“If this day passes without incident, will they tear down these walls?”
Of course, there was no attack on the Capitol on March 4th and the Warroom’s Raheem Kassam was there and blasted the Republicans for quietly going along with the Democrats’ BS by not demanding a supposed intelligence report that such an attack was planned.
Watch! The Dems will now say it was the show of force that kept the marauders away!
Back to January 6th…..
I don’t have time to go into it, but I want you to have a look at this story from NBCabout a study done of those arrested for being in the Capitol on January 6th.
Most charged in Capitol riot had no connection to extremist groups or one another, report finds
The closest NBC comes to mentioning that there might have been some Leftists in the scrum is after they say that the majority had no involvement in any known network, the “hodgepodge of individuals” had “varied and often conflicting ideologies.”
Many of those arrested were turned in as a result of the FBI’s public outreach, but others were found in this way:
FBI officials have said investigations also used facial recognition software. And a recently filed court document revealed that federal agents used a third method to identify rioters — obtaining lists of all smartphones and other cellular devices at the Capitol that were in use the day of the riot.
The document said investigators then compiled an “exclusion list” of people authorized to be in the building at the time. People whose numbers were tracked but were not on the list would be considered potential suspects, law enforcement officials confirmed Monday.
Just a reminder! CAIR wants to get rid of the use of facial recognition technology:
Capitol Police say they have identified a militia threat to breach the Capitol on March 4
The U.S. Capitol Police said Wednesday that it has uncovered a possible plot by a militia group to breach the Capitol on March 4, the date QAnon conspiracy theorists believe former President Donald Trump will return to power.
In a statement, the Capitol Police said it is “aware and prepared for” any potential threats toward members of Congress or the Capitol complex.
“We have obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot to breach the Capitol by an identified militia group on Thursday, March 4,” the statement read. “We have already made significant security upgrades to include establishing a physical structure and increasing manpower to ensure the protection of Congress, the public and our police officers.”
Only the House went into recess, the Senate will be at work.
Intel bulletin warns of potential for violence at Capitol March 4 and House scraps Thursday session
The U.S. Capitol is the target of a potential plot by a militia group to attack Democratic lawmakers on March 4 and remains a target for domestic violent extremists, according to a new intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security obtained by CBS News.
Nancy’s armed guards.
“As of late February, an unidentified group of militia violent extremists discussed plans to take control of the U.S. Capitol and remove Democratic lawmakers on or about 4 March and discussed aspirational plans to persuade thousands to travel to Washington, DC, to participate,” the bulletin reads.
It also notes that Acting U.S. Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman said militia groups have expressed a desire to blow up the Capitol when lawmakers are attending the President Biden’s first presidential address to a joint session of Congress, which has yet to be scheduled.
Don’t forget, in early January, the FBI warned that there would be “armed” pro-Trump rioters at every state capital in advance of the Inauguration of Biden/Harris and clearly the FBI was spoofed. See what I saidhere.
Meanwhile, not to be outdone by the Trump (ha! ha!) militia, the Antifa kids are going to go all-out worldwide on Saturday, March 6th.
They must be experiencing withdrawal since they haven’t caused much violence in recent months, except for a little bit on the Left Coast where elected officials tolerate them.
Remember Chairman Joe says Antifa is just an idea!
The traditional address to the nation happens in February, so as we flip the calendar to March, inquiring minds are asking when do we see the Joe Show?
The speech often runs two hours long and we wonder if Biden can stand and speak that long.
My guess is that it will not happen and they will blame fears of a domestic terror attack as previewed by the acting head of the Capitol police last week.
In the meantime….
President Trump gave a rousing state of the union address yesterday at CPAC which I am sure most of you witnessed. The big news of course is that he plans to continue his control of the Republican Party and hinted that he is considering a run in 2024.
Heads surely exploded when he uttered this line: “I may even decide to beat them a third time.”
Trump’s ability to speak without pause for hours stands in contrast to the man in the White House that 80 million Americans supposedly elected to lead the free world who can’t seem to go a few minutes without a gaff.
There were some observers who declared that former President Donald Trump‘s speech before CPAC on Sunday was actually a State of the Union address. There is some truth to that. His comments covered the state of the union, the state of unity within the Republican Party and conservatism, and the prospects for the future.
Mr. Trump’s appearance, however, occurred just as the public, media and lawmakers themselves are wondering whether President Biden will make the traditional presidential speech before a joint session of the Congress.
In historical perspective, Mr. Trump gave his first address to Congress on Feb. 28, 2017; former President Barack Obama on Feb. 24, 2009; and former President George W. Bush on Feb. 27, 2001.
So where is the 46th president in all this?
My guess is that Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman is setting up the excuse and blaming it on us, on Trumpsters: No state of the union this year because of the threat of domestic violence.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi advised on Feb. 11 that Mr. Biden would not be making any big speeches until “we pass our COVID relief bill.” The House did that on Saturday.
Other factors, such as the threat of the virus in close quarters, and the security challenge on Capitol Hill, have been cited as a reason for the delay.
“We know that members of the militia groups that were present on Jan. 6 have stated their desires that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to the State of the Union,”Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman told the House Appropriations Committee during an appearance Friday.
That is unheard of for a little blog like mine. However, mystery solved when a friend notified me that Sidney Powell posted the link at her Telegram account. Thanks to whoever brought it to Powell’s attention!
I think Trump’s peaceful patriots are owed an explanation ASAP about what was actually going on at the US Capitol on January 6th. We need an investigation not run by Nancy Pelosi.
The Blaze has this headline in case you missed it:
6 Capitol officers suspended for alleged role in Jan 6 rioting, 29 others under investigation
6 Capitol Police officers have been suspended with pay for their alleged role in the rioting on Jan. 6, and 29 other officers have been placed under investigation.
A department spokesperson told CNN Thursday that officers could face punishment for violating their policies during the rioting .
“Our Office of Professional Responsibility is investigating the actions of 35 police officers from that day. Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman has directed that any member of her department whose behavior is not in keeping with the Department’s Rules of Conduct will face appropriate discipline,” said John Stolnis.
Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio said that one of the suspended officers had taken a selfie with the rioters, while another had worn a “Make America Great Again” hat and helped direct them at the Capitol building.
Four protesters died at the Capitol rioting while one Capitol Police officer died and another two officers committed suicide in the days following the incident. Early reports indicated that the officer, Brian Sicknick, had been died from injuries he suffered from being hit by a fire extinguisher, but that account changed weeks later after more through investigation.
Former chief Steven Sund “…toldNPR he was rejected in his request for backup ahead of the Jan. 6th because of optics concerns.”
“Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Rules committees announced plans for a February 23 joint oversight hearing to examine security failures.”
That should be must-watch TV. Mark your calendars—February 23rd!