Heidi Beirich the Southern Poverty Law Center’s chief architect of their fake Hate Group List has resigned.
The Daily Beast suggests it is the latest in a leadership shakeup that followed the ousting of the SPLC’s founder Morris Dees back in the spring.
Maybe someone in the new leadership has figured out how dishonest and shoddy Ms. Heidi’s work has been!
One blogger does not make a GROUP!
I describedhere in Februaryhow I was once again added to their Hate Group list when I am a lone blogger—literally posting my opinions alone in my basement, and yes, at the moment in my pajamas! One blogger is not a group!
Further demonstrating how sloppy their supposed investigations are, they couldn’t even get the town correctly identified where my supposed group meets to plot more hatefulness.
And, it wouldn’t be so bad, it would be funny! except for the fact that the mainstream media believes them with no questions asked.
Hmmm! Could the SPLC be expecting more lawsuits involving Ms. Beirich’s sloppy work? She cost them $3.3 million last year!
I digress, here is the news from The Daily Beast (hat tip: Ted):
Southern Poverty Law Center Loses Intel-Gathering Boss
The leader of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project is stepping down amid an ongoing leadership shakeup at the anti-hate organization.
Heidi Beirich will leave the SPLC, ending a 20-year run with the organization, she told staffers Monday. Her exit follows several resignations and terminations of SPLC leadership this year—including its cofounder, who was fired amid sexual harassment allegations, and a deputy legal director who said the organization had “more work to do” to guarantee a respectful workplace.
Beirich has worked for the SPLC for 20 years. An expert on the neo-Confederate movement, she led the SPLC’s Intelligence Project, which produced much of the center’s front-facing journalism including its Intelligence Report magazine and Hatewatch blog. In a Monday memo to staff, she cited the two-decade anniversary as a reason for her departure.
“It was with a heavy, heavy heart given how deeply I care about this work and all of you amazing people,” she wrote. “As some of you may know, I reached my second decade here (yikes I’m old!) in September and I’ve felt for a while now that it may be time for a change for me.
It’s been a long and intense last few years for me, especially since Trump graced us with his presence and then with the challenges here at SPLC, and I am ready for a break and, after a few months of Netflix, a new start.”
But recent decades reportedly saw internal complaints against [Morris] Dees. The SPLC acknowledged this year that he was twice investigated for “inappropriate conduct,” although Dees denies wrongdoing. In March, two separate sets of SPLC employees penned letters to the center’s leadership, referencing allegations of sexual harassment and racial discrimination connected to Dees.
“Allegations of mistreatment, sexual harassment, gender discrimination and racism threaten the moral authority of this organization and our integrity along with it,” one of the employee groups wrote.
See all of my posts hereat ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and hereat Refugee Resettlement Watchabout the Southern Poverty Law Centerwhich has in recent years become closely linked with the refugee contractors especially the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Societyand with CAIR(Council on American Islamic Relations).
Those are just some of the topics at the newly reconstructedRefugee Resettlement Watchthis week.
Needless to say, refugee news is breaking out everywhere as the refugee resettlement contractors and their friends in Open Borders Inc. agitate and organize against the President.
I’ve got some good frauds and crooks posts in my queue, but wanted to direct some of you who are most interested in the US Refugee Admissions Program back to RRWwhere news is busting out all over.
Taking advantage of the President’s Executive Order that attempts to give some local say-so about refugee placement, the contractors have launched a campaign to get letters into the White House in support of more refugees from Leftwing governors.
And, then, much to my surprise a Colorado University study says that refugees are living in cycles of poverty. I’m not surprised about that fact, only surprised anyone on the Left is admitting it!
Today we learned that refugee arrivals for FY2020, that began on October first, have been further delayed causing the resettlement agencies great anguish as that means their taxpayer-funded income is delayed!
But, I want readers here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’to know about the “Civil Disobedience” planned by CAIR and Church World Service for the US Capitol on Tuesday. See the news here.
Also, see that Trump’s deal with Mexico must be holding as the Mexican National Guard halted a thousand-member caravan (including many Africans) before it even got a few miles up the road toward the US border, here.
Both stories fit just as well here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ as they do at RRW!
Back later with a sad story involving another illegal alien…..
Today at Refugee Resettlement Watch I reported on a columnist at the Philadelphia Inquirer blasting the President and saying he is morally bankrupt for not being willing to take as refugees thousands more from those two countries.
What do you think? We freed the Iraqis from a tyrant in a war that cost us enormous blood and treasure, so why are we obligated then to take thousands, tens of thousands! of nationals from those countries to live in America.
When is enough enough?
The war in Iraq ended in 2011! Does our obligation continue for decades?
Hurrah! A new feature has been added to the newly reconstructedRefugee Resettlement Watch—e-mail subscriptions are now possible!
(By the way, I had gotten bored and discouraged writing every day about the Refugee Program, but after being dumped by WordPress.com because clearly they were being pressured to shut me down, I’m even more determined to continue writing here at RRW.)
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I’ll leave this post here on the front page for a week or so. Please send it around via social media (see icons below). I had over 5,000 subscribers when the Speech Police censored me, so it would be great to get some of those followers back!
Thanks as always for visiting RRW!
Ann Corcoran
Editor’s note:
In the near future, we will be moving ‘Frauds and Crooks’ to a new, secure hosting company. There will be times when the blog may be unavailable, but rest assured that we are not going away. Once we begin the move, it may take a few days to complete the move. Please be patient and check back.