17-year-old Nabra Hassanen was murdered by a Salvadoran new American.
You might remember the story from June 2017, when a Muslim teen was beaten to death and the local Muslim community and its media mouthpieces were absolutely sure her death was the result of rampant Islamophobia, but as I said here at the time:
…there is no Islamophobic Rightwing redneck American to blame here.
Of course there isn’t much to cheer about as you know tens of thousands of migrants are streaming across our southern border, most claiming they are refugees seeking asylum. Refugee admission numbers pale in comparison to the numbers coming across our border and claiming refugee status.
The flow that has definitely slowed is the US Refugee Admissions Programrefugees that are selected initially by the United Nations, followed by US State Department approval and resettlement by one of nine federal resettlement contractors who distribute them to most states. (One of many posts on the contractors at RRW is here.) The work of the contractors is almost completely funded by you.
Office closures reported this week are the result of the federal slowdown in admissions (slowdown in money to the contractors) and because these resettlement offices could not find enough local financial support to keep their doors open, a fact that demonstrates one vital point:
There is not enough support by the public generally for refugee resettlement!
“Sadly, the American people pay for the rope to hang ourselves with by resettling these people as refugees.”
(Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review)
“The suspects allegedly stabbed the victim 100 times and set the body on fire.”
You probably heard something about this case in the days following the arrest last week of five gang members (New Americans!) for the murder of another gang member.
Maybe you didn’t pay attention because they were killing their own, but thanks to reader Joanne for directing me to this storyyesterday by Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Reviewwhere we learn that we actually supported these creeps with our tax dollars.
And, now of course your tax dollars—hundreds of thousands of dollars!—will be spent to try them in our courts and incarcerate them! Continue reading “Maryland/Virginia: Three of Five MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Horrific Murder are 'Refugees'”→
It wasn’t a huge amount of fraud (as these schemes go), but what interested me most in this story is the headline used by the Dept. of Justiceto announce the two-year sentence for the perps.
The headline does not read: “Virginia couple….” or “Alexandria couple….”, it reads,
South American Couple Sentenced to Prison for Fraud Conspiracy
What on earth is going on—no secret decoder ring needed! It is right there in the headline: “South American couple….” A very rare headline indeed!
I’m also posting this news as a public service to anyone looking to do a home loan modification. Beware! Continue reading “Beware Loan Modification Fraud by Foreigners”→
Sure looks like it. Big League Politics posted a story yesterday with a photo that may have been taken down, but was up until the 2018 Midterm elections, they say.
Sheesh, Virginia isfor crooks and cheats!
If you have not heard of Big League Politics, an on-line news site that says it is much tougher than Breitbart, you need to learn about it. Big League Politicsis responsible for breaking the news about the hypocrites and the alleged sexual aggressor leading Virginia’s present-day Democrat Party. Readwhat the New York Timeshas to say about the site. They charge BLPwith promoting “conspiracy theories”—a favorite line of attack by the mainstream media against on-line conservative media.
Truth be told, it is sites like this that could ultimately finish the big newspapers.
Nowhere is a storyfrom yesterday,
EXCLUSIVE: Sign At Virginia Election Office Says, ‘Responsibility Has No Borders. Vote’
A sign at the Arlington County Department of Voter Registration and Elections office in Virginia gives immigrants a clear message: “Responsibility has no Borders. Vote.”
The sign is in a public area of the office, visible to people at the counter as they are registering to vote or voting absentee. The photo is from 2016, but it was still up in the office during the 2018 midterm election. Our tipster inquired about it and was told that it’s part of a “historical display,” whereas other authorities just ignored it and said there’s nothing that can be done about Arlington County, which describes itself as a “welcoming” but not a “sanctuary” jurisdiction for illegal immigrants. “I’m an Arlington county election officer. Arlington County VA is essentially a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants/noncitizens. These signs are posted at the Arlington County election office. Voter fraud is more likely to take place at the time of registration rather than at the polls, in my opinion,” our tipster told Big League Politics.
More here
Then be sure to visit BLPfor more information including this below. It is rare to see a site that so prominently appeals for hot news tips. This screenshot is at the end of the voter fraud story. You need to go to the site for the hotlinks. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/exclusive-sign-at-virginia-election-office-says-responsibility-has-no-borders-vote/
What do you do? Go around the mainstream media and tell your friends to do the same. Read as much as you can on sites like Big League Politics! And, don’t rely on cable news!