Mexico has seen an astounding 250% increase in Africans trying to enter the United States through the southern border, according to the latest figures released by the Mexican government’s immigration agency, known as Unidad de Política Migratoria. The stats include the first eight months of 2019 and reveal that, during the same period last year, 1,507 Africans were apprehended in the country compared to 5,286 this year. During the same period 4,783 migrants from India and Bangladesh were also detained in Mexico, according to the data made public this month.
The information is alarming considering Africa and Bangladesh are hotbeds of terrorism and the fact that all the migrants are heading north into the United States. “These migrants, although less in numbers compared to migrants from Central America, increased significantly in the country,” a Mexican newspaper article states, confirming that “their principle objective is not to stay in Mexican territory but rather cross the border towards the United States.” The story also reveals that a growing number of Cubans, Haitians and south Americans, mainly from Brazil and Colombia, have also been apprehended by Mexican authorities trying to make their way to the U.S. border.
The spike in Africans is worrisome considering the State Department has determined that Africa is a major hub of Islamic terrorism, including al-Shabaab in the eastern part of the country and Boko Haram and ISIS in the west.Bangladesh is also a national security concern because the south Asian Islamic country is well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). Earlier this year a congressional probe revealed that migrants from terrorist nations, especially Bangladesh, are trying to enter the United States through Mexico at record rates.
Texas alone saw a whopping 300% increase in Bangladeshi nationals attempting to sneak into the country, according to the federal investigation outlined in a lengthy report.
I’m glad to see JW getting more involved in immigration issues. They may eventually get more information out of our government on these issues through their expertise with the Freedom of Information Act.
Who is encouraging this movement of Africans to Mexico and on to the US Border?
In 2011 I speculated it was NGOsand suggested a Congressional investigation was desperately needed. Of course, for some reason, no one is interested in answering that question.
“Along the way, word passed from mouth to mouth about a far-off place that would welcome them: Portland, Maine.”
I hope you all had a great Independence Day yesterday!
This story from the Portland Press Heraldis one of many stories I have in a queue on the migration to Portland, Maine by Africans who heard about Portland and obviously had the money to travel there!
Unfortunately, I have little time (I’m going away Sunday) to tell you about all of those stories, but this one outlines how the migration is happening after the apparently well-funded and well-fed Africans flew to South America and headed north from there.
(My previous posts on Portland are here.)
One of the starving Africans being helped in Portland, Maine. Thérèse Ononye and her two year old daughter who was born in Brazil.
If you want to experience the joy the ‘humanitarians’ of Maine are experiencing there are two things you need—a growing ethnic community (Somali, Congolese, Nigerian, whatever) because they want to live with their own kind of people, and generous social services, and they will come!
Oh, and by the way, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, 35,000 more Africans are staged in Central America ready to make the jump to the US border.
Recently someone told me that a family member was fed up with Seattle and had bought a house in Portland, Maine. The thought, which I did not express, was this: What the h*** don’t people read! Continue reading “How the Congo is Moving to Welcoming Maine”→
When I launched this blog—Frauds and Crooks—I expected to be primarily writing about the vast amounts of fraud being perpetrated (mostly by new Americans) in our various welfare programs along with some odds and ends of other crime stories. Etta Nugent spent 40 minutes pleading for her life.
However, I was not prepared for the number of stories I’m seeing involving violent crimes against vulnerable women.
How many times in recent days have we heard about a handful of vulnerable children dying after being brought across our southern border illegally by parents or human traffickers over the last year or so? I think the number is six, but reports are non-stop on CNN.
Yet, I have still seen not one mention on CNN of the Kenyan Killer—Billy Chemirmir—an illegal alien who allegedly murdered 12 (more?) elderly Texas women for their jewelry.
Here is another dreadful story from, yes, Texas, about an illegal alien killing a 75-year-old woman in her home by stabbing her with several kitchen knives over a 40 minute period. Do not open your doors to strangers! Continue reading “Texas again: Illegal Alien Admits to Brutal Murder as Grandmother Begged for her Life”→
If the Democrats’ intransigence on border security for which a small amount of money is required for a barrier along our southern border (as another caravan is on the way) puzzles you, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh describes this as a much larger pivotal moment for America.
We all know the Democrats depend on immigrant voters—they want more of them and want the ones they have to be happy (with their social services!). The immigrant numbers beef-up certain Congressional districts controlled by Dems as well.
In addition, the business community wants the cheap “new American” laborers and both the Dems and some Republicans are working to provide them with an uninterrupted supply of those.
Yeh, we get that.
Of course we have no idea what the President will say to the nation today at 3 p.m., but he can’t give an inch because as Limbaugh said on Thursday, the stakes are too high.
Important day in US history? What will the President say today?
(An aside: As you know I watch the phony baloney at CNN each morning to see where the Leftwing media is going on any given day. Yesterday they were all a tither (we got him now!) about the now discredited BuzzFeed story. Today they quietly, and not as their lead story, reported the bombshell of last evening that Mueller’s team has said the story is wrong. Of course the reporting yesterday gives all of us more evidence of the media bias against this President and frankly against us!)
What follows is atranscriptof the Rush Limbaugh show on Thursday, hat tip: Paul.
For all of us wondering how Nancy Pelosi could even have thought going on a foreign taxpayer-funded junket right now made any political sense, Rush’s comments make it clear. To heck with the poor government workers who aren’t being paid, creating chaos and strife and making sure Trump loses is key to the Democrat’s (and the Swamp’s!) future.
I know it is long and although Rush (effectively) repeats his points, read it all. Added emphasis is mine.
RUSH: I want to try to have as many people as possible understand what is really going on here.
And the first thing that I have to tell you, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, and I’m not exaggerating, and I’m not trying to be provocative, and I’m not trying to make anybody mad. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t care one whit about the hardships of anybody or anything during this shutdown. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party care about one thing: making sure that nobody like Donald Trump ever tries this again. The message being sent here is that somebody Washington disapproves of being elected president is going to be shut downand will not be cooperated with and nothing will ever get done because the objective here is twofold. It’s to get rid of Donald Trump and then to paralyze Donald Trump. Paralyze him first, get rid of him, and then send the signal, you Republicans better never, ever send somebody like this, because it’s gonna end up being like this every damn time, ’cause we’re not gonna do business with somebody like this. We’re not gonna let somebody like this ever be legitimate.
That’s what this is. It is nothing about the shutdown. It’s nothing about the hardships that are being faced. It’s not even about the wall! Pelosi and the Democrats, as you said, have supported a wall in the past. This is about making sure, about doing everything they can do to make sure that this guy who they despise does not have one demonstrable success so that nobody like him will ever, ever try this again.
This is a long-term message to everybody outside Washington, everybody outside the Washington political class, the elites, whatever, you’re not welcome here, and we will damage whatever it takes to make sure none of you ever end up here again. And those of you who voted for this, don’t you ever do this again. Your votes are wasted. You’re not gonna get one thing you want, you’re not gonna get anything, and we’ll be glad for all this destruction to send the message that you don’t get to do this.
RUSH: Right after I just made my point to the last caller and to — let me briefly repeat it. Nancy Pelosi and most of the Democrats have a singular message in all this, and it has nothing to do with the wall or with the money or any of this. We have two years until the — actually less — ’til the next presidential election. And that’s all this is. This is Pelosi and the Democrats swearing that no matter what Trump wants, if it’s gonna make him look good, presidential, if it’s gonna help the Republican Party, it isn’t happening. But there’s more than that. This is really about Nancy Pelosi — I cannot — I’ve tried to describe this numerous times. I’ve tried a bunch of different ways. I cannot, I don’t believe, adequately describe for you how personally despised and resented Donald Trump is and those of you who voted for him.
I mean, folks, there is visceral hatred. Donald Trump being elected president, not just beating Hillary, but just being elected is the equivalent of a killer virus being released in Washington. And they have stop it. They have to kill the virus.That’s Trump and you who voted for him. This was never supposed to happen. The governed are never supposed to have this much influence over what happens in that town. You’re not supposed to have anywhere near this much say over what your government does. You’re not supposed to have much say at all.
You get to vote, but beyond that, (raspberry) you. And Trump brought you with him to Washington. Trump is doing everything he can to keep every promise he made. I cannot tell you how offensive that is to them. I can’t tell you how disruptive it is. I can’t tell you how they are livid about it. And this whole government shutdown and the intransigence that Pelosi has, the unwillingness to even negotiate anything here is purely and simply about making sure that none of this is ever seen as legitimate.
It’s always, if she has her way, gonna be seen as one of the most oddball things that ever happened in American history that was a pure quirk of fate, it was abnormal, it was not supposed happen, and because of that, it’s not going to be legitimized. The previous two years have been all about that, not legitimating President Trump, his agenda, his voters, especially now, ’cause everybody’s racing to get ready for the 2020 presidential election. As far as Pelosi and her side are convinced, it’s all about getting rid of Trump and it’s all about erasing these past two years, it’s about erasing the two years of the campaign that led to Trump. And it’s personal. And it is literally governed by a visceral hate. This is why there is no compromise here. Some of you are saying, “Well, how do you think Trump can win?” I think the longer this goes on, the more people are gonna see this for what it is. The longer it goes on, the greater opportunity for people to finally see the Democrat Party as they are, who they are and so forth. Not a slam dunk.
But there is no way in my book they get away with delegitimizing you and your votes in 2016. There’s no way they get away with essentially saying, “You don’t really count. You count on Election Day if you vote the right way, but other than that we couldn’t care less about you.” The Democrat Party agenda is aimed at undermining everything you believe in. The Democrat Party is championing everybody who isn’t you. Sanctuary cities, open borders, anything that disrupts the foundational structure of this country — and I mean foundational, from the days of the founding — that’s their agenda.
So here’s the tweet from Charles Grassley, senator from Iowa. “Good news for Iowa farmers: USDA will reopen 37 Farm Service Agency offices in Iowa during partial govt shutdown. Seems to me Trump admin trying to help ease burden of shutdown & Pelosi trying to maximize + refusing to negotiate or even show up.”
Exactly! Exactly! I got this tweet during the break, after I had made my original point, but he’s exactly right. Pelosi is trying to maximize the burden on everybody so you’ll not never (sic) do this again. She wants you getting hurt! She wants you suffering! She wants you thinking you’re responsible for this. You elected Trump! This is what happens when you send somebody to Washington they don’t prove of. You deserve to be suffering, damn it, for this act of insolence of yours. It’s bad enough when you elect a traditional Republican like George W. Bush, but this? You’re going to pay.
And Grassley here is exactly right. And it is about exactly that, folks. It’s, “I wish Pelosi would negotiate, we need to put the air traffic controllers back, certainly some –” Pelosi doesn’t care about the air traffic controllers! She doesn’t care! In fact, the more chaos and the more disruption, the bigger the opportunity for her and others like her and her party.
Creating chaos and disruption is a tired old strategy of the Communists and Socialists as they attempt to undermine governments, but it’s a long subject for another day!
More from Rushhere.
Sure hoping and praying the President stays strong this afternoon!
The next time you see a gushing news story where you live about how “new Americans” are causing your city’s economy to blossom, check the study and see if the “Welcoming” gang has factored in the amount of money LEAVING your community! A small fee on Remittances will do it Donald!
Remittances are the dollars, US dollars, leaving the US economy and are the primary reason countries like Mexico, El Salvador, India, countries in Africa (e.g. Somalia!) and so forth want their migrants to get to the US where they can find employment and welfare (and fraud/crime) in order to send money back ‘home.’
I’ll bet you will never find any figure in any glowing economic study written by the likes of Welcoming America and the New American Economyglobalists that shows how much money is leaving your city or state for a foreign country.
The Federation for American Immigration Reformand other immigration restriction groups see those huge outflows as a source of funding for border security and the wall.
From FAIR’sBob Dane,
Legal and illegal migrants sent $53.4 billion in remittances back to Mexico and Central America in 2018. That’s $53.4 billion – with a “B” – and more than double the projected cost of building a border barrier.
Remittances to Mexico alone reached $33.7 billion in 2018, up 21 percent from roughly $27.8 billion in 2016, the World Bank reported.
Remittances to Central America are spiking with a growing inflow of asylum seekers benefiting from U.S. catch-and-release laws. Wire transfers to Central America hit $19.7 billion last year, up from $15.8 billion in 2016. The southbound windfall includes payments to human-trafficking cartels.
With an estimated 83 percent of Mexicans who enter the U.S. illegally sending money home, a surcharge on remittances is one sure way for President Trump to make good on his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall.
For a few cents on the dollar it wouldn’t take long for Mexico to pay for the wall! Dane continues,
At the current (and rising) rate of remittances, a nominal 2 percent surcharge on Mexico-bound funds would raise $674 million for a border wall in the first year. Slap a fee on all foreign remittances — $150 billion last year — and the 2,000-mile barrier is fully paid off within eight years.
See the World Bankstudy. There is big money for global banks in this migration business, while those billions leaving the US are no longer available for circulation in your local economy!
Looking for something to do?
The next time you see any mention in local news about how your city is booming because of “new Americans,” call the reporter, ask him/her for the study the news is based upon and look to see if any mention is made of money leaving your city or state for a third world country. If it’s not there, write a letter to the editor to tell the public that the study is bogus.
And, hey, I will bet there is no mention of costs for the criminal justice system in the glowing economic report either. There might not even be the costs for your local school system!