This is a diversity is beautiful alert thanks to reader Bob! KIMT3 News:
ROCHESTER, Minn. – An apparent robbery attempt left a female bleeding from the face and three people behind bars on burglary and assault charges.
Ngor Mabor (left), Nelson Soro (middle) and Mohamed Mohamed
Rochester Police said at 9:53 p.m. Thursday, police responded to a home invasion report at 3031 Towne Club Pkwy.
Police say a 19-year-old resident set up a marijuana buy with 18-year-old Nelson Soro. When Soro showed up, 5-6 people, including two with guns, allegedly rushed into the apartment. Police aren’t sure what was taken from the residence.
Police say the female was hit over the head with a hard object and was taken to St. Mary’s.
At least one of those arrested is a new American, a likely Somali refugee or an offspring of a refugee. On a personal note:When I traveled throughout the US in 2016, I was in the vicinity of Rochester on the way to Owatonna (both refugee resettlement locations) and I pulled into a highway rest area and much to my surprise Somali Muslim women were lined up ostentatiously praying on the lawn at the rest area. Needless-to-say, for an easterner, it was a shocking site.
What can you do? Make sure that news like this from Minnesota gets around to your communities especially in the eastern US because most people have no idea about how far gone Minnesota is already!
Editor:Frauds and Crooks is one month old today!
On January first, when Iwelcomed youto my new blog, I said my first priority was to counter the media reports that have begun to spew from the Open Borders propaganda machine about how migrants of all stripes are just the ticket for saving America’s economy while bringing the joys of diversity to you, the deplorables.
And so it is funny thatthis news from Utica, NY published yesterday is exactly what I warned about one month ago.
You will be seeing news like this from sea to shining sea in the lead-up to the 2020 Presidential contest.
The Cities Refugees Saved
Of course, I question the premise of the story from CityLab in the first place. Why must we save a city that is no longer providing jobs or has been poorly run by Democrats for decades?
First just so you know here are the ‘brains’ behind the New American Economypropaganda machine. Tell me if this bunch has anything more on their minds than cheap immigrant labor and more Democrat voters! CityLab calls the New American Economy, a bipartisan immigration reform group!
This is my post from earlier this month on the New American Economy. CityLabreports that the New American Economy gang has teamed up (has hired) a film company to put together a film that will showcase Utica’s booming refugee-driven economy. (They love films!) Symbol of the NEW Utica: Historic Methodist Church becomes a mosque
Film maker Adam Bedient (director of photography and editor at Off Ramp Films) says he grew up nearby and it was just a dying city but now, joy of joys the Bosnian Muslims that Bill Clinton welcomed to America have turned the city around.
Now, he’s working on a full-length feature about the refugee communities in Utica, and when he drives through town, he finds it simmering with new life. Old buildings are getting refurbished. Construction cranes bob up and down. And at the center of town is a long-vacant historic Methodist church that has been renovated and converted into a beautiful mosque—a symbol of the new Utica.
The CitiLabstory goes on to report how the city is thriving. You can read it yourself.
When you see news like this, look to see if they have included any mention of problems, like the one I reported at Refugee Resettlement Watch in 2015 about the school funding crisis when the city of Utica sued the state of New York for a refugee-created school funding shortfall.
See if they mention anything about dollars from Washington (from you) that fuel the local ‘new American’ economy via welfare—food stamps, housing subsidies, healthcare, federal grants for myriad refugee/immigrant services, grants to non-profits that service migrants and so forth.
In other words , is Utica a prime example of simply shifting federal tax dollars to a dying city? Useful graphic from the story. Heads up if you live in one of those cities, you might be next for a propaganda film about your growing refugee population. At RRW I wrote about problems in almost every one of them!
CityLab goes on (as expected) to bash the President and White House policy staffer Stephen Miller saying they don’t know what they are talking about when they express concerns about the cost of more refugee resettlement or any issues of safety and security. You can read it all here.
The story wraps with a quote from Bedient about that on-going debate,
This kind of wrangling over the true impact of refugees doesn’t get much traction in Utica, where refugees now make up almost a quarter of the city’s population, Bedient says. It’s not really up for debate at this point—“it’s a part of the city’s identity now,” he says.
Bottomline, the New American Economy and the Open Borders cabal have decided, there is no longer any debate, so shut up!
Here is what I don’t get!
Utica, has been paraded out for over a decade as a city saved by refugees, but no group on the immigration control side of the debate has ever (to my knowledge) gone to Utica to investigate the claims and counter them. Why is that?
“So, they will feel there is an office within the state that recognizes their contributions and that they are a part of our state and also of the country.”
Francisco Morales, a Sisolak spokesman
I would say the Governor’s timing stinks as Fox News reports this morning that the police in Carson City are about to file murder charges against an illegal alien from El Salvador. Sisolak’s New American!
I don’t see the story posted yet, but a Fox & Friends reporter says that Wilbur Martinez-Guzman pawned jewelry belonging to two of those murderedearlier this month.
From the Nevada Independent (Emphasis is mine):
Sisolak Unveils Details of Proposed Governor’s Office for New Americans
This story has been edited for brevity and clarity and translated from Spanish.
In an inaugural State of the State address that touched on the economy, education, taxes and school security, Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak also announced a smaller but notable initiative — the creation of a center in Las Vegas that will help the immigrant community better adjust to American life. Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak
Francisco Morales, a Sisolak spokesman, said that the Governor’s Office for New Americans is expected to open its doors in October if funding is approved. Sisolak’s budget calls for an administrator and one support staffer, at a cost of $184,000 in the 2020 fiscal year and $205,000 in the 2021 fiscal year.
Morales said the office will have its headquarters in Southern Nevada, within the governor’s office at Grant Sawyer State Office Building, located on Washington Avenue, near Las Vegas Boulevard. “The focus will be on helping people blend in to our society more easily and learn about all the services and benefits our state offers,” [Services of course is welfare!—ed] Morales said in an interview during the Cafecito with Luz and Michelle radio show. “So, they will feel there is an office within the state that recognizes their contributions and that they are a part of our state and also of the country.” Morales said the plan is to combine efforts with non-profit organizations that provide assistance to the immigrant community, such as the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, Casa del Immigrante Foundation, and the UNLV Immigration Clinic. [Joining forces means helping those non-profits get their hands in taxpayers’ wallets!—ed]
“The goal is to try to centralize services and to serve as a source of information people can trust. I think sometimes people are afraid, they’re shy when it comes to approaching their government and that’s why we want to create an office where they’ll feel comfortable,” he said. “And to have people who speak Spanish, people from the community.”
More here. The governor especially says they want to help the DACA kids get their benefits too.
Wouldn’t it be something if Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman was a DACA darling.
Pay attention to the vast increase in the number of times you see the phrase “new Americans.”
That is what the Open Borders Left calls immigrants of all stripes (legal and illegal) and by controlling the language they control the narrative and wipe out any opportunity to make the distinction between legal and illegal entry in to our country.
The Left also uses the word “refugee” very loosely because they want you to think that anyone on the move anywhere in the world is a legitimate refugee. An asylum seeker is not a refugee until they have been granted refugee status.
You, obviously should continue to use the phrase “illegal alien” if you know someone is here illegally. If the illegal alien is a criminal you might also tag them with the “new American” phrase to mock the Left. I generally use the word “migrant” when I don’t know the immigration status of someone or some group.
Want something to do?
Watch for it—the “new American” verbiage—and try to set the record straight whenever and wherever you can! Don’t let the Left control our language with their politically-correct mumbo-jumbo!
Endnote: If you are just arriving at Frauds and Crooks for the first time, see my Welcome postfrom January 1 and you will see what my mission here is. I want visitors to not just read and shake their heads about the news, I want readers to take some action about what they read.
Also, take note, I have a new feature in the right hand column and it is called “Trending” which shows which posts of the forty-plus I’ve published thus far are the most-read.
The Westlake “man” (men) who is alleged to have ripped off US taxpayers for $2.7 million is a ‘new American’ from somewhere in the Middle East.
I hate to resort to photos like this one, but unfortunately it is rare to see a photo of the ‘new American’ fraudsters!
Of course none of the stories I’ve found mention the nationality (or immigration status) of the man and his son indicted by the US Justice Department yesterday in what may be the most egregious case of fraud I’ve seen in ten years of following these stories!
Rather than summarize the stunning news, here is the first half of the press releasefrom US Attorneys Office of the Northern District of Ohio. (Emphasis is mine)
A Westlake man with a history of food stamp fraud was indicted on charges that he continued to illegally accept food stamps at seven Cleveland-area gas stations, laundered the profits, illegally had firearms, operated an unregulated slaughterhouse and polluted a stream by dumping animal blood and other fluids into it. Amin M. Salem, 59, and Mohamed Salem, 32, were both indicted on one count each of conspiracy to launder money and one count of engaging in real estate transactions using laundered funds.
Papa Salem had previous convictions for food stamp fraud!
Amin Salem is additionally charged with one count of making unpermitted discharges into a waterway, one count of distribution of adulterated, misbranded or uninspected meat and one count of being a felon in possession of firearms. That charge stems from Amin Salem having an AR-15 rifle and a Savage 12-gauge shotgun, despite previous convictions for conspiracy to defraud the United States, food stamp fraud, mail fraud, and money laundering.
Mohamed Salem, also of Westlake and Amin’s son, is also charged with trafficking in counterfeit goods for his sale of counterfeit clothing and apparel.
Zahran al-Qadan, 55, of Cleveland, was indicted on one count of conspiracy to launder money.
Prosecutors are seeking to forfeit properties at 43588 Stang Road and 7250 West Ridge Road in Elyria owned by the Salems.
According to the six-count indictment: Amin Salem secretly owned several area gas stations: Henry’s Marathon at 3106 Fulton Road; Gas Way at 10606 Bellaire Road; Turney Sunoco at 6009 Turney Road in Garfield Heights; Harvard Gas USA at 7020 Harvard Ave.; Bellaire Gas USA at 3934 West 117th Street; Rapid Stop at 1712 East 55th Street and Memphis Shell at 7210 Memphis Ave. Mohamed Salem managed the gas station’s finances of behalf of his father. The gas stations had terminals to accept and process Electronic Benefits Transaction (EBT) cards as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps.
Papa Salem was not permitted to own stores due to previous convictions, so Mohamed was running them!
The gas stations and the EBT terminals inside were in the names of Mohamed Salem or another person, since Amin Salem was prohibited from owning stores that processed EBT transactions because of previous convictions for food stamp fraud and related crimes. The gas station terminals were used by the Salems to process more than $2.7 million in fraudulent SNAP transactions between 2010 and 2016.
The words halal slaughter are absent, but you know what this was all about!
Blood and bodily fluids went in to Ohio’s Black River
Amin Salem slaughtered lambs and goats at his propertyon Stang Road in 2015 and 2016. He sold the meat, which was not inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He also caused, without a permit, the discharge of blood and other bodily fluids from the slaughtered animals into Engle Ditch, which flows into the Black River and eventually Lake Erie.
There is actually much more in the US Attorney’s press release (click here). Joe Cimperman of Global Cleveland One of yours Joe?
My first thought was to wonder where the ‘Welcoming Cleveland’ propagandists are about this ‘new American’ entrepreneur in their midst! (Westlake is a suburb of Cleveland). Hereis what Global Clevelandwants you to know:
“Immigrants strengthen our community in so many ways, and one of them is by opening businesses,” said Joe Cimperman, president of Global Cleveland, in a written statement. “These businesses do more than create jobs. They add vitality to our neighborhoods and become part of the cultural tapestry that makes Cleveland so special. They reflect our deepest DNA and remind us of the best of ourselves.”
What can you do? If you live in the Cleveland area send the DOJ press release to Global Clevelandand to everyone you know! If you live elsewhere, this story must get out to social media because the national big media never reports these stories!!!
Ha! What do you know!
I just mentioned the New American Economy shysters (Michael Bloomberg and his globalist gang!) the other day and how they promote the phony-baloney idea that a growing immigrant population brings economic boom times to struggling (are they really struggling?) American cities. Does no one in the media ever question these slick propaganda reports?
And, along comes this news: Tulsa’s NBC 2 News falls for the supposed “study” that says immigrants add billions annually to the Tulsa economy. But, oopsy, apparently no one ever asks about what the COSTS are to the local economy. This study is a joke.
Where are the costs to the local school system, the criminal justice system, the local health system, the welfare costs?
Are the “new Americans” putting pressure on the supply of housing needed for ‘old Americans?’
And, where are the figures for the remittance dollars being sent out to the third world and forever gone from the Oklahoma economy?
Immigrants are 7 percent of Tulsa population, contribute nearly $4 billion
TULSA, Okla. — If it weren’t for immigrants, Tulsa’s population would be about 1/4 fewer than 10 years ago.
According to Christina Da Silva, Deputy Chief of Staff for the City of Tulsa, immigrants accounted for about 24 percent of the city’s growth. Yippee! We are celebrating diversity too says Christina Da Silva.
It’s a group that continues to grow both in population and in diversity.
“The majority of them are coming from South and Central America, but we also have a fast growing Asian population. Many of them are coming from Bhurma (sic) as refugees,” Da Silva said.
About 6.7 percent of the population in the Tulsa metro area are immigrants, according to the “New Americans in Tulsa” report . In 2015, they contributed $3.8 billion to the Tulsa metro area’s gross domestic product. Da Silva says immigrants are crucial to the local economy, as many take on jobs that are in high demand like construction. [Really, there are no Americans wanting construction jobs in Tulsa?—ed]
[….] “As the city grows and becomes a more world-class city, what’s exciting is being able to celebrate the diversity,” Da Silva said.