Tina Tchen Takes Center Stage again, this Time in the Jussie Smollet Hoax on America Case

I have to admit I had never heard of Tina Tchen until this past week when we learned she had been brought in to try to clean up (cover up?) the misdeeds at the largest hate group in the country—the Southern Poverty Law Center.  (See my story here)

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“Fixer” Tina Tchen, a member in good standing of the Obamas’ Chicago inner circle!

So my ears perked up when I heard her name again, this time because of her involvement in helping to get charges dropped against the very privileged Jussie Smollett.
Frankly, it is special deals for special people that conservative voters won’t forget in 2020.
First thing this morning I hit the computer to see if anyone was pointing out Tina Tchen’s rising star among the Democrat elite and sure enough the intrepid Michelle Malkin posted a great piece overnight!
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SPLC President Richard Cohen Resigns! Good Riddance!

….allegations of discrimination in “mission-driven” organizations, which suffer from the same problems they purport to fight, can be especially painful. [ya think!]

(Tina Tchen)

However, Cohen’s departure is not the end of the hateful Southern Poverty Law Center as the board has hired former Michelle Obama chief of staff, Tina Tchen, to investigate so that the board can try to clean up the mess.

Tchen with FLOTUS and POTUS: “I am honored to be asked by SPLC to do this work,” Tchen said. “I have admired it from afar for many years. It’s an important civil justice institution in our country.”

Most days I get up eager to hit the keyboard with the latest frauds, crooks and cons stories, but today I am especially excited.
When my feet hit the floor (and with coffee in hand), I couldn’t wait to share the news about the internal chaos at the SPLC!
The first shoe to drop, a little over a week ago, was when the SPLC announced it had fired its founder Morris Dees who was the brains behind the money-making scams the organization has run for decades, I said then that Cohen should go since he was in charge of the organization on a day-to-day basis.
The next shoe to drop was the New Yorker story by Bob Moser a former staffer who said, we (employees who knew about the hypocrisy involving the SPLC’s internal and on-going issues with racial tensions and sexual harassment) were part of the “con.”

And, here comes the third shoe!

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Shame on Bob Moser and all the Others who Kept the Southern Poverty Law Center's Secrets (until now)

Who is Bob Moser you ask?
He is a writer at The New Yorker who tells us over a decade later what he learned about the frauds at the Southern Poverty Law Center when he worked there in the early 2000’s.

Bob Moser
Moser’s twitter photo https://twitter.com/bobmoserwrites

Moser told his story yesterday about how much of the staff (mostly former staff now!) was well aware of the hypocrisy of the organization that was driven more by a desire to make its leaders rich than doing good for the down and out.
I don’t know why he even wrote this article (clearing his conscience maybe), but I am glad he did.
What most outraged me was the fact that all of these employees he references knew what was going on, yet many stayed and worked there for a time with apparent total disregard for what their ‘good works’ could do to regular Americans who have opinions—people like me!

Frankly, the SPLC’s money-generating “hate-group list” puts my safety in jeopardy!

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Southern Poverty Law Center Founder Ousted, Rumors Suggest Internal Racial Problems

“Morris (Dees) is a flimflam man and he’s managed to flimflam his way along for many years raising money by telling people about the Ku Klux Klan and hate groups.”

(Stephen Bright, Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta)

I don’t usually bother posting stories that are widely published, but this one is very much worth posting so that the story doesn’t get swept under the rug.
Your job is going to be to make sure this news is sent to every newspaper that has swallowed the Southern Poverty Law Center propaganda in its latest “hate list” hit.
I’ll be sending it to the Patch in Annapolis that recently listed my old blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch, as a hate “group” taking the SPLC‘s word for it and never contacting me!  See SPLC targeting me again, here.

Morris Dees & Richard Cohen at Shabbat Dinner
A rare photo of Morris Dees (left) and SPLC Prez Richard Cohen together.  It seems to me that if the workplace was uncomfortable for women and people of color (as some allege) that the blame extends to Cohen as well.  Photo: https://israelpalestinenews.org/southern-poverty-law-center-transfers-millions-cash-offshore-entities/

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Georgia: CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center Join Forces to Block Data Collection in the Prison System

When I read Ann Coulter’s book “Adios America” I was struck by an important theme in the book and that is that she said it is virtually impossible to get information about immigration status of those incarcerated in America jails and prisons.
Adios America
Indeed this blog—Frauds and Crooks—is built around the generally accepted premise that a very large percentage of those jailed in the US are aliens mostly of the illegal variety, but including legal immigrants as well.
So if that isn’t true, why wouldn’t the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the SPLC want the data collected and put the issue to rest once and for all?
Of course, the answer is that they fear what the results would show!
Continue reading “Georgia: CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center Join Forces to Block Data Collection in the Prison System”