security Policy in Iowa.
I’m giving you Waller’s bio first, so you know he isn’t just a casual Trump fan who happened to attend the rally, but is an expert in security.
And, by the way, his accountmatches reports I have had from friends of mine who were at the Capitol on that fateful afternoon.
J. Michael Waller is Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy. His areas of concentration are propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion. He is the former Walter and Leonore Annenberg Professor of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington, DC. A former instructor with the Naval Postgraduate School, he is an instructor/lecturer at the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg.
Covert Cadre: What I saw leading up to the US Capitol attack
The deadly riot at the US Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the January 6 joint session of Congress.
A small number of cadre used the cover of a huge rally to stage its attack. Before it began, I saw from my vantage point on the West Front of the Capitol, what appeared to be four separate cells or units:
Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;
Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;
Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and
Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.
All of these cells or groups stood out from the very large crowd by their behavior and overall demeanor. However, they did not all appear at the same time. Not until the very end did it become apparent there was a prearranged plan to storm the Capitol building, and to manipulate the unsuspecting crowd as cover and as a follow-on force.
It is especially mind-blowing to consider that President Trump was impeached today (again) because our security apparatus failed us and the lives and well-being of tens of thousands of Patriots who had come to peacefully protest were jeopardized.
And, it surely will go down in the history books as a cataclysmic intelligence failure, although not as deadly as the attack on the Twin Towers, but in many ways more impactful for the future of the United States of America.
How is it that the FBI and law enforcement did not see this coming?
Maryland Republican Governor and never-Trumper Larry Hogan is calling in the troops!
Whoever these people are, and I believe they are involved in a massivepsyopsoperation to further suck decent, patriotic and angry Trump supporters into legal trouble, they are not Patriots.
Frankly, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that the FBI was warning that rally goers in all 50 states and at the US Capitol would be armed.
What! Is the FBI trying to instigate trouble?
Here at the Baltimore Sun (breathlessly reporting the news):
FBI warns of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals next week
WASHINGTON — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.
An internal FBI bulletin warned, as of Sunday, that the nationwide protests may start later this week and extend through Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration, according to two law enforcement officials who read details of the memo to The Associated Press. Investigators believe some of the people are members of extremist groups, the officials said. The bulletin was first reported by ABC.
“Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the U.S. Capitol from 17 January through 20 January,” the bulletin said, according to one official. The officials were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.
Fortunately the word has gone out to true members of the Patriot movement to stay away.
I saw many alerts on Twitter from reputable people warning that these events (likely fictitious) are not connected to the President but involve shadow groups whose mission it seems is to destabilize the government (as if it isn’t destabilized enough), and to further paint Patriots as wild gun-toting crazies.
Who Is Behind the Planned “Armed March on Capitol Hill” and Is It a Deep State Plot? –UPDATED
WARNING! There are several armed protests at state capitols across the country before inaugural ceremonies next week.
Think about this– The far-left tech giants took away President Trump’s ability to communicate freely to the American public following the storming of the US Capitol by Trump supporters, Antifa and other individuals. [Be sure to follow that Antifa link—ed]
For the record, these “armed protests” in the coming days ARE NOT sanctioned by the Trump Campaign.
We are looking more into who is behind this movement.
This is the flyer you may have seen:
LOL! I saw one commenter on Twitter say that they knew this wasn’t a Patriot who created the flyer, but likely a Leftwinger, because of the use of the phrase “when democracy is destroyed.”
Hoft continues…
Notice there is no organizing group listed on the flyer.
That’s weird.
And The Sun posted a social media post on Parler by “Kenneth Brooks” @KennethBrooks1911 who posted the flyer.
Kenneth includes the hashtag “boogaloo” in his announcement.
That is suspect in itself.
The “boogaloo” group is a mysterious group that popped up in the last few years since Trump became president. Although, it does not appear to be a large group, its name pops up frequently in liberal media reports.
After seeing that the AP reported that MOST of the 120 arrested in the immediate aftermath of the Capitol riot were “longtime” Trump supporters I wanted to know who are the others who are not Trump supporters, how many and why were they there.
I do believe that some Patriots were sucked into the chaos, but clearly something else was going on.
For example, why was Black Lives Matteractivist John Sullivan there? Why was he released after taken in for questioning? Very interesting that he was near the scene of the only murder victim.
I was planning to write about Sullivan and some of the others involved, but realized the media morass was too complex for lowly me to unravel.
Will we ever see a thorough and honest investigation of what happened that day? I’m afraid we might not. Trump’s enemies are making sure that Trump will forever be blamed for the violence.
My recommendation to Patriots is to stay away from any rallies this week.
Project Veritas moto: “Be brave. Do something!”
Read, read, read! Keep investigating and exposing where you can through social media, the bias, the fraud and corruption that mainstream media refuses to cover.
LOL! I know we aren’t James O’Keefe, but you must do what you can to spread his superb work far and wide.
SUCCESS: James O’Keefe catches PBS lawyer inciting violence, PBS quickly fires him [VIDEO]
James O’Keefe published a video today where his operatives caught a lawyer working for PBS inciting violence and wanting to take the children of Trump supporters put them in a re-education camp.
And, quietly find like-minded people in your communities and make plans to support each other if the Leftwingers make their move now that they control the government.
I’m looking forward to having a laugh (Leftists do not like to be ridiculed!) next week as Biden is installed surrounded by a veritable Army of National Guardsmen from all surrounding states and even from as far away as Nevada. And, they will be armed we are told!
Heck, they might likely out-number legitimate Biden voters….
Jordan Davidson writing at theFederalistlists some of the many occasions over the last few years when leading Democrats used language to incite unrest among their followers.
We are all aware of the massive, really shameful, double standard when it comes to the media and their favored political pals, but honestly it is this double standard and its blatant unfairness that will fuel further unrest.
While Democratic politicians and the corporate media blamed President Donald Trump for the mob riot at the Capitol on Wednesday, saying his rhetoric incited violence, many of these same lawmakers and bureaucrats have for years called for violence and physical action against those who believe differently than they do.
“Hate to break it to you but if Trump had won, there would have been violence on Wednesday, and it most certainly would have been worse. How do I know? Because Democrats have been endorsing violence as a political tactic throughout the Trump Administration,” wrote Grabien founder Tom Elliott on Twitter.
In 2018, Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California said on MSNBC that if Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller, there would be “widespread civil unrest” as people would “take to the streets.”
Similarly, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper agreed that if Trump fired Mueller, it would “set off a firestorm not only on the Hill but also in the streets.”
Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder encouraged a group of “liberal activists,” to fight back, a sentiment that was met with applause and laughter.
“Michelle [Obama] always says, ‘When they go low, we go high,’” Holder began. “No. No. When they go low, we kick them.”
More recently, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that, in politics, “when you’re in the arena, you have to be ready to take a punch, and you have to be ready to throw a punch … for the children.”
I’m sorry but I can’t help laughing at an image we likely will never see of Nancy in her heels running for cover on Wednesday.
And, never forget that these Democrat leaders NEVER spoke up against their supporters, those raging and burning through American cities this past summer.
I’m not condoning any violence, but is it any wonder that those who love the President and know he won the election in a landslide reacted as they did on January 6th?
Be sure you do everything you can to remind people of the “dangerous rhetoric” of the Left!
But, have fun with it! They cannot tolerate ridicule, the most powerful political weapon according to Obama’s idol Saul Alinsky. They can dish it, but they can’t take it!
As my friend Cathy said when she sent this news: “All this BEFORE Inauguration Day. Just imagine what comes AFTER.”
But in a very big surprise, theEpoch Timesis reporting that the FAR Left ACLU has spoken out against the removal of President Trump’s own Twitter and Facebook pages.
Facebook Removing All Content That Mentions ‘Stop the Steal’ Ahead of Inauguration Day
Facebook announced on Monday it is removing all content that contains the phrase “stop the steal” ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day on Jan. 20.
The company issued a statement saying it was removing content containing the phrase that was used by supporters of President Donald Trump to question the integrity of the 2020 general election. Trump supporters held multiple rallies across the country called “Stop the Steal” following the Nov. 3 election.
Monika Bickert of the Facebook speech police
The social media company said that the move is an attempt to remove content that “could incite further violence during these next few weeks.” Content will be removed under the company’s Coordinating Harm policy.
“We’ve been allowing robust conversations related to the election outcome and that will continue,” Facebook officials Guy Rosen and Monika Bickert said in a statement.
“But with continued attempts to organize events against the outcome of the US presidential election that can lead to violence, and use of the term by those involved in Wednesday’s violence in DC, we’re taking this additional step in the lead up to the inauguration.”
LOL! I have been looking for an opportunity to use this tweet.
Kanekoa @KanekoaTheGreat tweeted: BREAKING: Trump supporters BANNED from owning pigeons in case they try to communicate with one another.
Remember! Obama’s idol Saul Alinsky taught that ridicule is the most powerful political weapon—use it every chance you get!
Meanwhile, this is big news!
The Leftists at the ACLU are concerned about the blanket removal of Trump from social media.
Frankly those ignorant-of-history punks running Facebook and Twitter don’t understand the consequences of attempting to drive political opponents underground, especially one with 70-80 million angry followers.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also expressed concern over Twitter’s decision to suspend Trump from social media, saying that it could set a precedent for big tech companies to silence voices.
“We understand the desire to permanently suspend him now, but it should concern everyone when companies like Facebook and Twitter wield the unchecked power to remove people from platforms that have become indispensable for the speech of billions— especially when political realities make those decisions easier,” the ACLU statement read.
I’m going to post this story at my Facebook page for Refugee Resettlement Watch and see if it is blocked. You should try it on your Facebook pages too.