“[T]he bacteria originated with an international student and spread to at least seven others who had close contact with them.”
Doug Schultz, a Health Department spokesman
Yes, immigrants can kill with guns as Wilber Martinez-Guzmanobviously did in Nevada earlier this month and they can kill with contagious diseases like Tuberculosis, but the national media, Leftwing Open Borders agitators and most politicians dodge and weave and don’t want to make that direct connection. I will.
Check out the story last week from Minnesota!
From the StarTribune:
TB outbreak tied to Minnesota State, Mankato under investigation
The Minnesota Department of Health is investigating a tuberculosis outbreak among eight people associated with Minnesota State University, Mankato. Mankato is a refugee welcoming city. http://www.mankatofreepress.com/news/local_news/mankato-s-welcoming-nature-draws-refugees/article_be17e754-afe3-11e5-8a97-5fe64a4f016a.html
State health officials are asking clinics to look out for tuberculosis symptoms in college-aged individuals who have spent time at the university since August 2016.
“Typically, health care providers seeing respiratory issues in an average, otherwise healthy 20-something Minnesotan wouldn’t normally be thinking TB,” Doug Schultz, a Health Department spokesman said late Thursday. Risk factors for the infection usually include travel abroad to a country where TB is common, but in this case, all but one contracted TB in the United States. Investigators believe the bacteria originated with an international student and spread to at least seven others who had close contact with them, Schultz said.
What if that “international student” had not been diagnosed for another few months, how many more would be infected?
To contain the outbreak, health officials contacted about 700 people who may have interacted with the patients, such as roommates and significant others. Of those, they identified another 30 individuals who have a latent form of TB, meaning they tested positive for the bacteria but didn’t exhibit symptoms.
Did the 30! with latent TB acquire it from the one “international” student (but, hey, isn’t everyone entering the country supposed to be tested BEFORE they enter!)?
Minnesota clinics typically see around 140 TB cases each year, but an outbreak this size is considered unusual.
Though many think TB was eradicated years ago, about 10,000 Americans are diagnosed annually with it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The vast majority of TB cases are found in the immigrant (aka new American) population!
In 2017, more than 70 percent of those diagnosed were born outside the United States, including in Africa and Asia, where the disease is common. The percentage of foreign-born TB patients in Minnesota is over 80 percent, experts said. That year, an outbreak of drug-resistant TB in Ramsey County infected 17 people, killing three of them.
The next time you see one of those glowing reports about how “New Americans” bring economic boom times to struggling cities, see if the report includes the cost to the local health department! More here.
Fargo, ND Commissioner still trying to move the citizens of North Dakota to action on the issue of TB in the refugee community. (See my previous post.)
Fargo approves tuberculosis testing program as city official Piepkorn again raises alarm, points finger at LSS
Commissioner Strand
Commissioner Strand tells us exactly how fearful some elected officials are—not of TB, but of the PC Leftwing mob!
“This is a delicate issue, Mr. Piepkorn,” Commissioner John Strand said. “I just don’t want to get into targeting populations of people and identifying them as bringing different risks or not.”
The Centers for Disease Controlis not as squeamish. Inforum continues,
The program’s guidelines, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, define high-risk populations. In the context of the TB program, high-risk populations, include, “refugees, migrants or recent arrivals from high incidence countries, high-risk racial/ethnic populations within the jurisdiction, the homeless; injection drug users; recent contacts of an active TB case. Residents of high-risk congregate settings (i.e. jail/prison populations, nursing homes (not employees) and other long-term care facilities for the elderly . . . ” and so on.
It is great that two local news outlets are more forthcoming about the issue of Tuberculosis in the refugee and migrant population to the US, but why isn’t all this being reported nationally? Why isn’t it on the cable news or in big investigations by the New York Times or Washington Post?
It is your job to send the news far and wide through your networks! You don’t have to send my post, but send the links for the Star Tribune and Inforum to everyone you know!
One of the most maddening things one observes when following the US Refugee Admissions Program is that the word “refugee” has been so bastardized by the Left that it has no real meaning. Everyone on the move in the world is not a refugee! There is a story circulating that Omar has a book deal in the works worth as much as $250,000. The theme will likely be ‘Refugee’ girl makes good! Will she mention that immigration mess with her brother/hubby? https://face2faceafrica.com/article/somali-american-congresswoman-gets-publishing-deal-worth-up-to-250000 To be a legitimate refugee one must have a credible fear of being PERSECUTED if returned to the country of one’s persecution—in Omar’s case Somalia.
Yet, time and again, we see refugees popping “home” to take care of unfinished financial business, like selling a house, visiting grandma, or carrying money back in suitcases!
Where is the fear?
In case you are one of those Americans (there are many because I’ve heard from them!) who were under the impression that refugees go home when the conflict (or whatever) that allowed them to come live here is over, you are misinformed.
‘Refugees’ are here permanently! No wonder when the average American learns even the most rudimentary bits of information about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program shock turns to sneering disgust.
We are being played!
Yesterday, PJ Media published a lengthy and detailed expose’ on newly elected Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar that is worth reading. Did you know that Nancy Pelosi will allow her to sit on the Foreign Relations Committee!
You need to read it all, but for my purposes, the information about her trips to Somalia put a lie to her fear of persecution that supposedly was the reason she and her extended family are here in the first place. PJ Media (hat tip: Paul):
Any significant involvement by a U.S. citizen in Somalia’s election process would likely raise eyebrows at America’s intelligence agencies.
On December 20, 2016, just a few weeks after her election to Minnesota’s state legislature, Ilhan Omar was in Mogadishu with then-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, a favorite for re-election. He reportedly invited her to appear with him prior to the election taking place.
Omar likely met at least one other Somali presidential candidate on her trip. According to a speech by her soon-to-be husband Ahmed Hirsi, Ilhan had just flown from Nairobi to Mogadishuon a plane with former Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, known as “Farmaajo” (“Cheese”). Farmaajo — a U.S. citizen who, inconceivably, had boarded that plane as a Buffalo, NY, cubicle employee of the New York Department of Transportation — was the eventual surprise winner of Somalia’s presidency on February 8, 2017.
We should have a law that says if a country becomes safe enough to visit on business and pleasure, then the ‘refugee’ is obliged to go home and improve their own country! (I can dream!) Right?
So will AG Ellison go after frauds like this one? (This is Ellison’s twitter pic.)
As Minnesota’s Attorney General Lori Swanson turns the office over to Keith Ellison, the Grand Forks Heraldreports that charges have been brought against a Minnesota man who is “alleged to have defrauded the state medical assistance program out of more than $260,000.”
Swanson says Abdi Ali Gure of Bloomington submitted false claims for personal care assistance that were never delivered during a two year period—2013-2015.
Gure faces seven counts of theft.
A charging document alleges that Gure was an owner of Diversified Home Care, Inc., which was enrolled in the Medicaid program as a personal care provider organization. Kyle Nessen, an investigator with the office’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, said Guresubmitted false claims to the state and ran various schemes through the organization. The investigator alleged that Gure received $260,897.52 to which he wasn’t entitled.
And that money benefitted Gure and his family, Nessen said, with Gure paying himself, his wife and his son more than $750,000 between 2011 and 2016.
Very interesting that I could only find mention of this story in small newspapers in Minnesota. If anyone finds the charging documents or even a press statement about it, please send me a link!
Putting Ann Coulter’s “secret decoder ring” to good use we can say for near certainty that Abdi Ali Gure is a Somali ‘new American.’ Refugee? Probably, because almost all Somalis in the US came here through the US State Department’s Refugee Admissions Program with Minnesota being the top resettlement location.
Editor: Oops! Had a typo in my original title!
Remember the story from last summer where roving gangs of Somali ‘youths’ got into a “brawl” with locals in the city park in Lewiston, Maine. I wrote about it here. A local Maine man died after being hit by a brick. Breitbart also reportedthe news, but the story was written before Donald Giusti died from his injuries. Breitbart published this screenshot from a video taken the night of the June attack that resulted in Giusti’s murder.
Last week, locals returned to the park for a vigil for Giusti, and the Bangor Daily Newsheadline says,
Lewiston vigil turns violent
It is really an incredible story as it explains that Giusti’s friends and family were attacked again by a “group” who drove up and got out with “bats and stuff” and began hitting the attendees.
One man was taken to the hospital, but not one word about who the people in the “group” were! Police say they are investigating.
Oh, and by the way, they have never been able to make any arrests or solve the mystery of who killed Giusti even as there is video available of the June fight with the group of Somali ‘youths.’
This latest “brawl” happened on December 27th and I am not seeing any other stories, so if you do, send me a link! I’m curious to see if the ‘S’ word is mentioned.
Large Violent Crime Increase in Minneapolis Cedar-Riverside Neighborhood
Star Tribune reports that largely driven by a surge in robberies, and assaults the Minneapolis Cedar-Riverside neighborhood has seen over 60% increase in violent crime in 2018.
This increase in crime comes at a time when Minneapolis is having trouble recruiting police officers.
Authorities put the blame on a violent rivalry between St. Paul and Minneapolis East African gangs.
The rise of Somali gangs is not new to Minnesota. In 2009 CBS reported that somewhere between 400-500 Somali youth were active in gangs.
Some of the active gangs include Somali Hot Boyz, the Somali Mafia and Madhibaan with Attitude.
Note that the media never makes any mention of how the Somalis were seeded in Maine and Minnesota through the US Refugee Admissions Program. Your average American, reading these stories, must wonder why and how so many Somalis got to America in the first place! Why is that? Is it that the media is loathe to put the word “refugee” in a story about violent crime?