And, they are doing their ‘good works’ with your money! Coming to a town near you thanks to Church World Service! You pay for their ‘Christian charity!’
This (below) is the news today that prompted me to check in with the financial doings of Church World Service (one of nine federal refugee contractors that the Trump Administration continues to support).
What I found is that their ‘take’ of your money has increased almost $20 million in just a couple of years.
In themost recent Form 990available (filed June 30, 2017) they were awarded $68 million from the US Treasury, up from $50 million just two years earlier.
First hereis the story from ReliefWeb that got my attention:
Note their continued use of the word “refugee.” None of those crossing the US border illegally are refugees. They won’t be refugees until they apply for and go through an asylum process and it is determined that they would be persecuted if returned home. And, that is, if they ever show up for their asylum hearing!
New York City– Church World Service today announced the launch of the CWS Resource Call Center to connect refugee families after they are released from immigration detention with support for their onward journeys.The call center, which will be available to asylum-seekers, asylees and refugees, is an ecumenical effort that will connect callers to CWS affiliate offices, CWS member congregations, and Sanctuary Churches in the communities they are traveling to who can provide local support through housing, resource sharing and friendship. Doing well by doing good (on your tax dollars)! The good Reverend pulls down a compensation package of over $345,000 annually (see below) as head honcho of CWS. CWS has partnered with a network of migrant shelters along the U.S. southern border to provide the 1-800 number to asylum seekers who are preparing to travel to a secondary destination.
“We have heard the cries of families seeking safety at the border and watched in horror as the administration has tried to deny them their legal right to seek safety.
These families should be welcomed with the compassion and generosity that is the cornerstone of American values and Christian faith. With this new call center, people of faith around the country are stepping up to welcome asylum seekers into their communities and provide the assistance they need to start over,” said CWS President & CEO Rev. John L. McCullough.
The call center will also link people interested in providing support to asylum seekers by strategically connecting them to border shelters and receiving communities. Interested supporters can contact the call center by emailing
More hereand to access their hot links. Click hereto see Church World Service’s partner churches. Is yours one of them?
Some facts you need to see.
When I saw this story I first had a look at ProPublica which has a Non-Profit Explorerservice so reporters and the public can ostensibly get the facts. This is a screen shot of recent data on Church World Service. See the $93 million in contributions! The average citizen or lazy biased reporter is going to assume they received all of that money from generous church goers, private citizens, and private companies and charities, right!
Now below is what CWS and ProPublica don’t want you to see.
This is a page from the most recent Form 990 which breaks out the GOVERNMENT (taxpayer) gifts to CWS. Add the $68+ million in government grants to the $24+ million they raised privately and it comes to the $93 million that ProPublica wants everyone to think they raised from the generosity of good church people.
Now have a look at how their government grants had bumped up from two years before.
Notice that their private contributions haven’t changed much except that they were a bit higher in this earlier year.
And, just so you know I’m telling the truth about the Reverend’s whopping salary, this is from that most recent Form 990 I linked above. Nice work if you can get it! Forty hour work week=about $166 an hour.
Charity Navigatorhas CWS at about 74% federally funded while they work hard to distribute illegal border-crossers to far-flung US towns and cities.
You will never see this news in the media anywhere but here, and the unfairness of this scam should infuriate you!
What can you do? You need to spread this news through social media and if your church denomination is one of those in bed with Church World Service, please speak up!
(If you are doing a crop walk event, then your church is aiding CWS’s political open borders agenda.)
A social worker, employed through a contract with Catholic Charities of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland was supposed to be checking on and protecting the nine children in the Rodriguez home, but instead she had cooked up a deal with the children’s mother to obtain the family’s food stamps.
In exchange she allegedly turned a blind eye to abuse and deplorable living conditions that resulted in the death of a five-year-old boy whose body was buried in the back yard.
The case became known to the police when someone called from PAKISTAN with a tip! WTH!
This is the latest news
Estate of Cleveland boy found buried in back yard sues Catholic Charities
CLEVELAND, Ohio — The estate of a 5-year-old Cleveland boy whose body was found in late 2017 buried behind his mother’s house has filed a lawsuit against the social services arm of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland that employed the worker who was supposed to keep tabs on the family.
The survivorship of Jordan Rodriguez filed the wrongful death lawsuit Tuesday in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court against Catholic Charities, its employee Nancy Caraballo, the boy’s mother Larissa Rodriguez and her boyfriend Christopher Rodriguez. Nancy Caraballo The suit accuses Catholic Charities and Caraballo of recklessness, negligence and failing to report abuse the boy suffered in the two years leading up to his death.The estate, administrated by Michelle Rodriguez, seeks to take the case before a jury.
“While we cannot at this time comment on what is alleged in the lawsuit, Catholic Charities protects and advocates for those who are most vulnerable,” the statement said. “All employees undergo thorough background checks and extensive training with regard to ethics and specifically their duties to report child abuse or neglect.” Jordan’s body was discovered buried in the family’s backyard in December 2017, after Cleveland police received a call from Pakistan that said Christopher Rodriguez confessed to burying the child.
Investigators responding to the call found the home in deplorable condition, and it wasn’t long before they uncovered that Caraballo, a parent educator at an agency contracted with Catholic Charities who was assigned to the Rodriguez family, had been buying Larissa Rodriguez’s food stamps at discounted prices and lying in her reports of her visits.
Caraballo was supposed to conduct monthly home visits to check on Rodriguez’s children and living conditions and file a report each time. But investigators subpoenaed her cellphone records and compared text messages between Caraballo and Rodriguez to the reports and found that, on at least 12 occasions, Caraballo simply showed up to Rodriguez’s house to pick up the food stamp card. She filed false reports that said she inspected the home.
More here.
The case will make you sick!
In February Caraballo plead not guilty here.
Then herein April she was sentenced to 3 years for the food stamp fraud.
And, now get this, she reformed in jail and was out in six months, here.
As is usual there is no mention of the immigration status of either Caraballo or the Rodriquez duo.
But I am interested in why a call to police came from Pakistan. Were there Pakistani convenience store proprietors in on the food stamp fraud?
A commenter here at Frauds and Crooks tells me I’m not writing any stories about born and bred American frauds, crooks and criminals while focusing on “new Americans.”
I have written about several American crooks, maybe more than I know because the media and law enforcement never tell us the immigration status of the likes of Mumtaz Rauf, orHaytham “Tom” Fakih.Maybe they were born here?
That whole bunch of propagandists atWelcoming Americaare Americans.
And, of course there are American deceivers at the Southern Poverty Law Center. So here is a story from late last month first reported by the New York Post and then embellished by the Daily Caller (hat tip: Cathy):
Black Lawmakers’ Charity Didn’t Give Out A Single Scholarship, Top Pols Hide Financials
The caucus of black New York state lawmakers runs a charity whose stated mission is to empower “African American and Latino youth through education and leadership initiatives” by “providing opportunity to higher education” — but it hasn’t given a single scholarship to needy youth in two years, according to a New York Post investigation.
The group collects money from companies like AT&T, the Real Estate Board of New York, Time Warner Cable and CableVision, telling them in promotional materials that they are “changing lives, one scholarship at a time.”
The group — called the Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators, Inc. — instead spent $500,000 in the 2015 – 2016 fiscal year on items like food, limousines and rap music, the Post found.
The politicians refused to divulge the charity’s 2017 tax filing to the Post despite federal requirements that charities do so upon request.
Its main activity is holding and selling tickets to an elaborate party each year intended to raise money for its stated mission of providing scholarships for youth. But year after year, essentially all the money simply seems to go to festivities.
Continue reading here, or go to the New York Postfor more of the gory details.
Just realizing what an abundance of stories I might be able to develop in my category on ‘Charity fraud.’
If you have a local charity fraud story (a published story!) send me a link and I’ll see if it fits with my objectives here at Frauds and Crooks.
This should have happened long, long ago! Here is the Breaking News today! (Hat tip: Joanne)
The Center for Immigration Studies has filed a civil lawsuit under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)against Richard Cohen, President of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) of Montgomery, Ala. The case is filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and seeks damages and an injunction prohibiting Cohen and his colleague, Heidi Beirich, who heads the group’s “hate group” project, from repeating the false claim that the Center is a hate group. Ms. Beirich says they are working with these businesses to silence those they disagree with!
The case is brought pursuant to the federal RICO statute because Cohen and Beirich have been carrying out their scheme to destroy CIS through the SPLC “enterprise” for two years and will not stop without judicial intervention. “CIS does not hate immigrants or anyone else” said CIS Executive Director Mark Krikorian. “Our purpose is to make the case for a pro-immigrant policy of lower immigration – fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted. SPLC attacks us simply because it disagrees with these policy views. SPLC and its leaders have every right to oppose our work on immigration, but they do not have the right to label us a hate group and suggest we are racists. The Center for Immigration Studies is fighting back against the SPLC smear campaign and its attempt to stifle debate through intimidation and name-calling.”
Read it all here.
Readers may remember that last year the SPLC had to pay out nearly $4 million to settle a lawsuit when it listed Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim reformer, on its list of “Anti-Muslim Extremists” (a list that included me!).
I wrote about it at RRW in June of last year.
The SPLC is infamous for its hate lists that include just regular Americans who are outspoken about their views on issues involving immigration.
The obvious goal of the organization is to influence the media (most media is suckered by them!) to write and report critically of the groups and people SPLC wants silenced.
The SPLCrakes in big bucks annually with their hate lists and scare tactics.
2016 Youtube video speaks volumes!
Now watch Richard Cohen and Heidi in action in advance of the November 2016 election of Donald Trump.
Want to do something?
Spread the news about the lawsuit!
And, get that video out on Social media! It has only been viewed 120 times as of today. Make sure it gets out widely to your networks!
Ha! What do you know!
I just mentioned the New American Economy shysters (Michael Bloomberg and his globalist gang!) the other day and how they promote the phony-baloney idea that a growing immigrant population brings economic boom times to struggling (are they really struggling?) American cities. Does no one in the media ever question these slick propaganda reports?
And, along comes this news: Tulsa’s NBC 2 News falls for the supposed “study” that says immigrants add billions annually to the Tulsa economy. But, oopsy, apparently no one ever asks about what the COSTS are to the local economy. This study is a joke.
Where are the costs to the local school system, the criminal justice system, the local health system, the welfare costs?
Are the “new Americans” putting pressure on the supply of housing needed for ‘old Americans?’
And, where are the figures for the remittance dollars being sent out to the third world and forever gone from the Oklahoma economy?
Immigrants are 7 percent of Tulsa population, contribute nearly $4 billion
TULSA, Okla. — If it weren’t for immigrants, Tulsa’s population would be about 1/4 fewer than 10 years ago.
According to Christina Da Silva, Deputy Chief of Staff for the City of Tulsa, immigrants accounted for about 24 percent of the city’s growth. Yippee! We are celebrating diversity too says Christina Da Silva.
It’s a group that continues to grow both in population and in diversity.
“The majority of them are coming from South and Central America, but we also have a fast growing Asian population. Many of them are coming from Bhurma (sic) as refugees,” Da Silva said.
About 6.7 percent of the population in the Tulsa metro area are immigrants, according to the “New Americans in Tulsa” report . In 2015, they contributed $3.8 billion to the Tulsa metro area’s gross domestic product. Da Silva says immigrants are crucial to the local economy, as many take on jobs that are in high demand like construction. [Really, there are no Americans wanting construction jobs in Tulsa?—ed]
[….] “As the city grows and becomes a more world-class city, what’s exciting is being able to celebrate the diversity,” Da Silva said.