Another Rape in Montgomery County, MD, Sanctuary to Illegals

I know you are probably saying this is happening in every sanctuary city, county and state in America, but since I once lived in MoCo, these cases are of great interest.

(See my post from Saturday about two Salvadorans raping a child, here.)

Indeed the police there have notoriously bent over backward to please the multiculturally diverse population including the huge numbers of Central Americans—Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Hondurans—who have migrated there drawn no doubt by the county’s sanctuary status.

Today’s alleged rapist is Honduran, but you wouldn’t know that from the Montgomery County, PD press release.  (Hat tip: Gail.)

Well, at least we have to give the PD credit for posting his pic!

Suspect Arrested for Silver Spring Rape and Attempted Second-Degree Murder of Victim


Detectives from the Montgomery County Police Department – Special Victims Investigations Division (SVID) have arrested and charged Kevin Mendoza, age 26, of the 8500 block of 16th Street in Silver Spring, with the first-degree rape and attempted second-degree murder of an adult female that occurred at an apartment building in Silver Spring.

On August 16 at approximately 11:55 p.m., officers responded to the report of a rape that had just occurred at an apartment building in the 8500 block of 16th Street. Investigation by SVID detectives has determined that the victim was carrying items from her vehicle parked in the parking lot to the apartment building when she noticed a male that appeared to be following her. As she unlocked the door to the building, the male suspect grabbed her from behind and threw her to the floor. The victim attempted to yell and resist but the suspect began to strangle her with his hands. As the victim continued to attempt to escape the suspect struck her multiple times in the face and head with a closed fist. The suspect then raped the victim.

The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment of multiple injuries sustained during the attack. Doctors advised detectives that the severity of the strangulation the victim suffered could have resulted in her death.

Through investigation, Mendoza, who is a former resident of the apartment building in which he committed the rape, was developed as a suspect.

Today, at approximately 10:34 a.m., officers arrested Mendoza on Ross Road in Silver Spring. He was transported to the Central Processing Unit and charged with first-degree rape, attempted second-degree murder, and first-degree assault. Bond information is not available at this time.

[End of press release.]

But get this….

No mention in that press release about Mendoza’s nationality or immigration status. 

So, I had a little look around and guess what!

ICE has lodged a detainer against him—a Honduran illegal alien!

From Fox 5:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officers lodged a detainer with the Montgomery County Detention Center Tuesday on a 26-year-old man who police say violently attacked a woman in Silver Spring last week.


According to ICE, Mendoza is a Honduran National who is unlawfully present in the U.S.

ICE released the following statement on detainers Tuesday:

“Detainers serve as a legally-authorized request, upon which a law enforcement agency may rely, to continue to maintain custody of an alien for up to 48 hours so that ICE may assume custody for removal purposes. Pursuant to ICE policy, all ICE detainers are submitted with an accompanying administrative arrest warrant or warrant of removal depending upon the circumstances of the individual case. “

I’m wondering if the police in this wealthy county adjoining Washington, DC are having any second thoughts about the county’s sanctuary status and their long-held practice of leaving the illegal aliens alone?

Hypocrisy Alert! Marriott Board Chairman Sits on Open Borders Lobbying Group, but Trump Dare Not Put Illegal Aliens in Marriott's Hotels!

This is rich!
I’ve been reporting here and at Refugee Resettlement Watch ( for years before WordPress took it down) that a major lobbying group for more immigration to America—the New American Economy—is telling you to “welcome” the stranger.
But, darn don’t put them in our hotels!
Here, before you read the latest from the do-as-I-say crowd, are the original leaders of the New American Economy.
New American Economy
Although they make it sound like they are taking a principled stand on a political issue you can bet the driving force is that they don’t want to lose business from Lefties who want no one detained (even in a fancy hotel!) and they don’t want their high-end patrons to have to mingle with the riffraff.
Forbes on Wednesday,

Major Hotel Franchises Decline To House Detained Migrants For ICE

Earlier this month the Trump administration announced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would carry out actions to detain undocumented immigrant families. The declaration drew protests from around the country, and one cohort that pushed back notably was the hotel industry, including some massive hotel franchises.

Bill Marriott
As long as I’ve been blogging (12 years) Bill Marriott (net worth 2.7 billion) has been pushing for more cheap migrant and refugee laborers to service his hotel empire.

Marriott, Hilton, Choice Hotels, Best Western, Wyndham, Hyatt, IHG and MGM Resorts***all released statements saying they don’t want their hotels used to detain migrants, according to a report from the Associated Press.

So now who is breaking up families?

Hotels are sometimes used to house detained migrants before they are transported to detention centers or deported to their place of origin, ICE Director Matthew Albence told the AP. Not having them as a resource could lead to the further breakup of families, he added.
“If hotels or other places do not want to allow us to utilize that, they’re almost forcing us into a situation where we’re going to have to take one of the parents and put them in custody and separate them from the rest of their families.”
Hotel giant Marriot, in a statement released July 11, said: “While we have no particular insights into whether the U.S. government is considering the use of hotels to aid in the situation at the border, Marriott has made the decision to decline any requests to use our hotels as detention facilities.”

More here.
***The next time you make a hotel reservation check that list!

90% of Migrants Seeking Asylum in the US Never Show Up for their Court Date

That is the statistic given by the acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security before a hearing in Senator Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary Committee yesterday.

They don’t show up because they know their asylum claim won’t pass the smell test!

border crashers
The third world marches to America.

For the umpteenth time when someone seeks asylum (wants refugee status!) claiming they have a fear of returning to their home country, they must prove that they would be persecuted for one of several reasons—race, religion, political opinion, or because they are a member of a certain (persecuted) group.
(And, they must ask for that asylum in the first safe country they reach!)
The UN and the Open Borders Left want you to think that running from gang violence or seeking a better life are reasons to grant asylum (refugee status); they are not!
So, that is why Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan said in his testimony yesterday to Graham that they suffer from “misaligned asylum standards.”   
Someone (a smuggler or a Lefty immigration lawyer) has told them what to say to border patrol resulting in agents determining that they have a “credible fear” of returning home, but that claim can’t later be substantiated in court, and they know it.
So they disappear into the urban woodwork of America.
Continue reading “90% of Migrants Seeking Asylum in the US Never Show Up for their Court Date”

ICE Cracking Down on "Fake Families"

I chuckled when I saw this news at Newsweek because the phrase “fake families” shows that this Administration gets it!

fleeing family sign
Fake family?

As I’ve been telling you, the Left generally controls the language and their widespread use of the phrase “new Americans” is one such example.
For Open Borders activists, “New Americans” is an all-encompassing way to describe all migrants, whether legal refugees or illegal aliens, meant to erase any differences between them and make the uninformed listener or reader feel warm and welcoming toward all.
Kudos to the Trump team for coining the phrase “fake families” to describe those arriving illegally at our border with a child in tow (someone else’s child in tow!).
By the way,  there were thousands of fake Somali families discovered by the US State Department in 2008 causing the entire family reunification program for Somalis to be closed for years.  See one early post here at RRW.
Continue reading “ICE Cracking Down on "Fake Families"”

Now Mexicans and Others are Coming in Across our Northern Border; it was Just a Matter of Time

Trudeau diversity heart
I told you recently that it’s election year in Canada and if Trudeau is reelected it is only going to get worse for us as he has put out a Canadian welcome mat to the world.
Did you know that Mexicans and Romanians can go to Canada without even a visa! So guess where they are going once in Canada!
Continue reading “Now Mexicans and Others are Coming in Across our Northern Border; it was Just a Matter of Time”