WATCH: “Why Are You Allowing This To Happen,” Trump Supporter Yells At Capitol Police for Standing Around While Protestors Are Storming Capitol (VIDEO)
After you watch this video I want you to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been played on every major news network in the country?
The reason is that this video completely destroys the narrative that all Trump Supporters who went to Washington D.C. on January 6th are violent domestic terrorists.
You will have to go to Gateway Pundit to see the video. I could not find it at Youtube. (Surprise!)
This is a screenshot from the video. Officers stand by in stony silence as the Patriot shouts at them to do something.
See my tag January 6th 2021for all of my posts on that day and its aftermath.
I no longer care about the argument about siphoning votes from the establishment Republicans and thus allowing the Dems to win everything.
Frankly, the Democrats have perfected stealing elections, so Republicans are going to have a very hard time going forward anyway. Does anyone in their right mind think there will be another Bush-like Republican President in the White House again?
I was looking for an opportunity to use this Hogan meme making its way quietly around Maryland. You gotta laugh at ’em! It will drive them crazy!
For decades we have been told we must stick with the Republicans—Republicans like Senator Mitch McConnell and my own Governor and Never-Trumper Larry Hogan (who was the chairman of the National Governors Association)?
We have been told until I want to throw up to stick with the Rs and change the party from within.
No more!
I want to work within a party I feel passionate about.
So I am definitely cheering for the creation of a Patriot Party (or whatever it might be called).
Not that I needed to hear McConnell’s speech to make up my mind, but it surely was the last straw.
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the mob was fed lies and “provoked” by President Trump and other people in a blistering speech on the Senate floor.
Trump Has Discussed Starting a New Political Party
President Trump has talked in recent days with associates about forming a new political party, according to people familiar with the matter, an effort to exert continued influence after he leaves the White House.
Mr. Trump discussed the matter with several aides and other people close to him last week, the people said. The president said he would want to call the new party the “Patriot Party,” the people said.
Mr. Trump has feuded in recent days with several Republican leaders including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), who on Tuesday said Mr. Trump deserved blame for provoking the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. Polls show Mr. Trump retains strong support among rank-and-file GOP voters.
Third parties have typically failed to draw enough support to play a major role in national elections. Any effort to start a new party would likely face intense opposition from Republican party officials, who would chafe at the thought of Mr. Trump peeling off support from GOP candidates. [That is what they always say to keep us in line.—ed]
“Chafe!” They would be raging because frankly the Trump base (which he expanded!) is the base of the Republican Party.
A Trump-led party will kill the Republican Party and I am ready for that! Are you?
The next time you get a fund raising letter from the RNC, or any Republican fundraising campaign for a candidate who turned on us, use the prepaid envelope and drop in one of these.
But, don’t ask to be removed from their list, just do it every time they send you an appeal for money. Add a note if you feel inspired.
P.S. Visit my Facebook page for RRW and see the hundreds of comments backing My Pillow Guyand the effort by the Cancel Culture to destroy his business. Backfiring just as AOC’s attack on Goya Foods backfired.
Because Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, a strong Christian has supported the President, the Left, the Cancel Culture, is trying to destroy his business.
My Pillow CEO says Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl’s, Wayfair are dropping his products
WASHINGTON – My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell – an avid President Donald Trump backer who has repeatedly pressed debunked claims the 2020 election was rigged – said Kohl’s, Bed Bath & Beyond, Wayfairand other retailers are dropping his products.
There is more, but don’t bother even reading it.
See Right Side Broadcasting Network’s interview with Lindell, here at Youtube (while it lasts).
My Pillow is under attack by cancel culture. The bots are busy getting My Pillow removed from retailers nationwide.
Go to and use offer code “RSBN” to support both My Pillow and RSBN- plus save up to 66%! We will NEVER surrender to cancel culture!
Oh, and add Wayfair, Kohl’s, and Bed, Bath & Beyondto your list of companies you will no longer patronize as you peacefully protest with your wallet.
I am heading right over now to shop at My We got a great dog bed there a few months ago!
This post is filed in my new‘Fight Back’ category. The peaceniks of the Left are trying to cancel the word “fight” if you haven’t heard!
As you probably know Simon und Schuster backed out of their contract to publish Senator Josh Hawley’s book about the Tyranny of Big Tech after he stood up for our President.
Hawley wanted election fraud allegations to be thoroughly investigated.
So yesterday we learned from Mollie Hemingway at The Federalistthat Regnery would publish the book in the spring.
Buy a copy, or two, or three to show Hawley you appreciate his bravery. (The website opened slowly for me, so be patient. I am guessing it is because of a rush of orders.)
I debated with myself about whether I should show this image, but decided it was important to make my point about Amazon.
By the way, I checked to see if there was any pre-order at Amazon (yes! I am quitting Amazon, just wanted to check).
And, the only thing I saw about Hawley there for purchase was a coffee mug for $39.
In case you can’t read it, it says: JOSH HAWLEY SUCKS.
Just shows Amazon for what it is!
By the way, since we are told by the speech police that the word “fight” is now verboten, I’ve created a new category here, beginning with this post, that I am calling: Fight Back!
And, will serve only to make those of us who believe that The President is being maligned on purpose by our own government more resolute to continue fighting (oops! I forgot that word–fighting–ist verboten now!).
Why was it left up to Patriots to spread the word. Why didn’t the FBI warn us about who really was planning the armed rallies?
I am still furious, more so now! at the FBI for warning that “ARMED” Trump supporters might storm ALL FIFTY state capitals on Sunday!
“U.S. state capitals gird for pro-Trump armed protests, FBI flags risk of violence”
What kind of shoddy investigative work are they doing that they didn’t figure out that this was a set-up by a small group of anarchists calling themselves the Boogaloo Bois?
I’ll bet there were more mainstream reporters hanging around state capitals waiting to smear Trump patriots then there were demonstrators of any stripe.
One of a couple of demonstrators to show up at Colorado’s Capitol. The scary lady’s sign says “Hold Congress Accountable for Negligence.” Somebody should FOIA state governments and find out what the police show-of-force cost the taxpayers.
USA Today even had a Capitol Protest Tracker! What are these creeps in the media going to do when they don’t have Trump to blame for everything?
A quiet Sunday: Pro-Trump protests largely unrealized at Colorado Capitol, in other states
DENVER — Law enforcement members and journalists outnumbered the few people who showed up to protest at most state capitols across the nation Sunday, including in Colorado.
This is the flyer the Boogaloo Bois created to try to instigate riots. Very scary that the FBI did not see through the ruse to warn us.
Late Sunday morning into Sunday afternoon, the area surrounding the Colorado Capitol building and Denver’s Civic Center Park remained calm.
Chain-link fence panels encircled the building. A handful of Colorado State Patrol troopers, who are regularly tasked with protecting life and property in and around the Colorado Capitol, were on the premises.
While a handful of demonstrators were present in Colorado, few appeared to be there expressly to support President Donald Trump. Some present carried signs decrying the deadly riot that happened at the U.S. Capitol while Congress was certifying election results for Biden on Jan. 6. Most of the demonstrators present left the area just before 3 p.m.
A few states like Michigan and Ohio had large groups show up, some wearing attire or affiliating themselves with the boogaloo movement. But gatherings and protests around the country were largely peaceful and muted from the chaos of Jan. 6.
Meanwhile, check outGateway Pundit (yes you should just check it out every day) and see their report on how the Boogaloo Bois, affiliated with Black Lives Matter are bragging about their infiltration of the pro-Trump rally on January 6th.
Exclusive: ‘Boogaloo Boi’ Leader Who Aligns with Black Lives Matter Boasted About Organizing Armed Insurrection On US Capitol
Contrary to allegations leveled by the political left and their allies in the mainstream media, anti-Trump groups primarily perpetrated insurrection on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Dunn: “I strongly dislike Trump….just as I dislike Biden!”
The Gateway Pundit has obtained archived tweets from Mike Dunn, leader of “Boogaloo Bois,” an anti-government, anti-Trump group whose adherents call for a revolution toppling the federal government.
As rioters roamed the U.S. Capitol, Dunn boasted on Twitter about Boogaloo “fireteams” being employed inside the Capitol building. to taunt “tyrants” like Trump.
Boogaloo Boi “teams have been activated in VA and we currently have 4 fireteams inside capital and 7 more outside,” he tweeted.
A Google search of the Boogaloo movement would lead you to believe the group is comprised of “far right,” “white supremacist” Trump supporters. But, the Boogaloo Bois are actually a far-left group aligned with Black Lives Matter in their disdain for Trump and Republicans.
Endnote: I predict that on January 20th, when Biden/Harris are coronated, they will look like fools surrounded by 30,000 troops and razor wire.
Their administration will begin with images, for the whole world to see, reminiscent of a third world country where elections are bought and sold.
If there is any violence, know that it will be anarchists and revolutionaries like these Antifa/BLM/Boogaloo boys who don’t give a rat’s you-know-what about Biden and Harris.