The news story I’m about to tell you about is really meant to question the government’s use of dental examinations to help determine the age of mostly young men arriving at our southern border and claiming they are minors, however after using a Bangladeshi man as the star of their story, the LA Times goes on to give some shocking data about Muslim Bangladeshi’s coming across our border. Breitbart reported on the arrests of large numbers of Bangladeshis here last fall.
I wasn’t planning to post this when I saw the title because I’ve written about the issue of dental x-raysto determine the age of a migrant and I knew the Open Borders agitators were agitating to make sure science wasn’t used in determining how an illegal alien was going to be treated, but the Bangladeshi angle is important.
It’s annoying that after we have been badgered by the Progressives that we, conservatives, don’t believe in science (how many times have you heard that regarding global warming!), but they want nothing to do with science when it goes against their political agenda. Continue reading “Bangladeshi Illegal Aliens Skyrocketing at the Southern Border”→
This is news you aren’t going to see on cable TV or in the mainstream media. After a decade of legal wrangling, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was finally facing a jury trial (to begin in September) in a case that alleged they had hired a phony lawyer to help clients with their immigration status among other legal matters.
A prospect of a public trial likely pushed the Muslim ‘rights’ organization to quietly settle the case in favor of the victims and their attorneys.
From the American Freedom Law Center(hat tip: Joanne),
CAIR Settles with Fraud Victims After Two Adverse Court Decisions
Washington, D.C. (June 4, 2019) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has settled a case originally filed 11 years ago in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The lawsuit against CAIR was brought by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) on behalf of five victims of a massive fraud perpetrated by a CAIR lawyer, Morris Days. AFLC Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi is a favorite target of the Southern Poverty Law Center which works closely with CAIR.
CAIR’s decision to finally settle the case came only after two very adverse court decisions. The first decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia reversed an earlier dismissal of the lawsuit brought by AFLC Co-Founders and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi and Robert J. Muise. The Court of Appeals’ decision, the second appeal in this long-standing case that had included allegations of criminal racketeering by CAIR, mandated that the federal district court permit the case to go to a jury trial, set for September 2019.
The second court decision was by the trial court which refused to dismiss the consumer fraud statute count, which meant that AFLC’s clients would receive attorney’s fees irrespective of the amount the jury awarded as long as the jury found CAIR liable. Given the aggressively fought litigation over the past decade, CAIR was looking at a possible judgment approaching one million dollars just for attorney’s fees.
It is thus no surprise that at a mediation conducted in the U.S. District Court in D.C. by U.S. Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey in late May, CAIR agreed to a settlement. As is often the case, the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement are confidential, but the plaintiffs’ lead lawyer, David Yerushalmi, remarked:
“Our clients are extremely happy with the settlement and, in fact, they are so happy, they have authorized me to declare publicly that they have no problem disclosing all of the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement if CAIR agrees. It is unlikely CAIR would agree, of course, because it is unlikely CAIR wants the public to learn the terms of the settlement.”
[….] The lawsuit began after CAIR hired for its Virginia offices a fake lawyer, Morris Days, who defrauded dozens if not hundreds of CAIR clients. Once the fraud began to unravel, CAIR engaged in a massive cover-up, closing down the Virginia offices, firing the lawyer, and claiming to the CAIR victims that Days was not actually a CAIR lawyer. As alleged, CAIR knew of this fraud and purposefully conspired with Days to keep the CAIR clients from discovering that their legal matters were being mishandled or not handled at all.
This is the kind of news you need to get around to your social networks (assuming you haven’t been given the boot from facebook and twitter yet!) because otherwise this good news favoring the little guy will be lost.
Every day I check to see if anyone has written anything new about the horrific serial murder case in Texas involving an illegal alien from Kenya who is charged with smothering twelve (maybe more as the investigation continues) vulnerable older women in order to steal from them. Is Chemirmir’s the last face twelve women saw before they were brutally murdered?
The only bit of new news since the story broke two weeks ago came from John Binder at Breitbarthere.
If you are new to ‘Frauds and Crooks‘ all of my posts on this case (that I plan to follow until the women get justice) aretagged here at ‘Billy Chemirmir.’
So this is an older story I hadn’t mentioned in any detail from the Dallas Morning News (they have done a good job reporting the story) about how hard it is to determine if an older deceased person died of natural causes and frankly rarely does anyone bother to check if they might have been killed with a pillow that leaved no easy-to-see marks. Continue reading “Kenyan Killer Update: So Many Questions and Few are Even Asking Them”→
In my previous postwe learned that an Iraqi refugee (from a Special Immigrant Visaholder family) has been arrested in New Hampshire for the murder of a man who was once his neighbor.
(Local news reports say that the alleged killer’s father was a driver for western and UN diplomats, so I am assuming they are an SIV family.) The story reminded me that I wanted to fill you in about where we stand with admitting these ‘special refugees’ who supposedly once helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Related posts lately include my number crunching for the regular refugee program and for the Unaccompanied alien children (teens!) program which can be found here and here. Ticket to America for 56,000 Afghans (so far!)
The Special Immigrant Visa program is one more legal immigration program.
The number of SIVs from Iraq has dropped under the Trump Administration, but Afghanistan is another story.
To be more precise, Hassan Ali Sapry is the son of a Special Immigrant Visaholder from Iraq. The family arrived in New Hampshire in 2008 according to local media reports on the case. New American Hassan Sapry is behind bars in New Hampshire.
Of course they are all local reports because murders by refugees (or most illegal aliens for that matter) go unreported in the national print or cable news media.
This story is a month old (thanks to Julia for sending it), but it is new to me and likely new to everyone of you (unless you live in NH!).
The news reminds me that I have been planning to tell you where our Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program is under the Trump Administration. The last time I looked at the numbers being admitted they were huge—largely from Afghanistan at the moment. Ten years ago they were growing exponentially from Iraq after Ted Kennedy got the SIV program quietly off the ground.
SIVs are treated just like regular refugees and receive all of the usual welfare goodies refugees receive. Paid refugee contractors are responsible for placing them and someone knowledgeable about the program once reported to me that it is the SIV arrivals that are keeping the contractors afloat.
But I digress….
I’ll post the latest numbers soon.
For more on the Laconia, NH murder, there are lots of local stories about the murder and the manhunt that followed. Here are just a couple of those. Continue reading “Little Laconia, NH has a Murder and the Man Arrested is an Iraqi Refugee”→