Portland, Maine Police Department Attacked by Another Ungrateful African

You likely won’t see this story in the legacy media because it doesn’t fit the meme—Black African refugee good, police bad. And, there is a tip in this story with something you might do (assuming you are prepping your family and making your home safe, lambasting your elected officials, and buying your Goya foods)! Thanks … Continue reading Portland, Maine Police Department Attacked by Another Ungrateful African

Lewiston, ME Officials Cautiously Watch the Congolese Shipments Arriving in Portland

And, local citizens like Laura Mae ask important questions, like this one: “We already have homeless vets and homeless people here as it is. Why do we have to help others before our people here?” Yesterday I told you about how 350 illegal aliens from the DR Congo were being sent first to San Antonio, … Continue reading Lewiston, ME Officials Cautiously Watch the Congolese Shipments Arriving in Portland

Perilous Times Ahead? Read American Renaissance to be Better Prepared

Gasp!  I will for sure be blasted for daring to even mention American Renaissance the brainchild of the man some call the devil himself—Jared Taylor. Heck, I’m already a racist hater according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. But, who cares, and you shouldn’t care if you are labeled a racist, xenophobe or phobe of … Continue reading Perilous Times Ahead? Read American Renaissance to be Better Prepared

Marxism in America: Two Authors Explain its Roots and its Spread

Last week you could hardly have missed the news about the controversy swirling around the firing of a Space Force officer who promoted a self-published book about how the US military was succumbing to Marxist methods to root out “extremists” and push the military toward the political Left. From American Military News: Space Force officer … Continue reading Marxism in America: Two Authors Explain its Roots and its Spread