First the bad and ugly. Twitter was alive with this short off-mic moment featuring Sandra Smith making faces at comments by long time conservative super lawyer Cleta Mitchell.
Apparently someone inside Fox leaked it after a Saturday airing of ‘America’s Newsroom’ with Smith and Trace Gallagher. Smith’s off-camera face is revealing.
Over 2,000 comments are a fun read.
One commenter said: “We the 70 + million deplorables built Fox, now we tear it down.”
But, there was good too as Tucker Carlson did not fail us. If you missed his opening monologue last night here it is:
Will be watching to see who goes and who stays at Fox News…..
Jim Simpson writing at American Thinkerhas pieced together a convincing account of Joe Biden’s nefarious involvement in the affairs of the Guatemalan government and his role in advancing the Communists’ agenda there.
(Remember when we assumed Obama picked Joe so Joe could act as a figurehead to attend boring funerals and such!)
The story is long and convoluted, but puts out a whole NEW set of allegations against good ol’ Joe that includes another possible pay-to-play scheme.
For readers here you don’t need convincing that Joe Biden will damage US security if elected, but if he is elected this week (or in weeks to come!) consider this news as another avenue for patriots to pursue as the resistance to his presidency grows.
For naïve people who think America will calm down with Biden/Harris in the White House nothing can be further from the truth.
Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala
In 2014 and 2015, then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Guatemala three times to pressure the government to maintain a United Nations body known as the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG).
CICIG was established in Guatemala in 2006 under the pretext of prosecuting “crimes committed by members of illegal security forces and clandestine security structures,” during Guatemala’s long civil war. Instead, CICIG — an international body unaccountable to Guatemalan law, worked with Guatemala’s Justice Ministry to arrest and jail the left’s opponents. Many remain illegally detained to this day without trial. Two prominent doctors and a Guatemalan congressmandied in jail. All suffered ill health, did not receive proper treatment and were detained much longer than legally allowed. None got a trial. All were absolved following their deaths.
Biden met with then-Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, who did not want to renew CICIG’s charter. The Obama administration had promised a $1 billion aid package to Northern Triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador), but Biden made the aid and upcoming trade agreements contingent upon renewing CICIG’s contract. First cajoling then threatening, Biden finally announced, “The CICIG is staying, period.” Biden used this same tactic in Ukraine, where he bragged about threatening to withhold loan guarantees until the Ukrainian government fired the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden. Biden also sought Pérez’s help in extending CICIG’s rule to El Salvador and Honduras.
Pérez reluctantly agreed to renew CICIG’s charter. He was then pressured to resign under accusations of corruption and stripped by the Guatemalan Congress of legal immunity. The day after he resigned he was arrested and thrown in jail. He has remained there ever since, without trial. In a Daily Caller interviewfrom jail, Pérez called these efforts, “a coup without bullets.”
Pérez said that, “CICIG amounts to a new form of U.S. interference in Guatemala’s affairs and that his country has surrendered its sovereignty over its justice system by allowing the unit to operate.”
CICIG’s litany of abuses includes arbitrary arrest, detention and interrogation without charges or trial, fabricated evidence, illegal break-ins and denial of due process, pretrial detention for years longer than allowed by Guatemalan law and many other abuses. Some of the charges it has brought are valid, given endemic corruption in Guatemala. But CICIG’s goal was not to stem corruption, rather to use it as a pretext to dispatch the left’s enemies and install vastly more corrupt individuals who will advance the Communist cause in Guatemala.
Read it all and save it for more ammunition for the resistance (our resistance).
James Simpson is an economist, businessman and investigative journalist. His latest book isThe Red Green Axis 2.0:An Existential Threat to America and the World. Follow Jim onTwitter & Facebook.
If you want to have a look at Biden’s planfor the Northern Triangle Countries including Guatemala if he wins the White House, see it here. He brags that he was Obama’s point person when the ‘kids’ were crashing our borders six years ago. You know when the cages were built! Hmmm!
As the point-person for the Obama-Biden Administration to address the surge of unaccompanied minors from the Northern Triangle in 2014…..
Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security tours the holding facilities the Obama/Biden administration built in 2014:
Yikes! How is the ‘cancel culture’ going to process this news?
It seems that Beck hired a genealogical firm to follow ol’ Joe’s family tree to the generations that preceded the Civil War and came up with this gem.
When I searched around I see that allegations of a slave-owning past have been leveled against the family before, but have been quickly dismissed by the likes of Snopes. Beck apparently figured ‘where there was smoke there was fire‘ and hired investigators to get the goods.
Below is Beck in a Youtube video yesterday, but you can also go hereto see the video in case Youtube yanks it. Beck predicts that the mainstreamers will bury this uncomfortable fact unless you help spread the news.
Of course we understand that no one can be held responsible for every family member for generations, but since the Progressive Left wants to cancel Thomas Jefferson that would make Joe Robinette Biden fair game, right!
You cango herefor links to the census documents Beck’s team has unearthed.
The Left will not have to address these allegations because Beck predicts the story will not reach their ears.
If accurate, that would make both the top and bottom of the Democrat ticket descendants of slave owners. Harris’ Jamaican family tree included a more prosperous slave owner than Biden’s however.
By the way, George Washington freed his slaves in his will, their full emancipation came on January 1, 1801. Beck’s records show that Joe’s ancestors held on right up to the Civil War—more than a half century later.
Neither Donald Trump or Mike Pence have a drop of slave-owner blood.
If you haven’t already given up on Drudge, it is way past time. A quick scan of the Drudge Report‘s headlines will make it clear that Matt Drudge has joined the never Trumpers.
“ATTENTION NEWS JUNKIES: We are the new Drudge!”
This week Revolver News, claiming to replace the increasingly liberal anti-Trump Drudge, is promoting an exposé on the Presidential Debate Commission by calling out its members’ bias. Hint! John McCain reaches back from the grave.
[They do have some competition from WhatfingerNews which was also created to replace Drudge!]
We featured Revolver NewswriterDarren Beattie here when we showed you a clip of his interview on Tucker Carlson about the “color revolution” (a coup) being deployed against the President.
Too funny! Newsguard(the “Internet Trust Tool” Ha! Ha!) which is one more mechanism for big tech and the elite to censor the news you see has, not surprisingly, given Revolver a failing score in an effort to silence the news aggregation site. Their explanation reads like a reason for you to follow the site!
Here is a screenshot of some stories Revolveris linking this morning.
I am sure you have noticed that in the two debates so far there has been no mention of the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms, or immigration, both issues where the President has shown strong leadership.
Newsguard and the Leftwing controlled media are attempting to censor what you see and read. Don’t let them.
Read at Revolver News, and at Whatfinger as well, as you ween yourself from a good portion of Fox News. (If God forbid, Trump loses, I hope he creates a media outlet to compete with Fox!)
Here is a listof ‘more-or-less’ conservative news sites you might already be following.
“He bears the primary responsibility for what happened on Tuesday.”
(Chris Wallace)
Poor Chrissy Wallace, we feel for you. NOT!
Editor: As you have all heard as you woke up this morning, the President and First Lady have both tested positive for the Chinese virus. Pray for them and our country through this difficult time.
Chris Wallace Works Through ‘PTSD’ to Relive Chaotic Debate: Trump ‘Bears the Primary Responsibility for What Happened’
Hey audience: Look at me, Mr. Invisible!
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is nothing to joke about.
Wallace you would have been better off yesterday simply keeping your mouth shut. You said in advance of the debate that you wanted to be as “invisible” as possible, but you weren’t as you clearly felt Biden needed help and joined the debate yourself.
You would do the country a great service now if you disappeared from view for awhile.
But, no you had to talk to the media including the New York Timesto make sure you didn’t get blamed for the mess.
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is speaking out on television for the first time since the debate over which he presided on Tuesday night — and he’s putting most of the blame for the chaotic event on President Donald Trump.
Appearing on Bill Hemmer Reports Thursday, Wallace got his much-anticipated segment off to a lighthearted start by reacting tongue-in-cheek to a clip of the debate showing a particularly frantic sequence.
“I had just gotten over the PTSD,” Wallace joked. “And then you put me right back into it.”
“I thought, ‘We’re going to have a real debate here,’” Wallace said — noting that he took Trump’s first interruption of former Vice President Joe Biden as a sign that an organic conversation would take place. “It became clearer and clearer over time that this was something different, and that the president was determined to try to butt in and throw Joe Biden off … I saw [a] Fox analysis that indicates the president interrupted either Biden’s answers or my questions a total of 145 times, which is way more than one a minute.
What a lying sack. I just tried to find out how many times each participant interrupted and found the number all over the map on Trump (but none as high as 145). I found nothing in my quick look for counts on Biden and Wallace interruptions.
“He [Trump] bears the primary responsibility for what happened on Tuesday.”
And now here isUSA Today trumpeting the Wallace whine-fest.
Chris Wallace: Trump ‘bears the primary responsibility for what happened’ during debate
In his first interview following the insult-laden debate, Wallace told the New York Times Wednesday that he “never dreamt that it would go off the tracks the way it did.”
“Generally speaking, I did as well as I could, so I don’t have any second thoughts there,” Wallace said.
“I’m just disappointed with the results. For me, but much more importantly, I’m disappointed for the country, because it could have been a much more useful evening than it turned out to be.” [Cry me a river!—ed]
Wallace, who also moderated the final 2016 presidential debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton, added:
“I’m a pro. I’ve never been through anything like this.”
In hindsight, Wallace said he agreed with his critics, admitting, “I don’t know that I ever really did” seize control of the debate. But the veteran anchor said he didn’t have “advance warning” of Trump’s game plan.
Implication of that last line is that Trump played a dirty trick on the “pro” Wallace.
I know there are plenty of analysis out there about the debate and how it went off the tracks, but here is one I found useful and persuasive.
Wallace claimed he chose the topics and wrote the questions seemingly all skewed toward Leftwing talking points. I am still fuming because there were no questions on immigration, the border, Islamic terrorism, or bringing our troops home from useless Middle East wars (wars that Biden has supported).
Please don’t do all of your news viewing and reading at Fox Newsgoing forward!