Sheesh! Just when you thought there might be one major news outlet that had some backbone, along comes this story.
Apparently Newsmax is running scared that Dominion is going to sue them.
Or, maybe they too have voluntarily joined the effort to silence anyone who says a word about the Great 2020 Election Steal.
From Gateway Pundit (which presumably you have added to your daily reading list):
WATCH: Newsmax Host Has Mike Lindell on to Talk About Tech Censorship — Ends Up Censoring Him As Well — Then Storms Out of Studio
Newsmax host Bob Sellers had My Pillow founder Mike Lindell on his show to talk about big tech censorship — then ended up censoring him as well.
The host in the center actually gets up, leaves, and viewers are left with a shot of his empty seat! Fire him!
Lindell was appearing on “American Agenda” to discuss the fact that he and his company were both recently banned from Twitter.
The segment was supposed to be focusing on big tech tyranny and censorship, but Sellers ultimately ended up doing the very thing that his show was attempting to criticize.
As Lindell began to explain why he was silenced on social media — his belief that the election was rigged and that Dominion Voting Machines played a role in it — Sellers promptly jumped in to read a prepared statement about how Newsmax accepts the election results.
After back and forth as Sellers talks over Lindell….
“Can we ask our producers, can we get out of here please?” Sellers says before getting up and walking off air.
Lindell is one brave man. And, apparently efforts by Biden’s supportersto kill his company are not working as patriots are rushing to buy his products.
I’m back to my original wish—that President Trump starts his own media empire and hire the best investigative reporters money can buy.
In the meantime, you can do your bit!
I said yesterday, that all of you must find ways to keep talking! Write a blog, get on any social media you can, write letters to editors, send e-mails to your friends. Do NOT let them make you shut up!
Oh, and don’t forget to buy something directly from the My Pillow Guy!
Have we been the land of the free or has it all been an illusion? Is that why Trump was so hated? Did he try to pull the curtain back and expose the people behind it?
“I promise my fellow Texans and Americans that I will fight against the many unconstitutional and illegal actions that the new administration will take, challenge federal overreach that infringes on Texans’ rights, and serve as a major check against the administration’s lawlessness.”
(Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton)
What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right!
Do you remember how the Socialist Democrats at places like the ACLU and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society et al stopped most of Trump’s efforts to reform immigration and the Refugee Resettlement process (to keep us safe!) and Trump was sued in virtually every effort.
Federal Texas judge halts Biden’s 100-day deportation ban after Paxton challenge
A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily barred the U.S. government from enforcing a 100-day deportation moratorium, an immigration priority of President Joe Biden.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Friday had asked U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, a nominee of former President Donald Trump who took the bench in Corpus Christi last June, to block the Biden administration’s new policy that pauses most deportations for the next 100 days.
“Texas is the FIRST state in the nation to bring a lawsuit against the Biden Admin,” Paxton, a conservative Republican, wrote on Twitter. “AND WE WON. Within 6 days of Biden’s inauguration, Texas has HALTED his illegal deportation freeze. *This* was a seditious left-wing insurrection. And my team and I stopped it.”
….Tipton said the Biden administration and key federal agencies that deal with immigration “do not have discretion to completely disregard” federal code that says “when an alien is ordered removed, the Attorney General shall remove the alien from the United States within a period of 90 days.”
The case appears poised to make its way to the federal appeals courts quickly.
Just so you know, the open borders agitators were pretty ticked-off at the Trump Administration as it got so many illegals/criminals deported in its final days, including on these flights to Africa.
Going home were “Somali, Ethiopian and Kenyan deportees.”
To the Socialist Dems, they are all “asylum seekers” rather than criminals….
Wetold you the other day that the cancel-culture was busy at work and had pressured major retailers to drop My Pillow from its shelves because of Mike Lindell’s support of President Donald Trump.
Fight back!
This is the kind of peaceful protest we all need to be doing more of!
Karyn Turkreports live from the rally to support My Pillow in Boca Raton, Florida where patriots are standing up against Big Tech oligarchs and the left who are trying to cancel Americans.
This is a screenshot. Visit the War Room to see the video.
Turk says the key is for patriotic Americans to unite together. “The left does a very good job of sticking together, we as conservatives need to do the same…and say we’re not going to tolerate this.”
Mike Lindell’s completely American-made business is under attack from the left since he has been an outspoken voice against the fraud that occurred on Nov. 3. Big Tech tyranny has led to My Pillow being dropped from Bed Bath and Beyond, Wayfair, Kohl’s, and Kroger. [Kroger is new to the list since I reported on the mean trick being done to Lindell–ed]
The War Room has contact phone numbers, so go get ’em.
Here is what I did today. I took one of the many 20%-off flyers I get from Bed, Bath and Beyond and sent it back to the company with a note—told them I will never shop there again because of their political views and what they did to Lindell.
By the way, I put my post the other day on my Refugee Resettlement Facebook page and got a great response.See it here. (And, I don’t monitor comments there, so join in!).
“Afrasiabi allegedly sought to influence the American public and American policymakers for the benefit of his employer, the Iranian government, by disguising propaganda as objective policy analysis and expertise.”
(Seth D. DuCharme, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York)
Two days ago the news broke that the US Justice Department had filed charges against a long time Iranian agent working for the Islamic Republic of Iran as a mouthpiece for the Ayotollah since the George W Bush administration and throughout the Obama administration. (Hat tip: Cathy)
He lived in the Boston area and worked with an unnamed Congressman as he built up his ‘credibility’ and became a published writer at The New York Times.
I think we should find out how much influence he had over the likes of Former Secretary of State John Kerry during the Obama give-away to Iran.
Feds arrest nuclear scholar for failing to register as Iranian foreign agent
For more than a decade on print and on TV, he looked the part of an academic expert on U.S.-Iranian relations — but Kaveh Afrasiabi was secretly on the Iranian government’s payroll, the feds said Tuesday.
See below what Afrasiabi says about his 2019 book***
Afrasiabi, 63, a longtime U.S. resident, was charged with conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent for working on behalf of Iran for the past 14 years, federal prosecutors in Brooklyn said.
A writer and scholar, Afrasiabi received a Ph.D. in political science from Boston University and wrote a thesis titled “State and Populism in Iran” under the guidance of famed historian Howard Zinn, according to the bio on his website. The feds say he lives in Watertown, Mass., just outside of Boston.
Afrasiabi’s expertise helped him land TV speaking gigs, and informed his op-ed articles in The New York Times and his books. He was also a visiting professor at Harvard University and University of California-Berkeley.
All the while, say the feds, he was supported by the Iranian government.
Daily News continues….
Wouldn’t you like to know how many Dems were getting advice from the alleged Iranian spy?
As recently as 2020, Afrasiabi provided advice to the Iranian government on how to handle the fallout from the U.S. killing of Gen. Qasem Soleimani.
He suggested the country stop providing information on its nuclear program until the UN condemned the killing, the feds said.
It would “strike fear in the heart of the enemy,” he wrote, according to prosecutors.”
Here is what theJustice Department press statementsays about that last bit, about Trump’s killing of Soleimani and how Afrasiabi was directing how the UN Security Council should act and how a gullible US media should view it.
…. in January 2020, Afrasiabi emailed Iran’s Foreign Minister and Permanent Representative to the United Nations with advice for “retaliation” for the U.S. military airstrike that killed Major General Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Quds Force, the external operations arm of the Iranian government’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, proposing that the Iranian government “end all inspections and end all information on Iran’s nuclear activities pending a [United Nations Security Council] condemnation of [the United States’] illegal crime.”Afrasiabi claimed that such a move would, among other things, “strike fear in the heart of [the] enemy.”
And, see what Daniel Greenfield said at Frontpage magazineabout the charges against Afrasiabi.
Who was the Congressman working with the alleged spy? Dem or Republican we should be told!
***Don’t skip this!
A summary atAmazonof Iranian agent Afrasiabi’s November 2019 book (emphasis is mine):
With the advent of the Trump Administration, relations between Iran and the United States have become increasingly conflictual to the point that a future war between the two countries is a realistic possibility. President Trump has unilaterally withdrawn the US from the historic Iran nuclear accord and has re-imposed the nuclear-related sanctions, which had been removed as a result of that accord. Reflecting a new determined US effort to curb Iran’s hegemonic behavior throughout the Middle East, Trump’s Iran policy has all the markings of a sharp discontinuity in the Iran containment strategy of the previous six US administrations. The regime change policy, spearheaded by a hawkish cabinet with a long history of antipathy toward the Iranian government, has become the most salient feature of US policy toward Iran under President Trump. This turn in US foreign policy has important consequences not just for Iran but also for Iran’s neighbors and prospects of long-term stability in the Persian Gulf and beyond. This book seeks to examine the fluid dynamic of US-Iran relations in the Trump era by providing a social scientific understanding of the pattern of hostility and antagonism between Washington and Tehran and the resulting spiraling conflict that may lead to a disastrous war in the region.
They hated President Trump!
Kind of leaves you wondering what role the Iranian government had in the Great Election Steal of 2020.
And, one last thing! So Iranian agents can teach at Harvard, but Trump aides are barred from teaching there, and a movement is afoot to strip Harvard degrees from anyone who was, or is, loyal to President Donald Trump.