Illegal Alien Mexican on Trial for Gruesome Murder Costs Iowa Taxpayers a Bundle

The next time you see one of those glowing economic studies from some place like Welcoming America or the New American Economy about how immigrants boost the economy in places like Baltimore, take a look and see if the cost of arrests, trials and incarcerations of alien (aka new American) criminals are factored in.

Molly and the Mexican man accused of murdering her…

A few days ago, John Binder at Breitbart reminded us of the dreadful murder in Iowa last year of a beautiful young woman—Molly Tibbets.
Do you remember the story? You probably do, but the mainstream media has moved on (once it was learned that the suspect is yes, an illegal alien).
Read Binder’s account of the latest slap at Americans.
And, as you do, ponder this:  it was a Bill Clinton EXECUTIVE ORDER that put in place the requirement that local/state governments (and even businesses like hospitals) must pay for interpreters for any aliens with problems.
It is not a law passed by Congress and apparently no President since Clinton has considered revoking it.
Binder at Breitbart,

Mollie Tibbetts Trial: Taxpayers Billed $12.5K for Illegal Alien’s Translator


Iowa taxpayers have been billed more than $12,000 thus far to provide a full-time court translator to illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera, accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts in Brooklyn, Iowa last year.
In August 2018, Bahena Rivera, a 25-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with Tibbetts’ murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman.
After a nationwide search, Tibbetts’ body was found in a cornfield in Poweshiek County, Iowa. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on a dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child.
Court records obtained by local media reveal that a translator for Bahena Rivera — from Missouri — has cost taxpayers in Iowa about $12,485 thus far.
This is the latest perk Bahena Rivera has enjoyed thus far while preparing for the murder trial against him, which is supposed to begin in November. This year, the illegal alien’s attorneys successfully got the trial date moved back, attempted to have his alleged murder confession thrown out, were rewarded with more than $3,000 in taxpayer funds to obtain an expert witness, and successfully got his trial moved to a less white, more Hispanic-populated region of the state.

More here.
Recently a reader at my facebook page commented that I post scare stories and don’t tell people what to do.
The scare stories are meant to spur patriots to action!
When I first began writing Frauds and Crooks I regularly told readers what they might do about the news I was posting, but wasn’t sure if anyone did what I suggested.
Now I ask myself, well heck, I know it doesn’t come easily for us, but aren’t most of you politically savvy enough by now to figure out a role for yourselves, even some small things that might benefit your fellow Americans (your neighbors) in your own local areas.
None of us, me or you, are in any position to change the big stuff, but if everyone does some small things we might see change (LOL! Maybe even in our lifetimes!).
question mark

So what might you do about this news—first spread the story far and wide!  Use all of your social media resources.

And, write to the White House, tell the President that this Executive Order (13166) should be revoked and if Congress wants to require interpreters for everything a non-English-speaking person needs help with—pass a law.
Write to the White House every day.  So at the most you lose 5 minutes every day?
And, how about this?  Find the cost of interpreter services in the city or county/state in which you live.
I remember years ago seeing information that translators were costing Montgomery County, MD a million a year.  I bet it is way above that now!  Even your efforts to get the information will cause a stir!  If you get the information, send a letter to elected officials and send letters to the editor, and just keep bugging them!
A reader sent me an article just yesterday about the Tea Party being dead.  I couldn’t bring myself to read it (too depressing), but it is because of this…..
…..Never forget, the Leftwingers, the Progressives, get what they want by just making the same demands every day, every week, every year while many of us throw up our hands and say, heck this is too hard!

Trump Tweets about Somali Refugees Arrested in Arizona

This morning I wanted to see whether the news of two days ago about Somali refugees being arrested in Arizona as they tried to board a plane for Egypt in order to join ISIS had reached the mainstream media.
Apparently other than a mention on Fox News that got the President’s attention and mentions on some Washington DC publications, the story is not getting much national coverage.
Did the Washington Post mention the news? Nope.  How about The New York Times? Nope again.
But I do see it mentioned on Yahoo Entertainment with this headline. LMHO!
The story is about Trump and his tweets!


Trump tweets arrests of Somali ISIS sympathizers in Arizona: ‘Get smart people!’


President Trump on Tuesday used the megaphone that is his Twitter feed to draw attention to the arrest of two Somali refugees in Arizona who authorities say were planning to travel from Tucson to Egypt to join the Islamic State.

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This is why the mainstream media hates Trump, he gets the news out that they don’t want to report.

Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 21, and Abdi Yemani Hussein, 20, were charged with providing support to a terror group. They were arrested Friday at Tucson International Airport.
According to federal authorities, Mohamed had told an undercover FBI agent during social media exchanges that he was “thirsty” for the blood of disbelievers and that “the best wake up call is [for the] Islamic State to get victory or another 911.”
The president also tagged “Fox & Friends,” typically an indication that the tweet was responding to a segment on his favorite cable news morning show.  [Maybe the Prez watches Fox because it reports on news like this!—ed]
The indictment did not indicate that the two men had committed any acts of violence in the United States.

That last line is the Left’s go-to position on any refugee terrorist charge.  Well they didn’t kill any Americans yet!  Duh! Because law enforcement nabbed them before they could!
By the way, this pair of Islamic refugee terrorists most likely got into the US during the Obama era.
It’s a very good thing that Trump has his Twitter “megaphone.”  Shame the mainstream media!  Keep ’em coming!

Arizona: Two Somali Refugees Arrested on Terrorism Charges

Before I get to the hot news, I want to be sure you all saw my post from this morning as ‘Frauds and Crooks’ was experiencing some interruptions again today.
That post fits very nicely with this latest news as it is about Somalia, Trump and Omar, click here.
Ho-hum! These aren’t the first refugees linked to Islamic terrorism and they won’t be the last.
Arizona welcomes refugees
So much for offering an opportunity for a good life in America!
The brief story is at Fox 10 in Phoenix and it tracks the Department of Justice press release (hat tip: Joanne):

Justice Dept.: 2 refugees from Somalia arrested in Tucson, accused of providing support to ISIS

(The times are changing! Once again we are seeing the word “refugee” in a head line instead of the usual “man” or “men,” as in “Arizona men” arrested!)

PHOENIX (FOX 10) — Officials with the U.S. Department of Justice say two refugees from Somalia have been arrested in Tucson and accused of providing material support to ISIS terrorists.
In a statement, officials say Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 21, and Abdi Yemani Hussein, 20, were arrested at Tucson’s airport on July 26, after the two checked in for their flight to Egypt. They reportedly were trying to head to Egypt’s Sinai region to join ISIS.
According to officials, Mohamed and Hussein were talking with an FBI undercover who they believed was a supporter of ISIS ideology. In their conversations, both Mohamed and Hussein revealed they want to travel overseas in order to fight on ISIS’ behalf, or conduct an attack within the U.S. if they were unable to travel.
Investigators say at the time of the arrest, Mohamed was a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., while Hussein was still a refugee.

This news just broke a few hours ago.  If there is anything more tomorrow, I’ll update you.

Trump: Gotta Problem with America? Go Back and Fix Your Own Country!

That sentiment that got the Open Borders pushers undies in a wad, is a sentiment expressed from time to time over the years at Refugee Resettlement Watch especially as it relates to Somalia.
Why indeed aren’t the well-educated (on the US taxpayer’s dime) and know-it-all Somalis in America going back and doing anything for Somalia and their fellow Africans?

Trump and Omar
The controversy surrounding Trump’s remarks and Omar’s own in-your-face style have gone a long way to educate Americans about Somalis in the US. Keep her talking!

The excuse now of course is the terrorism there thanks to Al-Shabaab, but long before the Islamic terrorists Somalis couldn’t govern themselves because clans squabbled among themselves and corruption was rampant.
The United Nations is finding out the hard way that few want to go to that mess of a country as they try to repatriate Somalis from their huge camp, Dadaab. 
Periodically the Kenyan government threatens to close it because they say it is a hot bed for terrorist organizing and recruiting.
(The US State Department plucked Socialist Rep. Ilhan Omar from Dadaab.)

I’m posting this story to show that Western nations no longer have much interest in ‘welcoming’ Somali refugees to their countries—are they just too much trouble?

UN: Fewer refugees willing to leave Dadaab for Somalia


Insecurity in Somalia is diminishing the numbers of refugees willing to return home from the Dadaab camps in Kenya, the United Nations said recently.

dabaab from the air
Over 200,000, mostly Somalis, live at Dadaab

A total of 84,230 Somalis have taken part in the UN’s voluntary return programme since its inception five years ago.
So far this year, fewer than 1400 have gone back to Somalia under UN auspices.
The Dadaab head count stood at 210,472 at the end of June. That represents a decline of only 84 persons over the past three months.

This is the part I wanted you to see!
Of course up until the Trump presidency we had admitted over 140,000 Somalis to America as refugees.  A vast number of those came to us from this UN camp.  That number doesn’t include all of the other ways Somalis ‘found their way’ here.

Canada and Sweden will take the most this year from Dadaab!

The quota for transfer of Dadaab residents to other countries stands at 975 individuals for all of 2019. Canada is set to receive the largest share of Somali refugees (350), followed by Sweden (300), Australia (200), United Kingdom (75) and the United States (50).
There is thus little chance that the Dadaab complex will soon be emptied of refugees — unless they are forced to leave. But the Kenyan government has pledged to respect the rights of refugees, including safeguards against involuntary repatriation.

More here.
See my previous posts on Dadaab here, and don’t miss the story on UN corruption there. New American Ilhan Omar posts are here.

Russians and Egyptians Win Big in Diversity Visa Lottery Drawing

Oh joy! more Russians*** and more Egyptians to help speed up the goal of changing America by changing the people!

Trump finger.jpg
Trump called the Diversity Visa Lottery “the worst of the worst!”

I guess most of you know by now that we have a legal immigration program called the Diversity Visa Lottery (aka Green Card Lottery) because America isn’t sufficiently diversified and each year 50,000 US citizen wannabes from around the world (except from countries that have sent 50,000 of their people recently) get a ticket to Anytown, USA.
The President has voiced his opposition to the giveaway, but so far Congress continues to support the program.
Here the Miami Herald tells us who the lucky winners are this year:

Egyptian and Russian citizens won the most U.S. green cards in this year’s random visa lottery

More than 23 million people from around the world — the applicants and their family members or “derivatives” — tried this year to legally immigrate to the United States and achieve the American Dream through the visa lottery program, the U.S. State Department statistics show.

See what Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review said about the lottery in 2017.

Winners were selected through a randomized computer drawing from over 14 million qualified entries received during the 34-day application period last year.
According to the department, the visas were distributed among six geographic regions “with a maximum of seven percent available to persons born in any single country.”
The two countries that won most immigrant visas were Egypt and Russia, with 5,568 and 5,118 winners, respectively, of this year’s DV-2020 diversity lottery, followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo (4,743 applicants selected), Iran (4,101), Nepal (3,696) and Sudan (3,691).

What the hell!
Are we moving the whole of the DR Congo to America? 
We’ve ‘welcomed’ 50,000 from the DR Congo already as refugees, see here, and they are streaming across the US border illegally and ending up in Maine, here, and we still take thousands from that African hot mess of a country through the lottery!
The Miami Herald continues….

Last year, Iran received the highest number of visas — 4,199 — followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo (4,186), Egypt, Ukraine (4,025) and Ethiopia (3,856).
In the Americas region, natives from Cuba benefited the most from this year’s DV-2020 drawing, and 2,703 Cuban nationals were selected at random for a green card. It is a substantial increase compared to last year, when only 326 citizens of Cuba won.  [Really, Cuba! we don’t have enough migrants from Cuba?—-ed]
The visa lottery is one of the immigration programs that President Donald Trump has openly criticized. He has said that the “worst of the worst” are selected in the cost-free process.
“About 70 percent of immigrants who come to the United States today are admitted based on family relationships or through a random visa lottery —a system that favors random chance over the skills our economy needs,” President Trump’s Immigration Plan for the 21st Century says.

There is much more and a lot of links to follow in the story, go here for more.
My earlier posts on this outrageous legal immigration program signed into law by George HW Bush in 1990 are here.
***Coincidentally my friend Richard just yesterday sent me a 2018 story from VDARE (Mainstream media won’t name Medicare Fraudsters) which educates us to the fact that a very large amount of Medicare fraud is linked to immigrant fraudsters with Russians topping the list.  Ah, the joys of diversity!