This story has been in my queue for a couple of weeks and am finally getting to it. Yemeni “community” protests Trump in NY. Just leave them in Yemen!
What is so galling about the news is that our law enforcement has spent time and (our) money to investigate a crime and now incarcerate a man for something that has nothing to do with us.
We apparently ‘welcomed’ a Yemeni family to live in the Buffalo, NY area who brought all of their cultural/religious baggage to America (and even went ‘home’ for awhile) and we get to straighten out the mess the ‘new Americans’ created.
I chuckled when I saw this news at Newsweekbecause the phrase “fake families” shows that this Administration gets it! Fake family?
As I’ve been telling you, the Left generally controls the language and their widespread use of the phrase “new Americans” is one such example.
For Open Borders activists, “New Americans” is an all-encompassing way to describe all migrants, whether legal refugees or illegal aliens, meant to erase any differences between them and make the uninformed listener or reader feel warm and welcoming toward all. Kudos to the Trump team for coining the phrase “fake families” to describe those arriving illegally at our border with a child in tow (someone else’s child in tow!).
By the way, there were thousands of fake Somali families discovered by the US State Department in 2008 causing the entire family reunification program for Somalis to be closed for years. See one early post hereat RRW. Continue reading “ICE Cracking Down on "Fake Families"”→
“Do I regret what I did? Never. If I had to do it one more time, I would do it. I regret I didn’t kill that cop.”
Amor Ftouhi
He is really a Tunisian, but all the earlier reports I read kept referring to him as a Canadian.
He was living in Canada legally and is therefore obviously one of their great diversity picks! Now American taxpayers get to pay for his incarceration for life and you can bet he is going to be a demanding prisoner when it comes to his religious ‘requirements’!
I didn’t get around to this story last week, but I expect most of you didn’t see it anyway, although much to my surprise this is a Reutersstory posted by NBC. What is going on at NBC, they have had some pretty useful stories of late!
“Given such high stakes, and the reports of abuses, the U.S. government might want to reconsider the whole resettlement referral system put in place by UNHCR.”
(Nayla Rush, Center for Immigration Studies)
That is the conclusion that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies comes to after doing a deep dive into that recent NBC investigation about fraud and corruption within the United Nations as it does the first sorting-out of potential refugees for America. Rohingya refugees. Who makes the first cut on who your new American neighbors will be?
See my report hereabout what NBC found.
What Rush prescribes is exactly what the Trump Administration should have been doing from day one—REFORMING the entire system of refugee resettlement that begins in Africa, Asia, or the Middle East when a wannabe refugee first registers with the UN for permanent resettlement.
Rush’s report (published yesterday) is hereand this is her wrap-up (emphasis is mine),
UNHCR Corruption: Resettlement Spots for a Price
The United States is entrusting the local staff of UNHCR with the selection of refugees eligible for resettlement in the United States, and entrusting the RSC staff with pre-screening and preparation of case files for resettlement applicants. We don’t know much about these men and women the U.S. government believes possess the exceptional good judgment, expertise, and integrity needed to make refugee determinations and resettlement referrals.But we do know that most work in difficult conditions and are citizens of unsettled countries where corruption is at times deemed an acceptable, even necessary, means of survival.
Let’s not forget that resettlement is one of UNHCR’s “durable solutions”. Resettled refugees are required by law “to apply for a green card (permanent residence) in the United States one year after being admitted as a refugee”.18 They can apply for citizenship four years later (not five, as the five-year count for refugees starts on the day of arrival). From this perspective, a resettlement card gives access to citizenship. UNHCR staff are, in a way, deciding not only who can move to the United States, they are also choosing who will have the opportunity to become an American.Given such high stakes, and the reports of abuses, the U.S. government might want to reconsider the whole resettlement referral system put in place by UNHCR. If “vulnerability” is no longer the key to selecting refugees for resettlement, does that mean bribery is?
Read it all here.
For the umpteenth time, Trump did a good job slowing the flow to America especially from countries that have been Islamic terror-producing hot spots. (BTW, Rohingya Muslim arrivals are coming at a fast pace.)
However, the entire flawed system is still firmly in place to be refueled with more of your tax dollars the minute Trump is no longer in the White House.
Looking at the list of robberies he got away with before being caught, one wonders how he was so visible with his machete in the stores, but not arrested sooner. Abdikadir Ayanle Ali stole the biggest knife he could find for his robbery spree in order to scare workers in the stores he targeted.
Remember readers, that almost all Somalis in the US are here because the US State Department admitted them, or their parents, as refugees and one of several church resettlement contractors placed a large number of them in Minnesota (see a post I wrote in 2011 here).
Lucky Minnesota!
‘New American’ Ali says he couldn’t help himself he needed to supply his drug habit. Continue reading “Somali with a Machete Charged with Targeting Target in Robbery Spree”→