Where in America Should I Live? For Sure, Not Minnesota!

Readers ask me that question from time to time as they see life becoming more challenging in states the Left is turning blue (or live in ones already deep blue).

Red Counties Trump won in 2020. A lot of counties to choose from, but not so many state choices to call home as the urban Democrat Socialists dominate governments in many otherwise red states.


If you like the arid West, I usually say Wyoming because it is the only state in the nation with no refugee program.  Diversity through migration will happen slowly there.  North and South Dakota are still promising.  Montana is beautiful, but also has an expanding cabal of Leftwing woke activists.

Conventional wisdom says Texas is a good bet, but I’m not pushing Texas for one obvious reason—the US southern border with Mexico!

A few heartland states are doing okay.

If you like the warm South, conventional wisdom recommends Florida, but I would look to a few of the gulf states as good choices. And, then further north up the coast, South Carolina hasn’t yet swallowed the Kool-Aid, well, maybe just a sip.

A lot of conservatives are rushing to Tennessee, but they have no idea about what is happening in Nashville which has become a mecca for the diversity is beautiful crowd. Don’t believe me, see that I have an entire category at RRW on Nashville.

Going north, West Virginia still holds promise, but forget North Carolina and Virginia, goners both in my opinion.  Most people don’t know that NC has a huge refugee population from Muslim countries.  North of Virginia there is no real hope for a peaceful conservative life in the years to come.

LOL!  I bet all of you are now ready to tell me your choices—please do! Send comments to this post!

But, what got me thinking about all of this again today is a story a reader sent a week or so ago.  It is an article by a young woman moving out of Minnesota where she was born and raised.

A local guy at my Maryland door just a few days ago said he wished we could just divvy-up the country giving us some safe states and giving them states like Minnesota, California, New York and so on.  He isn’t talking about racial diversity either, it is about conservative values vs. woke liberal ones.

And, then yesterday when I wrote this post at RRW about Winchester, Virginia possibly jumping on the refugees-welcome bandwagon, I wondered again, so where should one move in order to live in peace and raise families with others who share an America first world view.

Anyway….here is the story from Minnesota (hat tip:Bob).  Of course, Minneapolis isn’t all there is in Minnesota, it is a lovely state, but….

From the College Fix:

I’ve lived in Minneapolis my entire life. I’m leaving Friday. I no longer recognize my hometown.

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Minneapolis is my home. My happiest memories are here. It’s where I learned to ride a bike, had my first date, received my high school diploma.

But today, I’m too afraid to even walk in my neighborhood by myself.

The ACE Hardware down the street? The one that I used to bike to in the summer? Robbed twice in the past five days.

The Walgreens next to my elementary school? Molotov cocktail thrown into it.

The Lake Harriet Bandshell, where we spent countless Mother’s Days? Homeless encampment popped up next door.

How did it happen so fast?  That may be the question you are asking yourself where you live?

She goes on with all of it, including the George Floyd riots and then wraps with this:

It’s easy to look at (for lack of a better word) disaster zones like these and mentally distance yourself from them. Yeah, that’s awful, but those people choose to live there. They’re the ones electing these leaders. This is their problem.

Yeah, it is. It is our problem.

And I can’t help but look around and wonder, “What happened here? Where exactly did it all go wrong?”

Was it the liberal mob? Identity politics? The cries of “RACIST!” when someone disagreed with a particular reaction or policy?

Was it conservative silence as the loudest voices got more and more radical?

Was it our acceptance that “we live in a blue area, this is just the way things are?”

How did it all happen so fast?

Whatever it was, I’m leaving this dark, surreal, twisted version of Minneapolis on Friday. And I pray to God that I never have to come back.

More here.

It happened fast because Minnesota has been overrun by immigrants of all stripes since at least the early 1990s.

And, here is how it will continue to go on for Minnesota.

Fueled by Black Lives Matter propaganda, the younger generation of ‘new Americans’ are refusing to assimilate and apparently hate America

From ABC News:

Protests reveal generational divide in immigrant communities

She (one of the ‘stars’ of this article) agreed that the United States offered opportunities for education and a “better life,” but she had also made up her mind that such a life would not be complete without justice for Black people.

After moving to Brooklyn Center from Liberia in 2015, she said she was treated differently as a Black person. People commented on the color of her skin, disapproved of the clothes she wore and once called the police on her and a friend for being too “loud.”

I will bet a buck that not one white person “commented on the color of her skin!”  Then this:

“I started to realize like, ‘Oh, America is not what it says on TV,'” she said. 

[I know what you are thinking!  Maybe just go home then!—ed.]

Then Floyd’s death sparked protests, and she decided that “this was not the American dream I was promised.”

Kromah is not alone. Young people in the city’s East African communities came out to protest in droves following Floyd’s death.

Despite tension, at times, between Black immigrants from Africa and Black people whose long history in the U.S. began with slavery, protesters united around decrying police brutality they said plagued their communities.

The verse “Somali lives, they matter here,” often followed the protest refrain of “Black lives, they matter here.” And one of the most widely shared images of last year’s protests was a video posted on social media showing a protester in a hijab and a long skirt kicking a tear gas cannister back toward law enforcement officers in riot gear.

“I am Somali, I am Black American, I am Muslim,” 21-year-old Aki Abdi said. “If a cop pulls me over, he don’t know if I’m Somali or Black. They go hand in hand.”

There is more.  So is it any wonder that many are leaving Minnesota!

Of course, then that leaves the question we started with—where could people, of any race, who love America and want to live in peace, find a home?

That would be in any state that is not rolling out the welcome mat to massive numbers of migrants unwilling to assimilate as they import their third world values to America.

Ethnic diversity weakens the social fabric. It does not build strength.

UAC News: Congressman Says Biden Transition Team Member Landed Massive Government Contract

There is money in managing the great replacement!

See the history of Endeavors, formerly Family Endeavors and before that San Antonio Family Endeavors which was focused on taking care of veterans. That is, until the paying migrants came along! https://endeavors.org/history/

Earlier this month news broke that a little-known nonprofit, Endeavers, was awarded one for the largest contracts ever to help house and manage the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) flooding the US border.

By the way, the Biden feds have dropped the word ‘Alien.’

The story interests me since I have spent a lot of time over the years pointing out the millions of taxpayer dollars flowing to nonprofit refugee resettlement contractors (with inside tracks into government pots of money) for the initial care of the new Americans the Democrats are moving to Anytown, USA.

And, of further interest to me is the fact that the main player in this story touts on his resume his time with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) (one of nine federal refugee contractors I have been writing about for nearly 14 years).

Here is the gist of the story at Axios:

Exclusive: Texas nonprofit got massive border contract after hiring Biden official

A Texas nonprofit that recently hired a Biden transition official got a contract worth as much as $530 million to help manage the influx of migrant children at the southern border, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: The contract is by far the largest ever awarded to Family Endeavors. It’s potentially worth more than 12 times the group’s most recently reported annual budget — a sign of the demand the new work will place on its operations.

~The no-bid contract also is the second largest ever awarded by the agency overseeing the migrant child program.

~The award comes as the Biden administration rushes to deal with an influx of migrants at the border, including more than 21,000 unaccompanied minors currently in government custody, according to the latest data.

Between the lines: Family Endeavors won the contract just months after it hired Andrew Lorenzen-Strait as its senior director for migrant services and federal affairs.

Therein lies the rub.

Andrew Lorenzen-Strait landed his job at Endeavors (formerly Family Endeavors) in January straight off the Biden transition team following a stint with one regional Lutheran refugee contractor, and a little over six months at LIRS, the national organization.

He had spent years in the federal government, at ICE in fact, before hitting on this likely lucrative gig.

A GOP Congressman wants answers.

From Fox News:

GOP lawmaker wants answers on massive border contract that went to nonprofit with ties to ex-Biden adviser

Republican Rep. Jim Banks is demanding answers from the head of the Administration for Children and Families after revelations that a nearly $530 million contract was awarded to a Texas nonprofit to help manage the influx of migrant children at the U.S. southern border — after the organization hired a former Biden transition official.

Andrew Lorenzen-Strait Senior Director for Migrant Services & Federal Affairs at Endeavors.

Axios first reported the contract, which is the largest ever awarded to the nonprofit, Family Endeavors, from the Department of Health and Human Services. The nonprofit also received a grant from the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement worth $87 million.

Family Endeavors, according to the report, recently hired former Biden transition official Andrew Lorenzen-Strait to serve as senior director for Migrant Services and Federal Affairs. While working on the Biden transition team, Lorenzen-Strait reportedly vetted political appointees for HHS and worked on the DHS policy team.

Banks, R-Ind., in a letter obtained by Fox News directed to the acting assistant secretary of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within HHS, JooYuen Chang, questioned the timing of the grants and whether they were related to Lorenzen-Strait’s work.

JooYuen Chang https://www.acf.hhs.gov/about/bio/jooyeun-chang

“The two unprecedented and massive grants Family Endeavors received were approved by HHS and DHS—the two agencies Lorenzen-Strait oversaw while a member of the Biden transition team,” Banks wrote. “And both grants were no-bid contracts, meaning they were awarded directly to Family Endeavors bypassing the normal competitive process.”

Banks went on to call the grant “especially concerning” due to Lorenzen-Strait’s responsibilities on the transition team, and said it was “probable” that he “played some role” in Chang’s appointment.

Banks went on to accuse Chang of having “played some role in awarding Lorenzen-Strait’s firm about a half a billion dollars.”

“Some may view this as a conflict of interest,” Banks wrote.

More here. 

Visit USA Spending for the skinny on grants and contracts….

Just to give you an idea of the magnitude of this windfall for Endeavors, here is a screenshot from USA Spending of Endeavors previous federal funding and its huge payout (so far!) this year in the wake of Lorenzen-Straits arrival.

It almost makes you wonder if when Lorenzen-Strait came on board at Endeavors on January 25th, only a few days after the inauguration, that someone knew then that the rush on the border was about to be unleashed.

When I saw these mind-blowing numbers I had a good chuckle wondering why Lorenzen-Strait didn’t bring some of this payola to his pals at LIRS because LIRS is in the same business—getting the Unaccompanied Alien Children (aka New Americans) set up in America.

In 2018, Endeavors paid a top salary of around $300,000 in a year they raked in just over $40 million from American taxpayers. So, I can’t wait to see the salaries for this year with an anticipated half a billion coming in!  Just saying!

Sure beats working for the likes of ICE.  As I have said on many previous occasions: tell your kids to grow up to be execs at nonprofits funded by us—the taxpayers.


They only got on the federal gravy train four years ago with their little nearly $11 million dollar award. They surely haven’t had time to demonstrate any great track record of managing the mostly teenaged border invading ‘children.’

America First Has No Effective Opposition to Recreating the Third World on American Soil

Saying that the US must “solve the global refugee crisis” is meaningless pabulum.  It will never be solved as third world countries send their excess people off to America and America says sure come on in, we can take care of everyone.

And, then one day, we too will be the third world.

I don’t know if you have been following the controversy about Biden’s flip-flopping on how many refugees he is welcoming to your towns.  I’ve been writing about it for days at Refugee Resettlement Watch where it was a clear demonstration of the power the refugee resettlement contractors have over this President.

If you are interested, here are my recent posts:

Biden/Harris Make a Hash of Refugee Plan; Infuriate Their Friends

Secretary of State Dodges and Weaves on Refugee Cap Kerfuffle

Psaki Clears Up Refugee Admissions Confusion (NOT!)

NYT: Biden Himself Blocked Increased Refugee Admissions for the Year

We have no organized opposition!

Not just tension between ethnic groups, but big city African Americans resent and attack Asians a large segment of the refugee flow to America.

Our side, the side that believes in America First! and says that America cannot take care of the world with growing factions of ethnic groups that don’t plan on assimilating in cities that are powder kegs, has no organized opposition to the US Refugee Admissions Program.  None!

Yes, there are some immigration control groups working in Washington, DC, but they are either think tank types, or are focused on the illegal alien crisis at the southern border.

Last week, the refugee contractors and their many cohorts in the refugee industry were able to gin-up opposition in a matter of hours when Biden really screwed-up by setting the refugee level for this year at the exact level that the “racist” Donald Trump had left it.

And, that is when the wailing began….

One of the major leaders of ‘bring in the third world’ is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and it was their CEO Mark Hetfield who made that comment about America’s duty to lead in solving the global refugee crisis quoted in a report at their blog.

HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield

HIAS’s blog post chronicles what they did on Friday along with the others in the refugee industry lobby to slap Biden silly and to remind him not to wander off the ranch again.

Refugees are money to not just the refugee contractors, but to business interests looking for cheap labor who got in on the action as well and piled on Biden’s team.

HIAS blog...

April 16 was a tumultuous day for refugee resettlement in the United States.

Early that day, President Biden delivered a long-awaited announcement. It was bad news: he would keep this year’s refugee admissions cap at 15,000, the all-time low number set by the Trump administration. While he ordered the end of discriminatory quotas on refugees from certain countries, Biden broke his repeated promises to significantly raise the admissions cap, setting off an avalanche of criticism from politicians, religious leaders, refugee advocates, and the public. By the end of the day, the administration had dramatically reversed course, pledging to raise the cap after all.

“HIAS is relieved that the Biden administration finally got its refugee initiatives back on track,” said HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield. “Doing the right thing takes courage. It will take courage for America to lead by the power of our example in solving the global refugee crisis.”

If you feel like it, keep reading.

It’s a handy summary of what happened in recent months and how their massive network of activists went to work on Friday to tell the administration to jump.  Jump it did!  They also call upon their people to continue pressuring Chairman Joe to keep the third world moving in—to your neighborhoods.

RCUSA’s Annual Advocacy Days

This week, Hetfield’s HIAS and others that make up the Refugee Council USA, the lobbying arm of this branch of the international No Borders movement, held its annual lobbying week in Congress.

It was virtual this time (normally they fly refugees in to show the warm and fuzzy side of refugee resettlement), but it basically follows a pattern they have developed over the years—upstanding refugees tell their “stories” to members of Congress to guilt-trip them into pushing for ever greater numbers of refugees to add to the millions we have already moved from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to almost all 50 states.

And, please Congress give us more MONEY!

Refugee Council USA (RCUSA), its members, and our partners convene to host a special refugee virtual advocacy week from Monday, April 19 to Friday, April 23, 2021. This virtual week of action and training comes at an important point for the refugee resettlement program. After four years of orders and policy that sought to dismantle the program, we now have the opportunity to rebuild stronger than ever – but we need your help. This week, we ask our community members to join us in championing pro-refugee legislation, and the funding and oversight to make it happen.

We are looking for residents of key states and cities whose representatives can make a big difference in rebuilding the refugee resettlement program…

They don’t have enough refugees to show off, so all activists are welcome….

You can be a seasoned advocate, or hoping to get involved for the first time! RCUSA will be providing a series of trainings, discussions, and materials so each participant feels confident. RCUSA will handle setting up meetings, participants just need to bring their passion and personal stories.

Continue reading and note their refugee “story-telling” training!

And hurry on over to see the list of Senators and members of Congress they are targeting this week. It isn’t everyone.  And, I would be curious to know why they have selected certain members and not others.

They have targeted some of their obvious friends, maybe just to keep them in line.  But, some others strike me as unusual choices.  They are targeting Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawthorn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert and Jim Jordan among others.

In the Senate they have listed John Kennedy, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn.

I am assuming these choices are just to give them a guilt-trip.

Perhaps of most interest to me is that they have listed both Republican Senators and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming even as Wyoming has NO refugee program and never has.  It is the only state in the nation that has never ‘welcomed’ refugees.

Bottomline, America Firsters have no such organized structure to do what they have done year after year to pressure Congress to do their bidding and welcome in millions of (impoverished) New American Democrat voters (at taxpayers expense!) as the great replacement chugs along.

Say it Out Loud! The Great Replacement is Underway

Drive the Democrats crazy, use the word “replacement” every time you mention the invasion at our southern border!

We know that the word, used in conjunction with the word “great,” is strictly verboten by the Leftwing gatekeepers of the language and not just in America but in Europe as well where migrants are “swarming” the continent.

Tucker Carlson opened his show last night with a 20- minute monologue you must not miss explaining how mass migration is changing America by changing he people which happens to be on my logo at RRW.

But, you dare not say what Carlson said, “Demographic change is the key to the Democrat Party’s political ambitions.”

His show last night follows days of criticism for what he says are his “unauthorized conversations” about the driving force behind Biden/Harris immigration policies.

Unauthorized by the Anti-Defamation League and others.

See that Fox is (so far?) standing behind Carlson as the ADL demands his firing.

Fox stands behind Tucker Carlson after ADL urges his firing

Here is the kind of speech that the ADL and other extremists on the Left find intolerable, saying it is white supremacy straight up.  And, it is what Carlson says is the “central idea of the modern Democrat Party.”

During a guest appearance Thursday on “Fox News Primetime,” Carlson “embraced a foundational theory of white supremacy,” the ADL said.

During the show, Carlson said “the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate of voters now casting ballots with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.” He added that he had “less political power because they are importing a brand new electorate.”

Rather than me writing more about what Carlson said, watch for yourself (hat tip: Cathy).

Did you know that California now has the highest poverty rate in America as an example of where the great replacement is well-advanced?



If you have been scratching your head and wondering how could Biden and Harris be so stupid to open our borders so completely.

New American voters and consumers!

Scratch no more! They aren’t stupid! That is the plan!

All of those thousands of children entering the US on a daily basis will never leave and will in a few short years overwhelm formerly Republican states as new American voters.

Chamber of Commerce types will see them as a never-ending source of cheap labor and as consumers who will need to purchase stuff—homes, cars, and Chinese made everything!

Now repeat after me, and say it often (for fun, and to drive the Socialists nuts):

It is the great replacement!  R-E-P-L-A-C-E-M-E-N-T!

Trump was Right! Jihadists Attempting to Get Across our Southern Border

Writing at the Center for Immigration Studies, author and expert on how terrorists seek to exploit our weak borders, Todd Bensman, reports on a stunning admission by U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee last week. In 2019, Trump was right when he said terrorists are attempting to come across our borders.

If the invading armies of teenaged males aren’t enough to damn Biden and Harris border policies, this should  seal the deal.

From the Center for Immigration Studies:

DHS acknowledges that suspected Islamic terrorists are crossing the southern border

Just so you know, Mayorkas served on the Board of Directors of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, a major federal refugee contractor, prior to his role as Biden’s head of the Dept. of Homeland Security. https://www.hias.org/blog/opinion-biden-appointee-who-carries-jewish-story-itself

“U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this week asserted that suspected Islamic terrorists can and have crossed the porous southern border for years, a claim that major media organizations and lawmakers widely pilloried as a fear-mongering falsehood when President Donald Trump and his administration made the same claim in 2019.

Mayorkas’ comments that migrant suspects on U.S. terrorism watch lists cross the border came amid the latest round of controversy about the terrorist infiltration claim, which began when a delegation of 13 Republican lawmakers, returning from the border, relayed that Border Patrol agents told them that three Yemeni migrants and a Serb on the U.S. terrorism watch list had been apprehended since October.

Major media such as ABC News and the Washington Post quickly published stories, largely featuring Democratic lawmakers and self-described border security experts lashing out at House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other delegation members as lying and re-disseminating a disproven conspiracy theory.

“Weird as the Chairman of the subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations and a border state member of Congress haven’t heard anything about this,” tweeted Rep. Ruben Gallego, a Democrat who represents the Phoenix area. “Gonna ask for a briefing. Pretty sure he is either wrong or lying.”

“The notion that the Southwest border is open to terrorists is ludicrous,” Alex Nowrasteh,*** the director of immigration studies at the Cato Institute, told ABC News, for instance.

“The government has shown no evidence that terrorists use the Southwest border to get into the United States.”

But all such talk disappeared mid-stride after a routine weekly U.S. House Homeland Security Committee hearing Tuesday March 16. During it, the Democratic DHS appointee Mayorkas acknowledged that suspected terrorist migrants routinely travel to the southern border. The remarks were stunning in that they came from the Democrat side of the aisle, rather than the usual Republican side.


“A known or suspected terrorist — KST is the acronym that we use — individuals who match that profile, have tried to cross the border, the land border, have tried to travel by air into the United States, not only this year but last year, the year prior and so on and so forth,” Mayorkas testified.

Mayorkas then issued another remarkable revelation. He disclosed that the American homeland security establishment has fielded a “multi-layered security apparatus” that has been in place at least since the 9/11 attacks to catch and neutralize the heightened threat of this category of land border-crossing migrants from countries of terrorism concern.”


More here plus links to background information.

*** Libertarian ‘think tanks,’ like the CATO Institute, are openly open borders.

In 2015, Nowrasteh argued in an op-ed at The Hill for the US resettlement of Syrian refugees.  It is all about the free flow of (cheap) labor that the Koch Brothers and other globalists promote.

I found this 2019 interview with the clever and cagey Jesse Lee Peterson very amusing.  Hope you do to.  The discussion about the southern border begins at about the 27 minute mark.

Peterson says illegal aliens are “destroying black communities” while Nowrasteh says race relations between “new Americans” and blacks are going well. (I think POC stands for People of Color. Is that right?)